So.... this is shojo....
So.... this is shojo
So this is shoujo manga... not bad
So... reverse harem? Not surprised. This is the lowest common denominator type stuff no matter the target demographic.
Granted this looks like a parody, but isn't she just the shoujo version of an indecisive harem MC? Why does anyone put up with that?
Whyd you make me read that. Gonna go kill myself
You must be very young. Woman in general addicted to self insert and wish fullfillment story at extreme level light years worse than man addiction to those.
>Sup Forums is perfectly happy to have harems where 500 10/10 waifus fight for one bland dudes cock
>but when they do it in reverse in shoujo it's not OK
Dear god my poor eyes
You got it reverse, woman addiction to this kind of shit has been at extreme level beyond saving.
"Look, look with your special eyes."
Because most of them are pretty shit. There are only a select few I've thoroughly enjoyed and cared about who won. Like pic related.
Best boy won by the way
>Best boy
>Not Hikaru or Kaoru
>Picking the naive blond rich boy
Shit taste
Most reverse harems have alot of rape elements in them
What are you talking about user? Kyoya didn't win
Tell me this is alright
Because she's the bland harem self-insert and is popular for the same reasons.
>How to properly treat a lady
And the girls abuse and beat the shit out of the male MCs in the regular harems
Christ, Nozaki-Kun was right on the money with its parodies.
Does anyone have the one where they lock her in a cage?
>teen girl
>being unable to swim
Why the fuck would you pick those two annoying shits
This user has got taste
this came from the same creator
Complaining about girls liking girl stuff is unprecedented.
I fucking cant
who said I liked harems?
Stay mad faggot
>isn't she just the shoujo version of an indecisive harem MC
Female MC craves dicks. Male MC doesn't even know he has one.
it's cute when a girl is dense and is playing hard to get
not so much when a guy does it
>Ouran Highschool Host Club
No shoujou should be this good
>not so much when a guy does it
Don't girls like that though?
considering shoujo love interest it seems the complete opposite. That guys attract girls by doing the chasing.
Why did you post it you dumb nigger. It was funny seeing the reactions
It is every woman's fantasy to be desired.
Some woman even like the idea to be so desired as to get random men to loose all reason and take her by force.
I was played like a fucking fiddle
Fuck you anons
Fuck you user you supid piece of shit you ruined it
Its not even the rape element, its the wifebeater element that's in them.
to be fair the MC of that series kinda have a reverse harem in her own right and she goes for the worst guy
Is oresama teacher a reverse harem?
It's not really a reverse harem there more like friends. As far a i can recall only one guy outright likes her. The romance is mostly in the background
>Sup Forums is a singular entity
It's cute that you don't actually lurk through anything around here, but there's just as many anons who bitch about how terrible the majority of male-centric harems are.
Get your head out of your ass and lose the persecution complex.
Having shit taste is still having shit taste.
If you want some good Shoujo LAST GAME is damn fine.
>Ten years
My problem is that people are stupid enough to believe it encompasses all shoujo in the exact same way people who don't watch anime say moe has taken hold of the industry.
Not at all, that's why fujos are so prevalent and homo ships are more popular with them than het. They're perfectly happy to distance themselves from the relationship and be a voyeur instead.
Most like it though.
Soumafags BTFO
>persecution complex
Don't use terms you don't understand.
Mafuyu a best.
>So.... this is shojo....
Thank you for reminding me to re-read this
shonen > shoujo
>So.... this is shojo....
I generally don't have a preference, but I can get down with this.
All the best dramas are based on shoujo manga.
I hate the FUNimation logo.
You talking about Amnesia?
It was pretty messed up how the guy who seemed like a bro turned out to be the creepiest
But why? When this shit happens in shoujo it makes the series drag. I mean granted at least many shoujo just set up the endgame pairing from the start, but then feelings start to get in the way and it's just pages and pages of not getting to the point.
Yeah we get it, you're sluts. What a stupid series.
Alpha as fuck.
Being forward is not the same thing as being a rapist. You'd think most guys on here would know the difference.
I'm pretty sure pinning a girl to a wall and groping her would at least count as sexual assault
Was this supposed to be an Oresama Teacher thread?
>Because most of them are pretty shit
>Implying haremshit isn't shit
Not when the guy is attractive
>Warning: This trigger the white knights and beta cucks who wish they could do this to a girl
Yes but apparently girls fantasize about stuff like that (which doesn't mean they actually want to be assaulted in real life).
I don't know what this thread is, but I do know that pic related is from a shoujo manga.
Context is that MC is trying to start a serious relationship with a guy who blackmailed and raped her several times throughout the story. Her rapist is also the schizophrenic brother of her dead ex-boyfriend. What happens next is that they have kinky sex by the side of the road.
Never gets old.
It is now
That guy looks pretty chill, is he really a rapist?
You should be watching
I'm sure most anons have fantasies about anime girls grabbing them and sexually assaulting them, but they don't want that in real life either
>but they don't want that in real life either
If they're anime girls I'm pretty sure they'd be down for it.
Anime girls aren't in real life.
Nana is shit, there exist much better josei
And, "If they're anime girls" is a condition that cannot be true. If it was true, user would be down for rape. Since it has no possibility for truth, the statement is redundant.
I disagree
The romance is not as idealized and is much more realistically portrayed, but all the characters are still annoying insufferable cunts.
I've noticed that every shojo has the same plot
Kill you're self.
Kimi ni Todoke is a lot of fun though?, and there's stuff like "a method to make the world gentle" that simple fantastic.