The following should be legal everywhere





Public sex and masturbation.


Over my dead body.

No to pedophilia.

No problem with drugs.

Guns, Hell yeah.

Nuclear weapons not for (you)

Public profanities not in my non-state.

Graffiti only on your property.

Chill with the bottom 5, with the case of pedophilia i just feel the age of consent should be 13. Honestly this wouldent be bad at all.


No to the pedos user. They are a disgrace to the human race.

>Private nukes
Not only should these be legal, they should be given to every adult male to use at their discretion.

>Age of Consent 13
Are you this hard up? There are literally millions of women 18-20.

>Pedophilia.Nudity.Public sex and masturbation.
>i just feel the age of consent should be 13. >Honestly this wouldent be bad at all
>this bait:
As fuck
Go die, & film it for us to

I'm OK with this!

>Raping children is libertarian
Reverse BDSM & child rape, and you've got a pretty good model.

Ayn Rand was a huge fan of the rough sex.

Only if you can shoot a high naked dude masturbating in front of children and then mark the place as a warning.

I'm sure your mother did also not consent to give birth to a retard.


Damn just move to a muslim country, it's all legal there!


Jesus didn't put you in charge, user.

Go cry in a corner.


no, they shouldn't

Drugs [Weed / Molly / DMT / Psychedelics]



̶P̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶ ̶s̶e̶x̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶s̶t̶u̶r̶b̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶.̶

̶G̶r̶a̶ffiti [ Not on Private properties ]

Sure, although I must be able to shoot pedos, nudists and degenerates that make an ill thought out venture onto my private property

Pedophilia is already legal my dude.

Uncross funs and you're good.

Pedophilia is legal in my country. Now we're a nation of soy boys who serve the BWC.

Also the baby meat selling market. It doesnt violate the NAP, if they are the property of mcdonalds there is VIRTUE. Thatll show the statist scum. Hell im Aussie and IM getting tiered of this bait lad.
