which one is the best part?
Other urls found in this thread:
2 Or 7
This one.
>There were people insisting season 4 is the best
7 > 4 > 5 > 8 > 2 > 6 > 3 >1
Old memes incoming
>Jolyne: Bondage
>Hermes: Double penetration
>F.F.: Water sports
Pucci: Anal
3 or 2. Gets too feminine after that. Joseph is the best Jostar, followed by Jotaro
Really? People believe that? Season 4 is the worst, imo, it feels so disconnected compared to 2 and 3 where the MC all stuck together. 4 feels like a bunch of mini side arcs stuck together
Part 8
Why was the part 3 Dio fight so fucking bad?
>fight is built up during the course of the series
>Joseph and Polnareff get knocked out of commission right away
>Jotaro can suddenly fly
>Jotaro can suddenly move while time stopped
>Jotaro can suddenly stop time
>none of this is explained why
Did people seriously enjoyed this "fight"?
Post sad things.
Fuck you
I have no idea, it was terrible
Part 7
only reason im not saying Part 6 is because it drags between the prison escape and the final boss with some REALLY dumb stands/villains
>all these part 5 lads
We /GioGio/ now?
I bet the "favor" Jobin asked the Amputee Rock Human was for one of his teeth, and Jobin is the man who told the kid to give Josuke the envelope.
I wonder what this Rock Human's power is
Jojo 2012>SC Egypt>Diamond>SC first season
Why part 4 anime is so shit?
It is my favourite inmanga but I dont like in anime
7>8 (atm) >5=6>4>2>3>1
5 > 8 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 2 >>>> 9
Part 4, 5 is still the worst despite what contrarians on here like to insist.
To me I just don't think they captured the "weight" of the manga so well and they don't seem to focus on the things I thought were so cool in it. Also, they did that awful KQ redesign.
> 4 = 7 *
I fucked up there
Didn't we already conform with dubs that part 9 was going to be the best part? If dubs then part 9 will have two jojo's that are twins. Jolyne and Giorno will be the twins but they'll have different names and it'll involve the cartel instead of the mafia. Also, it will somehow tie together the two universes.
>it's a 4fag is insecure about his favorite part not being the one episode
El Oh El
>he doesn't know
Do we spill the beans all over him Boss???
>5 first
>2 last
Sorry I haven't read part 8 in a while, didn't Emporio make some weird cameo?
Araki is gonna pull some matrix bullshit i know it
Why are part 5 fags so butthurt when people don't like their part? It's just sad that they believe everyone is picking on them because they choose to like a part that's just kind of shitty compared to the others.
what did she mean by this
Some kid in a baseball outfit showed up and people think he's Emporio
4 is fun. It definitely feels the most casual of all of them and that's not a horrible thing.
The over arcing plot is kinda weak though. Who gives a fuck about one serial killer? Literally every single villain from the past arcs were millions of times more evil and brutal. Other than that though Arc 4 is definitely the easiest to just pick up and enjoy.
best jojo?
best brojo?
>Joseph that high
>Caesar that low
Is the stardust crusaders brojo polnareff or kakyoin
Tama an adorable
who are the brojos in each part?
>4 fags this delusional
You are the only part fags who start up shit. Everyone else mostly respects each other's choice in fav part, but you 4 fags just can't handles someone else saying a different part is better than your precious SoL. Pathetic.
Is there a concise answer to how Jotaro suddenly developed "The World's" ability?
1-Zepp man
2-Salad Bar
3-Cherry Donut
4-Baseball face
5-The 4 man
6-Caytlin Jenner
7-Zepp man 2: Now with more rotations!
8-Stupid hair fucker
best part objectively is 7, best crew is part 5, best ride is latter half of part 6. Part 8 may surpass 7 if the second half goes well.
Same type of stand
araki is a hack
>Caytlin Jenner
Annasui or Hermes?
You are my nigga
Thats the fun part about Caytlin in part 6 no one know who the fuck it is!Annasui
Hey man, you are the one who felt the need to lash out at me, I was only giving the highlights of how I would rank the parts with 4 as the best, 5 at the worst.
I know you want to be a contrarian and love a shitty part but don't get all buttmad when someone else likes a better part and just states the truth about 5 being sub-par.
I don't know who these people are
I was trying to figure it out too
>8-Stupid hair fucker
nigga that could be ANYBODY in part 8
>ANYBODY in part 8
>I was only giving the highlights of how I would rank the parts with 4 as the best, 5 at the worst.
You did this by giving a complete bullshit reason as to why Part 5 is the worst. It's generally agreed upon that Part 5 has a weak villain/protag but the Crew and fights are the best or at least some of the best in the series. I understand not liking a part, but to discredit it by simply saying those who like are just trying to be contrarian is delusional.>I know you want to be a contrarian and love a shitty part but don't get all buttmad when someone else likes a better part and just states the truth about 5 being sub-par.
not an argument.
Diavolo/Doppio is the 3rd best villain though tbqh.
I can give you reasons all day as to why part 5 blows the big one if you really want me to.
I wish I could love part 5 as much as other people claim to, but it really is just not as good as the parts before and after it.
I always thought of poly as the part 3 brojo, he had the best arch of the three or even jojo
why do all jojo fans lust after dio's cock when pucci exists?
the only cock i would consider lusting for is pic related. and thats a maybe
Because DIO is hotter
Why would I lust after Pucci's cock when Wes exists?
Because he's for pure love, not sex
I like him, but I could see why someone would not. Same goes for Gio.
Yeah I fucked the formatting on that post a bit, sorry.
Go ahead.
doppio would never have such a sultry look delet this right now
because wes is just an uglier version of pucci
Part 8, I liked how Araki has handled female characters in this Part compared to the previous parts(specially Part 6).
The Whole Damo Arc was well written, from how Damo outsmarted the Higashikata family, to Hatto beating the shit out of him to Gappy finishing him off.
Reminder that Diavolo:
>dresses doppio in a tiny woman's sweater
>lustfully calls doppio his "cute little doppio"
>makes sultry expressions in his body
spotted the unholy vampire lover
>ywn be the meat inbetween a dio and pucci sandwich
honestly why even live
Joshu best brojo
what was wrong with how he handled them in part 6? i'd say 6-7-8 have his best written female characters by far
why do some jojo fans lust after pucci's cock when speedwagon exists?
literally just a bleached pucci with a shitty hat
>>dresses doppio in a tiny woman's sweater
He is tiny after all
>>lustfully calls doppio his "cute little doppio"
That's just his ASB voice
>>makes sultry expressions in his body
That being said, Doppio is pure
At least he has a good hairline unline that crop circle on ya head boy. Not evene Mikitaka would sleep in that nasty ass hair of yours.
Kakyoin(likes cherries and was punched through by DIO)
Okuyasu has a baseball face
Mista hates the number 4
Anasui went from female to male
Probably Joshu, could be Norisuke or even Josefumi
fuck you wes
>eyes like the ocean
>legs for miles
>13" cock
>unique hair
>2" cock
>widened asshole
>balding in some spots
>looks like a retard
What part 8 characters would you like to see in future fighting games?
I mean, Jolyne's whole "daddy issues" thing was reaaally heavyhanded, even for JoJo, but id still say she's the best female character in the series
I don't understand the hype around speed wagon. Someone explain. Imo he was a bit of a boring character that they used as a excuse for future JoJos to have limitless funding
Kyo Nijimura
Aphex Twins would be pretty cool
Hopefully Joubin will get a decent fight soon so we can have him as well
Parts 8>7=5>3>2>1>4>6
Jojos 2>5>7>8>4>1>3=6
Should Part 8 Kira be a Part 4 Kira costume, a Gappy costume, or his own character like Alt Diego?