How much value do you put into visual direction?
How much value do you put into visual direction?
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about tree fiddy
It's primarily a visual medium. So, like a lot?
None. I'm blind
Has anyone watched the RtN-verse filler episodes? Are they as amusing as the SoL of this movie?
Would you suck my dick?
naruto filler is almost never good
Top 5 TV anime with best direction 2016:
1. Occultic Nine
2. Flip Flappers
3. Mob Psycho
4. Hibike
5. Kiznaiver
And just as you'd expect, all 5 of those series are garbage.
Nothing particularly good, and certainly nothing I'd consider a good show.
Meh year. Only Hibike was good, again.
hibike was fucking awful though.
Does anyone else feel like something being really well-animated if what's happening isn't actually important/interesting is just a waste?
When I see something that I consider meaningless get a ton of attention to detail, I'm not impressed in the slightest. All I end up thinking is "you could've spent this money better".
It's (one of) the reason(s) I haven't watched Hibike Euphonium.
Am I weird for preferring things to only have decent animation most of the time, and then ramp it up a lot when things matter? I feel like it makes things have a far bigger impact when the animation quality suddenly spikes.
Here's an example.
This clip features a fair amount of panning shots and still frames, and even QUALITY Koichi near the end, but I think the contrast between those and the BtD animation at the end only serves to improve the impact BtD has.
Here's another example from the same series.
Rohan's running animation looks cheap and pretty damn bad, but because it's immediately followed by his exaggerated jump and mid-air pose, that didn't bother me. I was just glad they prioritized making the pose look great rather than making the running animation look good.
I can't be the only one to feel this way, can I?
We had the exact thread before
No, everything at all times should be well animated.
>Am I weird for preferring things to only have decent animation most of the time, and then ramp it up a lot when things matter?
I mean, Hibike Euphonium does this. It was always rather restrained for a KyoAni show.
Do the Naruto movies cover the whole story or are they like One Piece where they're just extra-long episodes? I heard the Naruto anime has a lot of stuff removed compared to the manga but I'm not interested enough in the series to read the manga so if I can just watch a dozen movies that'd be great.
the movies have nothing to do with the manga
>I mean, Hibike Euphonium does this. It was always rather restrained for a KyoAni show.
Yeah hibike looks great.
>dark souls image
>jojo video
Opinion discarded
In an ideal world, sure, but I'd still want some scenes to be more visually impressive than others for the sake of impact.
Huh, guess that's what I get for judging it by random clips. Oh well, thanks for the info.
Oh, wow, this is not what I meant when I said I wanted some parts to look better than others.
theres something about yung girls putting instruments in their little mouths