Why does fascism always fail? It must get exhausting defending these losers all the time

Why does fascism always fail? It must get exhausting defending these losers all the time

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Oh thank fucking god.

Because international finsciers have this weird habit of fucking destroying them.

It actually worked because it achieved whatbit set pit to do, Spain for example ended fascism when they just agreed to a democracy.

Communism has never worked ever.

What the fuck are you talking about
It always worked beautifully.

it worked in all these examples, just never lasted

Fascism never fails, in-fact it wins so much that the world has to unite to defeat it.

Just made this real quick. Somebody can Refine it if they want

It came too late to stem the tide of the alliance of the plutocrats and the masses they buy with degenerate capitalist mass production. Throne and altar and Tradition shouldn't have been overthrown in the first place, and wouldn't have been if the bourgeois capitalist class weren't set free to amass fortunes and bribe and indoctrinate for shifts away from the past in all realms.

Fucking Forgot the Pic

>Fascism Fails
It's not so much that fascism fails as much as it is a temporary solution; it's a crisis ideology. This is also why fascism is such a heard ideology to define.

Falangist Spain didn't fall it peacefully transitioned to a modern state once the crisis had passed. Likewise with the Estado Nova and Pinochet's Chile; they served their purposes and they transitioned to the new government their people mostly desired.

But that is the funny thing about fascism, when it does transition it tends to do so gracefully; it's not like the fall of the Eastern block where the economy collapsed like a house with a shoddy foundation.

I really can't say. They were taken down from without, so who knows what they would have looked like in 30 years?

Your MS paint skills are shit.

Portugal was para-Fascist.

Spain wasn't completely Fascist either. The Spanish Falange was only one part of Franco's coalition supporting his rule, along with conservatives and the church.

>war destroys every system
Unless you don't LOSE

What do you expect, an elaborate rebuttal with a fancy font?


Good thread

>Literally takes almost the entire world to surround and invade them to destroy them

But in all honesty, Mussolini was a shit militarist.

because it's fit for hive insects
not for Humans.


This thread made me a national socialist. I just realized that it's succeeded in every country until Americans and British and their kike ruling classes teamed up with the Red Army to invade and destroy it.


By that logic they should give up Communism too. But they won't because it's a disingenuous and consequentialist argument.

>paraphrasing arguments about the USSR from Marx-Leninsts
Maybe horseshoe theory is real

fascism was defeated in war, communism was defeated in peace, and liberalism was defeated in victory

Italy is the only Fascist nation there.

>everybody is retarded because they aren't a libertarian but everybody should be free to do whatever they want

>saging as a downvote
Back to crunchyroll, amigo

It succeeded so damn well, it took the (((global financial elite))) the entire rest of the world united together to take it down

Google "the cold war", "operation condor", "korean war", and "vietnam war" before you return to this thread

I heard this from a culture thug video, who was the original guy that said this?

>The entire fucking world vs 2 fash countries
>Bearly fucking win
>Bitch about nationalism for the next thousand fucking years becuase you're a kike that knows there's not a Goddamn country left on the planet to expell you to.

but only green and blue quadrants are retarded
red aren't, but it's irrelevant, as they're nothing Human
they are what they are though
want it or not, it indeed won't change shit


I'm not a pinochetista, but fascism didn't really fail here. If anything it accomplished its goals.

Because socialism always ends when other peoples money ends.

>other people's money
Google surplus value, capitalism is built on theft from workers

The US tried to defeat communism with liberalism and (((democracy))). Only fascism can stop communism.

>Only fascism can stop communism.
True, becuase communism is nothing but gibmedat fucking niggers.

None of that was real fascism. Real fascism has never been tried.


you're a dumb nigger


I love how the first 3 examples only failed because the entire world banded together to stop them and then only barely lol. It took the advent of nuclear warfare and the combined armies of the entire world to stop Fascism. Imagine if the US tried it with our current firepower and Russia as an ally. It would be unstoppable.


Find the autistic fascist

>Fascism is Capitalism in decay
>Fascist societies in peacetime peacefully transition to capitalist societies

So... fascism is capitalism repairing itself?

>saging with an image

no u

But Nazi Germany was beautiful and prosperous.

If living in prison while getting your country invaded because of your insane ideology counts as beautifully working

Being defeated in war and forced to disband isnt what "failing" means.

Fascists defeated by foreign armies
Commies defeated by starvation and purges

>So... fascism is capitalism repairing itself?
Fascism has nothing to do with capitalism, Sup Forums is retarded.

France should be orange
there indeed were actual leninists (and even stalinists) in socialist governments

>Economic systems employed by governments have nothing to do with forms of government