Crippled Izetta is cute too.
>Next episode: Finè
What does it mean?
Crippled Izetta is cute too.
>Next episode: Finè
What does it mean?
Izetta will finally call her by name.
>trusting Volgans
Fine will try to hand herself over to Sophie to stop her from destroying Eylstadt and stop Izetta from fighting.
Wan wan
man those boobs must be heavy huh
So the princess who sold Sophie was a Germanian?
>Oh boy, if only we actually did something to protect Livonia or didn't pretend to do anything in the first place
I am not prepared for the tragic ending.
Good. Because it would be a waste of effort since there won't be one.
Why is Sophie so based?
Because she's /het/ and nihilistic.
It's the smugness.
It's pointing to it more and more each week.
How do we entertain this bored witch?
I hope Sophie experience the inquisition over and over again. Filthy homewrecking bitch.
Give her a kissu.
Is there any particular reason that the Germanians barely even tried to keep Izetta secure? They got embarrassed by one measly plane and 8 or 9 infantry.
Liberation soon
What the fuck is Ed doing here?
They know their witch can beat her down at any given moment
She was no longer the focus of the operation, tanks were already gone, like the entire Eylstadt airforce was wiped out in order to save her and it was more like an entire battalion rather than a dozen soldiers.
Also, they maybe let her go in order to kept Sophie around until they "find" her hiding spot.
I really dig this show soundtrack specially a song that played when she was making crystals out of mana of the land, one with some kind of chanting.
I wouldn't call it "barely". They probably didn't know that the awesome Royal Guard was with the soldiers or that the soldiers are even there.
I love the one that played in episode 3 when Izetta was tossing tanks around.
Soundtrack is best thing about this show.
Can't wait for full release.
Jesus I don't know if this is incredibly cute or incredibly stupid. Either way, I want an Izetta gf, preferably with me being an Archdyke too.
Izetta's behavior is beyond obsession at this point.
I fucking hate Sieg. Instead of "Oi girl, tune it down a little, you did your best to protect our country" he gave her a magic stone that will suck her lifeforce in exchange of bypassing her power limitation so she could fight a little longer.
underrated post.
I would agree but it actually quite fitting. She's basically an outcast all her life and the first person that she meets who wasn't afraid of her powers was Fine. Izetta doesn't even have anything worth living for other than being useful to Fine.
Yurishit garbage show to be honest
I guess when you have to choose between Izetta's life being sucked off of your entire country being slaughtered, the decision doesn't look that bad.
Nice post~!
More than anything I'm fucking hyped with Izetta vs Sophie showdown.
Fine is Sophie's daughter.
Finé suddenly turns out to have inherited witch powers.
How mad would you be?
Spying for the Reich.
Don't be too optimistic. Sophie's body will likely break during the fight and that'll be it.
No, Izetta is her granddaughter.
He'll do whatever it takes to win the war user
She's a mindless tool that wants to keep fighting, why not let her?
Because maybe you know your Archdyke will break down if Izetta dies?
Even if she survives, Izetta won't be hanging around Fine for long with Atlanta and Volga breathing down their necks.
After all the magic's sucked up and the war's over they could just pretend Izetta's dead I suppose in some inevitable giant splosion in the final battle. Then the story ends with Fine taking care of Izetta for the rest of her days instead of Izetta carrying all the weight.
>with Atlanta
Might be a problem.
>and Volga
Please don't confuse this chinese cartoon with reality.
Where's the yuri? I think you have some impressive yuri goggles, user.
Thank you Izetta, for being a hot, submissive, and bully-prone witch. I'll fap to your crippled version too.
She's just willing to die for Fine as a friend. I think you're reading too much into this.
What is it with Fine that makes otherwise normal witches go pussy hungry?
My relative of African descent, can't wait for the OST.
>She's just willing to die for Fine as a friend. I think you're reading too much into this.
>as a friend
>reading too much into this
This image is fake. Izetta doesn't wear panties.
That's not how you tickle someone.
This looks like comfy sex.
>She's a mindless tool
Are we really sure that Izetta is not the actual clone?
Sex is always comfy when there's no dick involved.
This guy.
This guy right here.
This guy get it.
This must be so erotic for Izetta being in such a lewd position and feeling the smoothness of Fine's nightgown against her exposed pussy and slightly brushing her clit.
she will get better
Volgans = Russians?
Will she sacrifice herself with the other magic stone?
And why is Clone Sophie getting orders from nazi fem general and not-so-Hitler when she could wipe them out or threaten them to disobey. Nazi Fem General was very nervous in ordering Sophie.
Do the germanies have a counter to sophie? I bet not.
I really hope we see some of the NotBritish forces fighting. Here's hoping to see some NotCromwells or the NotRAF rolling out to help save the day, although I'm half expecting them to give in to NotGermany's demands.
So fake-Hitler is gay confirmed? Is manwhore the Eva Braun in this universe?
Sophie will sacrifice herself, Fine and Izetta adopt the surviving clone baby in her memory.
Why are so many people in these threads so obsessed with homosexuality?
Because this show contains large amounts of yuribait.
I bet you watch porn where it's all about the guy and there's a close-up of his face when he's groaning and ejaculating on the girl's face. You're fall intents and purposes a cuckold.
Let's figure out what they'll name their baby.
Germanians have the medicine to ease Sophie's pain and extend her lifespan. Ginger chick was so nervous because Sophie is so fucking dead inside that any conversation with her is a struggle.
This seems like a really bad idea
>they just stick syllables of their names together
Rude, bro.
So are loyal servants beyond obsession? If the show focused on the royal guards would you say they are obessed with Fine as well? Everything they do is related to her even if they aren't as vocal about it. Their families served her and they are just continuing the 'tradition'.
buy a dog
>Germanians have the medicine to ease Sophie's pain and extend her lifespan
Yeah, but as I said, sophie could easly turn the tide and threaten the Germanies workshop to do her bidding.
The medicine is already being created in a reasonable amount, so she could just intimidate the whole workshop staff and take control.
She will finelly die in some retarded way. Then Izetta shortens her lifespan a shitton in the finale and has only a year left to live in the epilogue. Lastly Sophie destroys herself and all her clones to fuck over germany. Smug man does something gary stu.
Fine is going to escape the bunker and turn herself into the Germans because she is quite the tomboy.
Izetta will use the stone to save her.
>finelly die
Is this a pun?
fine can't die cause she'll need to rule the country
unless the soviets roll in and declare a people's republic
>joke early on that the emperor was a homo and fucking his retainer
>it's actually true
>tomboy episode next week
Hell yeah.
I wasn't ready for this
Incredibly pathetic. A shame the show did practically nothing with her character beyond being Fine obsessed and a weapon. Could have gotten to interesting places if they didn't just make her a generic meek fanservice bait character despite supposedly being a revered figure with self esteem issues.
atlanta rolls and declares a democracy
I've almost forgot that she's such a tomboy! I need some villains to remind me of that.
may actually happen
they'll call her sophie but it happens off screen. it be like "let's call her..." and image fades to black
Since Germania didn't get a revolution, it's possible that 1917 revolution in Moskovia also didn't go as it went IRL. Since it's Volgan Federation, maybe bolsheviks didn't get into power, but instead the White Movement got it's shit together?