50 % Man. 50% Machine 100 % Orange.
Please Sup Forums he needs to appear in R3
50 % Man. 50% Machine 100 % Orange.
Please Sup Forums he needs to appear in R3
Other urls found in this thread:
>yfw lelouch comes back
>orange is working on his farm with his private loli
>it's a hard, sunny day
>"Working hard like always, eh orange."
>he turns around
>it's lelouch and his fuccboi Zero
>"You really took you're sweet time."
>"Come with me."
>Implying even Loyalty could beat his Orange farmer and loli-loving life
Stroheim clone
I don't think that's a bad thing. There needs to be more Gottwald/Stroheim in this world.
>He was the most loyal of them all at the end
Didn't see that coming at all.
His character chance didn't fell that much convincing. I seriously thought he would have stabbed Lelouch in the back.
He was still based as fuck until the very 'end'
There was a lot of things we didn't see coming in s2.
was it really explained where the orange thing came from?
He did say it was a sign of loyalty, but that doesn't really explain much.
Rolo was the most loyal
Yeah no.
If it was Jeremiah he would never have killed Shirley, or anyone of Lelouch's close ones.
Only problem is that Jeremiah was only loyal to Lelouch by extension of being loyal to Marianne.
I'm guessing Lelouch never brought up the whole part about her still being alive and then killing her personally.
His Picture Drama in the first season already gave enough foreshadowing for that develpment.
roro was egoistic but loyal as fuck
Which was the one flaw which made him such a shitty pawn to have on Lelouch's team.
>implying he wouldn't abandon it all for his lord
You underestimate LOYALTY
This could actually be kind of funny.
Lelouch fighting Anya for the dominance of Jeremiah's loyalty.
The kind of L-triangle I can get behind.
Fuck I forgot how based this guy was
>R3 Episode 3: Jeremiah's Loyalty
CC: So after I have finally cured him from his Sazuku faze now he battles this cute girl for who that gets to order him around... Please god just kill me now.