After rewatching CG, I came to a better realization that this guy will live a life of hell.
>Be still sentient.
>But unable to disobey Zero.
Did he deserve it or would have death been a more fitting end for this guy?
After rewatching CG, I came to a better realization that this guy will live a life of hell.
>Be still sentient.
>But unable to disobey Zero.
Did he deserve it or would have death been a more fitting end for this guy?
He deserves it.
I hated how nice he acted around everyone. Couldn't tell if he saw people as tools or cared about them.
What was up with that
He was more or less the same as lelouch in a way; however, the only difference were their goals.
Dude's gonna find a loophole. We all know it.
Will that be good plot fodder for S3?
No, if he betray zero, they'll just send people dressed as zero to capture him, and he's done for.
Well we did almost got to see that, up until Lelouch geass'd him.
>R3 needs to have him appearing as the right hand of Nunnally.
He already is via Zero.
>Zero is an identity, not a person
>Never told him not to wear his clothes
>Leaves some lying around
>Squeezes into his Zero robe
>Looks in mirror
That may sound silly but that would 100% work as a plotline
R3 story right here people!
>tfw my only hope for S3 is that we get at least one or two episodes that is nothing else other than what the fuck pizza girl and lulu got up to in all this time
they went to italy and learned how to make pizza on their own to save money from pizzajew. :^)
you know? I'm fine with watching that. I'd watch a fucking SoL about their years spent doing nothing in particular.
I think I'm part of the cancer killing anime
He was such a wasted character.
He did kill millions of people, and he didn't fear death so death isn't much of a punishment.
His situation disturbed me too, even if he was an asshole who may have deserved a bad end.
Holy shit, that could actually work.
He was pretty much a blonde Aizen. He really didn't give a shit about anyone but was great at wearing a mask.
>R3 is a mix between Aria and Spice and Wolf where we see Lelouch and CC traveling through the Italian countryside learning how to make top tier pizza, and eventually settling down in Venice
don't use emoticon
WAIT. Didn't the PV have someone posing as Zero?
The Code Geass trainr wreck never ends.
I want at least part of that SoL to be Anya and Jeremiah in the orange orchard doing farmer things.
What did Schnitzel do that was so bad?
>he didn't fear death
[citation needed]
Kill billions of people.
He literally told Lelouch to go ahead and kill him. Instead Lelouch used him.
Billion is stretching it too far, I think.
Prolly just about half a million or so. Given we only take into consideration the events in R2, of which the only time frame shown that schnitzel is actively killing people..
They roleplayed Spice and Wolf
>Prolly just about half a million or so
He nuked the capital city of Britannia, man. As a frame of reference, London has over 8 million inhabitants. And that was just with one button press, let alone all the stuff he did the rest of the series.