What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

Smoked cheese is great and none of the cunts around her seem to realize.

Unpopular side character in a mediocre adaptation.

Smoked cheese.

My dick isnt inside her

Too good a character. If she were a MC she'd steal the show.

Well the show where she is MC is the best comedy anime of all time.

Too genki

Not enough smoked cheese, nyoron.

She has no problems, she's fucking perfect.

Died too soon

Literally too perfect for the plot to accept her as a main character


I keep forgetting that she exists.

dental care

Yeah, pretty much.

No third season

My first and only waifu.

absolutely and completely forgettable

One of the worst things about the prequel trilogy.

Being best girl is a heavy burden


love another girl
girls CANT love girls

Is this true? Is Tsuruya a gay?

Did that ever get finished?



Whats this from

She has no problem, is literallly the best character in the Haruhiverse
>Beautiful in every way. Cute face, big tits, wide hips and soft tights
>So smart she knows that there's something wrong/strange with Haruhi & Co. (it's never shown how much she knows)
>Rich af
>Could kick your sorry ass
>Probably into kinky stuff in bed, She loved to flaunt the maid dress in front of Kyon.

Her fang is too long, looks retarded.

Something about smoked cheese also something about being best girl.


You look retarded


She's pretty forgettable. The only thing I remember about her is her laugh and her tooth.


you mean what the "fuck is wrong with haruhi?" tsuraya just wants to have fun

Being best girl is hard.

She didn't appear often enough.


Why are green-haired girls always the best?

Where did this meme come from?


Is that Japanese for smoked cheese?

Just put that In youtube and you will see newfriend

yes you idiot

Jesus how can someone be this ignorant?

relax user not everyone has been here since 2008. Hell, I bet some people would even see the Mootles version of those 4-komas and have no idea what the hell is going on. Speaking of: does anyone have any of the Nyoro~n strips starring Moot as the cheese which has been smokethed?

Next thing you know someone is going to ask who Lanced Jack and Taiga are.

Her problem was she only showed up like every other episode.