Can girls love boys?
You may be amazed to here this, but it happens everyday.
Pfff, what are you, some kinda faggot?
It's possible.
>Can girls love
>capable of loving another being
They can develop certain attachment to then if they think said boy has good genetics and/or can give her some sort of security either by being wealthy or having a stable source of income, which is what society calls love.
You would know this if you pay attention to the evolution lesson at natural sciences class.
Something like that.
Why the fuck did you post this again
Get the fuck out or post cute het couples.
Why are you posting an intentionally mistranslated picture again?
Heterosexuality is kind of lame really. The only cool thing about it is that you can get babies.
Fuck off.
Well, women DO love their offspring (most of the times, at least), however, OP was probably talking about romantic love, so your point stands.
no you faggot
I hated kill la kill, but Ryuko designs is just too good, I cant count how many times I have fapped to her.
Fuck off OP we had the same thread yesterday and it turned into cancerous normalfag bullshitting
Is it time?
What an awful series.
>this thread again
Fuck off.
>women DO love their offspring (most of the times, at least)
>can girls love boys?
Where have we come to? What does anything even mean anymore?
Yurifags have been way too uppity lately, they need to be sent back to their reservation
>women DO love their offspring (most of the time)
You had to make sure that I don't get any pity (You)s today right
Nice general.
I love het.
>Well, women DO love their offspring
More than you know.
Not this shit again.
Mods have been deleting "girls can love girls" threads lately, which is retarded really.
Girls can love. Just not anything that doesn't have money status and power attached to it.
This is cutest OTP
>That serene look on Ayaka's face
>That satisfied smile on Honoka's face
This position truly is perfect.
Boys can love. Just not anything that doesn't have big tits and submission tied to it,
The not so strong relationship
Someone's triggered
what the fuck lol
what is the context of this? Is the boyfriend pretending to be abusive or are the characters actually like "he's abusive haha what a guy"?
you can choose 3 for romantic night escapades
There have been many cases where that has been proven wrong. Case and point flat-chested tsun-dere, yan-deres and dominatrix are a popular thing.
the second
I wouldnt know haha
I find this cute, and I one of you faggots now? Fuck...
Delete this post right now
It's not always about money, you know. You ever thought that maybe it could also be due to a good handful of males tending to be more restricted emotion-wise because "muh pride" and not letting themselves be loved?
She's a masochist. He's actually a really chill laid back guy but she gets hot and bothered when he acts mean towards her, so she pushes him to treat her bad.
It's kind of light S&M play.
>Not ThisWillNeverHappenToYou.webm
why do i keep coming to this literal ass end of a website
Of course.
If that were true >no gf wouldn't be a thing. Then there are the horror stories.
It's called humor user, people use it with other because they enjoy it.
I'm into loli femdom so your point is invalid.
I hope you're having a nice day, user.
They love alpha-manlets... I think
Repeating the same stale years-old meme that was maybe funny the first time it was posted is not humor.
Humor is subjective, but I respect your opinion, and agree repeating jokes are annoying. But complaining about it will not really make it stop.
I'm gettin put on a list aren't I
Fuck you if I get v& for this I swear to god
Oh please, if personal experience has taught me anything its the exact opposite
Joy and satisfaction doesn't beat power and pleasure. Power and pleasure beats it every time.
>tfw no gf because i isolate myself and don't bother to talk to anyone even though uglyfucks nowadays manage to get gfs from talking alone
It's the only real kind of love. Everything else is a meme.
Oh hey what a surprise a bunch of normalfags cancer talking about 3DPD garbage in this thread.
Sure buddy talking will definitely do something. Yep. Not that that's one of my primary skills needed for my job when presenting shit on board meetings or anything.
>mfw I'm so perverted that I'm attracted to this sort of thing
I'm beyond hope, I know.
Super lewd
only in your chinese cartoons
user if you'd talk to a girl in the way you talk within a professional setting then there's no wonder why you tfw no gf
When will you faggots realize love isn't special? The only need for love is to reproduce and we're an overpopulated species as it is.
Not saying that it's bad to love and have a gf but Jesus, do you guys ever think of what you can accomplish instead of obsessing over getting a gf?
I dunno user. I just have this instinctive need to devote my life to someone
>Actually thinking women like men who show emotion
These threads always turn into 3D discussion and blogshit. Fuck off stupid incel faggots and normalfags. Take it to /r9k/ or /adv/.
You could always devote your life to your government and join the military.
Yeah yeah user, just don't get so mad you forget that din-din is almost ready, mom made tater tots!
i know rite?
These are just a throwback to ronery threads that were once an Sup Forums staple and were considered an essential part of the board's culture.
I love making fun of people who are obsessed with anime, is that in itself an obsession?
>and we're an overpopulated species as it is.
Haha, what a meme mark.
>actually thinking women like autists with no emotion