Why is oboe so adoroboe?
Hibike! Euphonium 2
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She's so beautiful.
Ribbons will never return to the limelight ;_;
My wife Reina is so cute!
Asukafag here to save the day
I love her so much, I'm thinking of learning to play the oboe. Are all oboe girls so pretty? Do they... regularly play each other's instruments? If we switch, it would be an indirect kiss.
Even if I can't manage to exchange Oboes with her, we're playing the same instrument next to each other. It's like an indirect indirect kiss.
Underdog Haruka has arrived!
You have to remember Oboechan is autistic though
Last episode was so fucking good. The show's had its ups and downs plot-wise but I'm feeling really optimistic about the next few episodes.
If only episode 1 to 4 didn't exist and were replaced with band practice and more Kumiko and Reina, I think it would have surpassed S1.
I want more Asuka filler
great taste
>Yuuko and Mizore interact multiple times in S1
>Yuuko and Mizore interact multiple times in S2 lead up to their climax
>Since Yuuko found out Mizore never saw her as a friend in said climax we have still yet to see them interact once.
The whole Mizore subplot is garbage, just forget it ever existed, hell even KyoAni already forgot since she along with Nozomi have become irrelevant background characters again.
Good luck user oboe is really difficult. You have to make your own reeds, too.
Novel 2 is about Mizore and Nozomi. Novel 3 is about other characters. They didn't forget anything, they're just adapting material.
They could've just not adapted novel 2 since it's so detached from the main roster of characters and their drama. Mizore and Nozomi have been completely irrelevant past episode 4. Those first episode honestly felt like filler.
I liked oboe more when she had more severe brain problems.
Feels kinda bad that she just completely dumped ribbons, though. Looks like Asuka was right about her being selfish.
>you will never give reina a toe-curling hand-touch
y live
Asuka right? Who woulda thought
Get it? Because Asuka-senpai is always right
>Yuuko and Mizore interact multiple times in S1
How many times though? I only remember the one time ribbons gave her a hug before they played in the hall, last episode.
There was also the day of the festival. She invited her to go but she refused.
Where's the fist bump, user? You've got to give him that at least.
reina best
I dunno.
I like how Reina was jealous when she asked Kumiko if she was with Shoe.
She's a greedy girl, she wants Kumiko and Taki both at the same time.
You forgot this scene
I wish this thread wasn't so dead
Why is Midori trying to copy Ribbons' ribbons?
Because Alice cosplay is too good
Alice fanart of Ribbons when
Im so into it
Kumiko and Reina are gay incarnate.
Irrelevant. Kumiko is still angry and doesnt give a fuck.
You can start off by getting generic ones from music stores that need adjustment, then when you start taking private lessons your teacher will make them for you.
I want Mizore as my private oboe teacher. Meido outfit is a must.
I'm not excited for the subs being released so late and Sup Forums ruins the damn episode for me
He's back to single handedly solve all of this drama again.
Someone translate now
I want to cum all over her face.
In a month Hibike will be over for good
dont you ever forget whos best girl here
best girl is telling you not to call her two timer autistic
I'll never forget best girl
Is there one for all of the sections?
kuyashi, kuyashi shiniso
yes, she staring at you now asuka senpai
her smile can save a thousand souls
I said it last night and I'll say it again, her smile gives me life
that was a popular budgeted smile, but i was saved by this one.
she's destined to be with kumiko.. or me?
Still a total Asukafag but Reina is maybe 3rd best girl :^)
Gotta go to school now, but first let me remind you why Reina is best girl.
not 2nd? well for me, reina is second to no one. best girl indeed. asuka senpai is my waifu 2. All hail Best girls! All hail the bitches of hibike
I would say 2nd but pic related exists
Have fun at school user
Asukafag but my 2nd would have to be Nozomi then Reina for me
Would Kaori go on a date if I offered lots of sweet potatoes for her
Same Asukafag here, also love Nozomi, it's so hard to rank all these amazing girls
>start a thread with a pic of an already irrelevant character to get more pics of her
To be fair Kumiko wouldn't act this way towards him if she didn't care. She doesn't act this way around ribbons for instance only towards shuu and her sister
God I want to hit Asuka in the face.
Think you'd need them all as a harem desu but Asuka will always be number 1 in my heart
Probably annoyed because they keep waking her up with their moans
There is no circumstance where I disagree with this
shhhh.. best girl is relaxing
She just had some fun with her instrument
Taking a bath with instruments is really a thing?
Holy god Asuka such a beauty user.
Derailing into Asuka thread like last night
Indeed, that was a great thread. So much Asuka to take in.
I'm glad you enjoyed it user ^^
Asuka will make the world spin
One can't ever have enough Asuka
Is our guy going to win in the end?
No he's already got Mamiko
>more loli kumiko
what a pleasant surprise.
N e v e r
Looks comfy
He needs to grow a pair of beans first
I bet Kumiko shat on him again.
Asuka dressed up >
That face
Who's POV is this I wonder?
I miss ribbon, anons. When's she coming back?
looks like some shoe creeping