Where were you when Arale BTFO'd power level retards and strength debate faggots in one fell swoop? What a time to be alive, I feel vindicated.
DBS 69
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Super's character is just full of jobber and weakling people with at least have one braincell have seen it from miles a go.
I already believed power levels where shit ever since Popeye.
Face it nothing in Japanese media can pose a challenge to him.
Why does Gohan have a beard?
Super is shit and so are you shitposter.
Arale lost to kid goku, what happened is Super was "lolsorandumb XD" comedy.
Popeye is not canon to both superman and dragonball though, so You cannot make that comparation unlike how arale is canon to Dragon Ball Super.
Super is good now fuck off shitposter
It doesn't matter. Popeye is the ultimate gag character that simply can't be usurped.
It is matter so much and don't be an idiot with your posting.
Popeye will instantly get obliterated with saitama it's not even a contest.
And you're retards that take strength in Dragon Ball seriously.
>lost to kid goku
Missed the point entirely. Go make a power level list for Justice League characters or something.
You idiot, to think make simple comparation betwen same canon character needs to be serious it must be hard to have damaged head.
Power comparisons are fucking stupid in the first place though. Toriyama doesn't care nearly as much as you dumb nerd.
>Saitama will instantly get obliterated with Popeye it's not even a contest.
You powerlevel retards are fucking stupid.
doesn't care doesn't mean it cannot be gauged you fucking idiot.
>filler episode
>power levels existing past frieza
>gag character
You need to stop taking this so seriously.
It's canon character, you idiot.
Arale is dead in the Future Timeline, so Zeno > Gags.
Never said she wasn't a canon character, but its still a filler episode.
What you think the driver's license episode with Goku and Piccolo are canon just because Goku and Piccolo are canon characters?
>Popeye is not canon to Superman
that's filler or not it doesn't affect anything and that thing is not even the source material. So that thing is not even near to be called a same case.
You don't even try to prove that's chapter that's canon to the story.
You can try gauging Dragon Ball Z™ character strength as much as you want as long as you don't mind wasting time.
It's the power level retards that take it seriously, not me. Dragon Ball is supposed to be fun.
lol losing fight with fair and square mean the one winning is the stronger. Your damaged head really severe so you need some randumb idiot thing to post.
It doesn't matter either way you brick shithead.
Filler is filler, doesn't matter if it affects nothing or not.
We already know what Toriyama details as his storyboards for Super, this was not one of them and we won't see the next proper Toriyama thing until January, so everything from the end of Zamasu until now will be filler.
Not really. As Raditz died to two people weaker than him. Vegeta lost to someone weaker than him. Both of which were when power levels were a thing.
It's matter you damaged head idiot. when 2 canon character from the same manga fight it's 1000% matter.
Those thing are not in the same case you idiot because this time everything is fair and square.
how can this be a filler when super is the original source material, idiot.
Just because something is fair and square doesn't mean it automatically matters or isn't filler. By that logic, Future Gohan's death doesn't matter because it wasn't fair and square as it was 2v1, or that Beerus vs. Goku wasn't fair as Goku got help from the other Saiyans in order to even reach SSJG.
As I said, filler is filler. They could have Yamcha vs. Beerus and Yamcha win in a filler, doesn't matter if its fair and square or not, its still filler, it doesn't matter.
Wrong. Toriyama is the original source. Toriyama does the storyboards for both the Super Anime and Super Manga, and allows them a little bit of creative freedom when it comes to certain things. Such as Goku vs. Hit or Goku vs. Trunks.
The things Toriyama storyboards are what is considered canon, anything else is filler. For instance, its called filler because it fills in a gap while they wait for Toriyama so they aren't just putting it on hiatus in the meantime, that is why its called filler.
As I said, the next storyboard to come from Toriyama will be during January at the latest, Jump Festa at the earliest, so in the meantime from the last storyboard, which was Zamasu, everything will be filler.
are you an idiot? If it doesn't on terms of fair and square the result of the fight will be argued not it meant anything to consider it's filler or not you fucking damaged head.
>original source material is the author
> material
You must be an idiot beyond saving.
>It's not filler if Toriyama didn't storyboard it.
This is neanderthal levels of retarded goalpost moving.
Then I guess Gohan is stronger than Vegeta. As Goku was out for the count and Krillin and Yajirobe weren't doing anything, yet Gohan still beat the shit out of Vegeta while in Great Ape. Which by power level arguments is wrong, as Gohan's even in Great Ape was 9,810, while Vegeta was 18,000 in his base form.
Or what about the fair and square fight that was Vegeta vs. Zarbon? Vegeta's canon power level when he first showed up on Namek was 24,000, Zarbon's was 23,000, yet Zarbon still beat his ass the first time, despite Vegeta handing Dodoria his ass just prior to that who had a power level of 22,000. Nominal differences, yet drastically different results despite being fair and square.
Power levels have never mattered. Not in a single instance, even Goku was able to full nelson Raditz despite being far weaker, even Gohan was able to injure Frieza briefly despite being far weaker, his power level even when mad didn't even reach First Form Frieza. Fair and Square and power levels don't matter, especially when it comes to gag characters like Arale.
That is correct, what Toriyama does is what is considered canon, nothing else. He does not have anything to do with the filler episodes.
That is also correct, are you going to say that the movies are canon, such as Cooler? I mean it doesn't affect anything in the end, and the designs were done by Toriyama. Oh, how about GT, he also did designs there, but didn't storyboard anything or come up with anything beyond that.
Toriyama is all that decides canon and again he has nothing to do with the filler episodes, that is all Toei. Is this argument going to continue next week by saying a baseball game is also canon and not obvious filler?
Unlike the movies and GT, Toriyama actually wrote for Super. So certain swaths of Super episodes won't be canon now? Give me a break, Toriyama likely doesn't give a shit and is fine with whatever Toei comes up with.
Which is precisely the point.
The things Toriyama does specifically are to be considered canon, the things Toei comes up with are the filler. ie: Arale, Baseball, Purple Goop Vegeta, etc.
Doesn't matter if Toriyama doesn't care or not, he didn't care about GT either, that still isn't canon. So for the thousandth time, yes, certain parts of Super are to be considered canon, while others are not.
Its very basic, a child could understand this.
IMO, they saved the episode by making Beerus immune to joke characters.
Super is still shit though
>and is fine with whatever Toei comes up with
>constantly has to ask to change certain things pertaining to the anime
>disapproved of its quality
it's been a while since I've been here, but is this Popeye thing a meme now?
>Popeye is the ultimate gag character
The composition, coregraphy and lines are so fucking bad and forced.
Don't bring bugs into this, that's not fair.
That's silver age for you.
>immune to joke characters
Nigga is a victim to the plot and had to take a shit. That's not really immune.
I love how this episode just destoryed the no-fun powerlevel fags
>Toei made an episode about how futile is to set up fight between gag character and "serious" one
>Vegeta says it several times
>MFW when first thing people do is power level thread
>Yamcha is back
I'm SO happy about this. Am I the only one?
it seriously is babbys first intro to toonforce.
They can not comprehend it. It's not even meant to be analyzed.
>this episode is canon
>gt isnt
You should see the youtube comments
>You will never be this autistic
Not canon. Toriyama focuses on/writes major arcs, these filler episodes are something Toei does.
>trash manga
>Ethical questions
There was one autistic kai who went full Sup Forums after getting his ass kicked. Is this one of those dumbfucks who thought The Dark Knight was profound?
What was the point of Goku being a Security Guard at the beginning of the episode?
When does he changes back into his Gi?
Why does he needs a job? Satan gave his family a litteral gorillion dollars.
How has he had 2 children but never kissed his wife? He had a western wedding at the end of Dragon Ball. You have to kiss the bride in those.
I actually like yamcha
Beerus was distracted, if he would have shot Arale she would have been destroyed. He can destroy ghosts and Looney Tunes characters.
>Satan gave his family a litteral gorillion dollars.
Chi-chi spent it
These people need to get gassed.
I'm hoping he'll be really smug.
Why did she spent the money but did not buy a house closer to the city so she can walk to the stores and shool? Hell buy a house closer to Bulma's shits free with her.
Since Sayians eat shitload of food, might be possible
So doctor Gero spent what, several decades making Androids strong as a Super Saiyan however, Arale existed since the times of the original Dragon Ball.
Some scientists are smarter than others.
She probably spent it buying shit for Pan. I think it comes up around episode 15
Just finished this episode and it's probably the most autistic shit I've ever seen from DB. Who unironically thinks this is good? Are you that desperate for Toriyama's cock?
what else can you expect from filthy ningen
>Hell buy a house closer to Bulma's shits free with her.
She doesn't seem like the person to mooch off a friend like that, it would be embarrassing. She's not Pilaf.
And she wants Goku to be a salaryman normalfag so that he's a good role model for the kids. She just keeps forgetting that it's up to Goku and company to regularly save the world and they need to train constantly to be able to do so. GOHAN DO YOUR HOMEWORK
Turtles > Bugs Bunny
Literally worse than Roshi.
I thought she lied about that.
But Gohan has a Job and Satan is the grandfather of Pan. Satan is the richest dude in the world and he hangs around constantly with Pan and the family.
The cash Chichi and Goku recieved WAS FROM SATAN.
Arale is Best Girl
Can you cry harder? No really, I'm genuinely impressed already.
What's your tear level right now? Can you go super whiner god?
Wasn't part of her character development in the Buu ark that she understood that had she not been so pushy Goku would have lived and even trained Goten herself.
What's with super regressing character development?
Saitama x Spinach'd Popeye is a tie.
They both beat beerus.
Chi-chi loved Goku being a fighter for a while. She didn't turn into the bitch she is now until the Androids Saga.
We should've gotten more of West Kaioshin.
hes right, though
No she didn't. In the saiyan saga she hated goku after his fight with Vegeta for risking Gohan and making him fight in the first place.
She didn't even acknowledge him on the battlefield when he couldn't move.
She did train Goten and was rooting for him in the tournament...and cried that he was some kind of delinquent when he went Super Saiyan.
How can she be this stupid when her husband, two sons, and friend's husband and two sons can all do this shit?
She became a huge bitch after she married Goku. Then she got better during the Buu saga.
As if.
She has plot armor.
I really need to master the technique for Instant Hair Dye.
Either the whole Super anime is canon or none of it is. You cant cherrypick the scenes out that you dont like. The anime is its own thing and ahead of the manga so you cant argue with that either.
Speaking of Goten will he ever get an arc? Goku, Vegeta, and future/young Trunks have been hogging the show. Give Goten some attention, please.
What the fuck are you talking about? It's clear Toriyama has nothing to do with these filler episodes. U6 and the Black arc were all from Toriyama's outlines, otherwise Toyotaro would've done them too.
This episode is 100% Toriyama's sense of humor. Go watch the original Dragon Ball it's full of shit like this.
Sorry, I'm not the autistic retard talking about what is canon and not canon in fucking comics.
Goten's just a more well adjusted Kid Goku. What is there TO do with him?
>Sorry, I'm not the autistic retard
That's one of those things that is supposed to be "funny" because it's a very traditional Japanese mother attitude towards dyed hair where it doesn't really make sense to have it.