I absolutely don't understand all the hate this show got.
She's not supposed to be kawaii moe ~uguu type of character.
She's broken, socially inapt animal.
If she was as cute and charming as in manga, would she live a life as it showed?
The director deeply understood that and actually had the balls to choose somewhat ugly girl to play her, while mangaka remained gutless pussy under the editors pressure.
This is one of the best and relistic series of the last two decades, prove me wrong.
I absolutely don't understand all the hate this show got
Other urls found in this thread:
it looks like total ass
even among rotoscoped shows it looks like total ass
and no, she actually was a hot qt in the manga
>she actually was a hot qt in the manga
that's what i'm saying you dumb-dumb
But she's supposed to look like middle schooler.
>even among rotoscoped shows
can you give me other examples?
>talking about anh on a site where 40 years old fatfucks fap to little girls
do you really expect people to understand any shit here?
i dont think so
and she looks like one
I think her physical appearance has little or nothing to do with her isolation. It was her antisocial attitude that brought her there.
Besides, I don't think she's so ugly in the anime.
Also if I recall correctly the mangaka was a staunch supporter of the rotoscoping.
Anyway agree that people flipping their shit at the the art looking bad were ridiculous. I guess this is what should be expected of the audience that swallows the same copy-pasted shows season after season. They get triggered by things they're not used to.
only idolmaster movie is rotoscoped and only partly
So if show/rotoscoping looks like shit It's okay because it is different?
lack of gradient on face. well, that does not make me hate the show but some people's brain would short circuit because of it
>If she was as cute and charming as in manga, would she live a life as it showed?
>The director deeply understood that and actually had the balls to choose somewhat ugly girl to play her
Congratulations OP you're fucking retarded
There's nothing unattractive about the model for the rotoscoping, she looks just as average as the girl does in the manga
It's the art and animation itself that are ugly
and it looks even worse
It looked bad because a lot of the time the characters were really undetailed and out of place against the background and it was really choppy like a slideshow in a lot of places.
did they rotoscope chimpanzees?
>There's nothing unattractive about the model for the rotoscoping
You can say she definetly is not attractive as your typical actress is, especially compared to mc love intererst. And its obvious that she was chosen as such.
>It's the art
Backgrounds are one of the best for series.
Animation was unusual at first but it doesn't matter after first two episodes
There were some flaws in visuals but it'm fucking mad no one even tried to appreciate other aspects of this work
Uhm... no. She was supposed to be cute on the outside and absolutely hideous on the inside. That was one of the most interesting things about her. The difference between her outer appearance and her actual personality.
Call me weird, but I always thought she was attractive, specially without glasses.
And her attitude and perverted nature contributed to her hotness. Every second she was onscreen she oozed primitive animal lust and the promise of hard, violent sex.
Didn't they fix the earlier episodes later anyway?
>this show is great because this character is ugly
Going against the grain is not inherently great. Subverting cliches is not inherently a good choice. Realism doesn't have anything at all to do with quality.
It's not on the level of CG but still shit
Trying to play yourself off as a patrician like that doesn't work.
Also, one of the best ED songs i've i ever heard
It's the fucking milestone for anime, giant influence of which is not understood yet
I liked it, but I don't really want to be associated with faggots like OP.
I didn't hate it because of the rotoscoping. I hated it because of how half-assed the rotoscoping was, the pacing being slow as shit, and that Nakamura was the only interesting character. Even in the manga, Saeki had next to no character until the season wrapped up, and while I won't fault the original source material or the anime for making Kasuga unlikable (since you aren't really supposed to like him anyhow), would it have killed the author to make him a little bit less spineless and dull?
Also, if you're going to employ rotoscoping, get an animations staff full of talented people instead of a Toei Animation-tier studio like Zexcs.
Your sitting in faggots cesspool m8
Doesn't matter, the author specifically didn't want her to be a moe character in the anime and hated the fact that fans had turned her into a cute moe character. Criticize all you want but the anime fulfilled the author's vision of what his series should've been.
>When a studio wants to adapt your work and you bust their balls to make sure that they make the adaption to your exact specifications and then it turns out to be a piece of shit that bombs so badly that the last three volumes don't even make rankings and then flat-out refuse a free copy of the boxset offered by the publishing studio
Second season when
Soundtrack was fucking god-tier though
What do you mean?
The manga is much better.
That's what a plebeian would say.
This is one of my favorite shows, it's a really great show about how far you can push the characters, and though the situation isn't normal, it all plays out as if it was happening in reality. The artstyle is reflective of that, and this show is 9/10 great. I wish there was a season two that brings us to the climax of the story at the festival. I wish the manga had ended there or shortly after.
Manga was good, but biggest disappointment was Nakamura's ending. Just felt so dry compared to everything else. Like, I get it, but it was could have been done better.
I'd sooner the anime's style over the generic moeshit of the manga any day
If the author didn't want her as a cute character then why did he draw her as one?
I like it a lot. If you weren't such a faggot you should know that AnH has got interesting threads with almost no hate unlike this one, which is completely your fault.
Visuals were okay, soundtrack was okay, classroom scene was super well done as well as the most memorable scenes. OP and ED were godly too.
It's overhated but whatever. It seems you didn't learn anything, OP. You seem to care too much about what a bunch of autists think about the show.
Also Nakamura is hot.
accurately portrayed asians are a mistake
Something went wrong with your post, user. Maybe delete it and try again.
I'll never forgive anyone who made this pile of shit. The manga was perfect. It was beautiful. Then we got this fucking shit.
I thought the guy's story was alright. I liked how he thought he was smart and above others for being into books and hated living in his city. At the same time, I didn't care much for the blackmailing and some of the typical anime shenanigans. never bothered with the manga
Where is this from? Google give me nothing.
Because it was fucking pretentious and stupid.
Haven't watched it but AnH is one of my favourite manga, if not my favourite.
Because it looks objectively fucking awful. There'd be a higher chance of me watching it if it was 3D, stop being retarded and asking retarded questions.
Hana and Alice
Stop the presses, 80% of Asian people are actually fucking mogoloids
Whoooooa watch it folks real revolutionary shit here
This, she's edgy, not ugly. MC starts wanting her too.
Then do bother, it's really good. Maybe I'm being subjective but I had a great time reading it and I'm still thinking about it to this day.
the case of hana and alice.
>80% of people are actually fucking mogoloids
One of my favorite series. The uncanny nature of the rotoscoping adds to the series in my opinion.
Music/direction was 10/10
>she's edgy
She's a schizophrenic sociopath.
Why is she allowed to be around people?
Later she's not
Ask the mangaka.
You just don't stop being a sociopath or schizophrenic, treatment could help the latter but that's it.
How about you read the fucking manga? I'll be glad to discuss it with you after you know what the fuck you're talking about.
>while mangaka remained gutless pussy under the editors pressure
>rape, virgin blood running down thighs, attempted child suicide, put all that shit in but don't let me see some ugly bitch
yeah na
What's your point here? She ended up being exactly like that, that's why her and MC never ended up together.
What are you angry about?
>She ended up being exactly like that, that's why her and MC never ended up together.
Yea, exactly.
It's pretty much just a tv show, rather than an anime.
I liked it a lot.
Okay now I get why you're being retarded. When I said "later she's not" I didn't mean "edgy", I meant "not allowed to be around other people". Stop being a retard now.
>When I said "later she's not" I didn't mean "edgy", I meant "not allowed to be around other people".
Oh, okay.
So are you.
Oh Thanks
So you think she was under some sort of treatment in the end? She was certainly doped up.
Music was great.
I agree. I think it gets a lot of hate because it hits too close to home.
>with almost no hate
Nigger you surely jest.
Up to what chapter did the anime cover?
When it was airing it was a shitfest, I'll give you that. A year later wasn't that bad because all the muhfags left the threads.
In fact this thread got it's shit together eventually.
If you want to read the manga then start from the very beginning, don't be a fag. If you're asking just for curiousity then I don't know but it's right at the point when Kasuga offers Nakamura a contract and they start to walk down the path of edgyness.
I've already read it but haven't seen the anime yet so I was curious, thanks though.
I fucking love this show.
>I absolutely don't understand all the hate this show got.
Hate outside of Sup Forums or Hate from here.
>mfw plebs trying to talk about Aku no Hana without analyzing The flowers of evil by Charles Baudelaire.
You're missing so much.
I've honestly just amazon'd the Baudelaire and the bluray. On epidsode 9 this is crazy
Idolmaster was rotosco-
That is some animation.
>covering most of her face
seems about right
>we could have gotten Crazy Rei and repainted her hair blue to make funny pictures
>instead we got this
Has anyone ITT read the manga?
That last chapter gutted me.
I did. Kasuga NTRing that guy was hilarious. And he wasn't even a bad boyfriend.
What's your interpretation of the ending? I have to say I found it a little ambiguous, but beautifully done.
As a contrarian I'd like to defend Aku no Hana, but man is it slow.
The slowness is almost part of its appeal, though even as a fan of the show I acknowledge it's a very niche appeal.
Tokiwa was kind of a bad girlfriend for settling for him while refusing to actually reveal herself to him. But that's all part of being young, I guess.
Sawa clearly had a very pronounced schizotypal disorder, possibly combined with a whole host of other personality disorders. It's just sad. It took her a really long time to receive proper treatment.
>try to make their cartoons more realistically represent the appearance of real people
>It looks like complete fucking horrible ass
kekitus maximus desu. I could've told them that
I definitely got that one, but I was wondering more about Kasuga and the book, and the author's intentions in ending the entire manga with Nakamura's PoV. I do like endings that don't wrap it all up neatly, but I feel like I missed something in there. Maybe I'm just slow.
Free man ! the sea is to thee ever dear !
The sea is thy mirror, thou regardest thy soul
In its mighteous waves that unendingly roll,
And thy spirit is yet not a chasm less drear.
Thou delight'st to plunge deep in thine image down ;
Thou tak'st it with eyes and with arms in embrace,
And at times thine own inward voice would'st efface
With the sound of its savage ungovernable moan.
You are both of you, sombre, secretive and deep :
Oh mortal, thy depths are foraye unexplored,
Oh sea no one knoweth thy dazzling hoard,
You both are so jealous your secrets to keep !
And endless ages have wandered by,
Yet still without pity or mercy you fight,
So mighty in plunder and death your delight :
Oh wrestlers ! so constant in enmity !
I didn't end up watching it but the trailer for Kowabon looked infinitely better than Aku no Potatoes.
I don't think you did. It's just a really sad ending about a young, mentally ill person finally finding some light in her life in the form of another young person sniffing some girl's gym clothes. Of course, that young man eventually becomes totally dependent on her and he becomes absorbed in her mental illness.
It's a shitty rotoscoped dorama. Get over it and read manga.
Thanks for the perspective. I might reread it sometime soon. 's connection also feels like it ties everything together a little. If only part two would actually happen.
I wish there was more porn, the artist made me want to see Nakamura naked