Keep your idols safe from the blue-haired menace.
Keep your idols safe from the blue-haired menace
>Aoi OP
It's like I'm back in the good old days of you-know-who generals!
Not that this is a general, of course.
The PriPara police, having a blue-haired menace of its own, will catch her!
I want Aoi to sit on my face.
That's not odayaka.
Me too. Though I want just about every idol to sit on my face.
God I love butts.
>no "idle"
You made this completely standalone thread WRONG
Who in Stars could possibly be a match for Ichigo/AoiI/Ran?
This thread seems ok in general but I'm not sure.
Isn't that illegal in some countries?
Aoi is just the best.
I want to generally fuck Ran-chan.
I want to fuck Lala.
I live in the US of A so it's fine for me to love facesitting and butt worship.
Nobody. There hasn't really been a trio with deep constant interactions, I've noticed that Stars in general has been making more of an effort to make every character interact with everyone else instead of segregating them. Even Rola, who only really interacted with Yume for a long while (and with Koharu, but only when she was around Yume), has now had solo interactions with Ako, Mahiru and Lily.
Kokone is just too damn cute. I love her.
Me too dude
Though she did take a bite out of something and didn't immediately scream OISHII, a serious sin for an idol.
I'm glad to see another has awakened to the love of squirrels.
That's clearly Rikka from Doki Doki Precure.
I thought her realizing she was just a locodol was actually really endearing. But I can see how that would be annoying to some.
Mirei no mates.
A lot of people did seem to find her annoying, but I thought she was the just the cutest thing. I wish she had gotten more screentime. ;_;
Squirrels are not cute.
Squirrels are pests.
Yes, squirrels are bests.
Would cats and squirrels get along?
Kokone is the center of my world.
That cat looks so dumb.
>Kokone is the center of my 『world』.
You look dumber.
Ako's just a dork. A lovable dork. She's not dumb.
Both are dependable wives.
Aoi is so hard working!
>"Mahiru t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-taiheeeeeen!"
>why are you here
I love how she just ran through the library yelling that. God she's such a dork and I love her so much for it.
Reminded me of when Sakura did this.
I hope the OP means we're going to get an episode where she takes part in a movie with Tsubasa, I think we're long overdue to actually see Ako's acting as the main focus of an episode.
I had a sneaking suspicion, but now I know for sure that your colors are fucked up.
Now you made me want to test mine.
New Hitoribocchi.
A cat is fine too.
Cute sensei, I want to bully her.
New Hitoribocchi.
Even idols have to take a break.
What's Aoi got to do with weapons, adult requests and yaoi?
T-Two at once?! Also I got a new beam!
D3 user here
Finished my square
I would eat Hinaki's butthole.
Aoi on her way to the front page!
Stealth equipment for stalking.
Rare idol lewds.
63 Ikemen Ran.
Once I get to page 10, /ai/'s be free...
Thanks, it's been too long.
Nice job, user!
Two more squares to go before project 7 is completed. For the next project, do you guys want to keep doing it like we have been or try something a little different? Such as changing up colors, redrawing squares to a completely different character, creating your square out of non traditional materials like food or legos, and being more lenient on the rules to accept Sup Forums or /ai/ related memes? Just let everyone do whatever they want and see how crazy we can make it.
What did you use to color it, user?
We could do color swap idles maybe.
I also like the idea of going wild with the materials we use to fill in our squares, collages, mosaics, whatever. Sounds fun.
The yellow lines on the skirt are colored pencil
Everything else is pastels applied via q-tips
I like the idea of going wild with materials, seems like it could be really fun.
A2 will be up soon, tomorrow if the sun actually decides to come out.
I thought I was doing A2.
csh cm
I want to smooch that cat.
Episode titles past 35 when? I guess one must be the Kaito Lily drama episode.
You are, I just made a typo.
That's a relief.
I'll hopefully have A2 ready by the end of the week, I'm waiting on some supplies.
Why don't you just wait until the episodes air?
I like to have some information ahead of time, makes it fun to look forward to things.
Teach me how to fix my colors senpai.
where do i sign up?
In the back of my van.
>IMPORTANT: Make sure to ask permission to your parents/guardian to join! >Please read the Get Started blog linked in the Slider before making any edit.
Remember to ask you parent/guardian first!
my mom say it's okay
PR's new season is looking good
>Episode 507 - Chibi Birthday Festival!!Part 2: Dark Secrets..
How many here are already registered?
I don't want to see any of you faggots pretending to be a little girl and infiltrating this shit. You could get v&
They're animes. They all have large eyes.
Well, their eyes would be even bigger if they were oldkatsus instead of starkatsus, think about that.
>use eyeliner on your eyelids
>clearly has no eyelids