
They actually bothered to watch it? Incredible

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck funi for playing games, with the la only screening before nation wide in 2017, absolute shite

The movie is also topping Chinese box offices for now (general ones, not just for animation). So yeah, the industry is paying attention.

Sure it'll be nominated, but there's no way the movie will beat Zootopia and/or Moana.

If it wins the Oscar, it'll probably topple Spirited Away. That's a big if though, there's a lot of competition for it, stuff which is more academy friendly like Kubo or Moana. It'd be fucking funny if an actual anime film lost to an American film that appropriates Japanese myth and symbology though.

Speaking of nationwide, I know it's probably not going to happen but it'd be nice if they showed the movie in theaters without the English dub.

>Keit-Ai will win the Oscar
Did it, dare I say it, find a way?

I see. I guess they would want to see what all the fuss is about and go watch it.

Both of those are trash so we'll see. I don't think the association would let their buddies take the L though.

Went to see it twice, got two of these posters.

I loved it, better than anything else Shinkai has done, including 5 cm/s.

Definitely better than the trash that Pixar, Disney and Laika have been putting out.

Did you fags meme an anime into an oscar?

>Both of those are trash
Critics and viewers generally think otherwise though.

Not yet, but we may.

I also went to go see it recently but not twice. I would love to go a second time though just to see the audience's reaction to several scenes though.

>Critics association=Oscar Win

And unlike Your Name this was actually good.

>umpteenth rehash of a boring Jap folktale that looks like one of their ugly paintings

>Definitely better than the trash that Pixar, Disney and Laika have been putting out.
Your Name was fucking shit. Its just retards like you getting caught up with MUH VISUALS to distract you from the generic as fuck story, plot holes and shitty characters.

Seeing it twice is a neat experience. The melodramatic monologue at the beginning of the film, that's a Shinkai staple at this point, is far better on a second viewing when you know what the characters are actually talking about. An audience reactions are funny. A girl I was sitting near started crying when Mitsuha looks at her hand after she falls over towards the end and that made me start crying too.

>umpteenth Shinkai film about shitty romance

Still gonna lose to Disney's furry bait though.

I hope you faggots realise that too much mainstream western attention is a terrible thing for us all

Was just about to bring this up. An anime film will never win an oscar when the voters are clueless retards who don't even watch it because they assume it's a lame kids' movie.



How is the story generic? What plot holes are there?

Sure, but not everyone and their mother knew of Shinkai's works unlike the Kaguya's tale.

It's not even out in the USA yet. What the fuck


Kimi no na wa is a disaster film about shinto magic posing as a romance film.
>An anime film will never win an oscar when the voters are clueless retards who don't even watch it because they assume it's a lame kids' movie.
See pic.

>Its just retards like you getting caught up with MUH VISUALS to distract you from the generic as fuck story, plot holes and shitty characters.
Sounds just like any of the recent manufactured Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks hits to be honest.

>Liking "obscure chinese fucking thing nobody ever freakin saw"

You know what? I'm glad Oscar caught so much shit from SJW's. They could die for all I care.

>How is the story generic?
Are you fucking for real? Seriously?

You're not answering the question.

The story in Your Name isn't remotely unique or original and there's various aspects of teh story that didn't add up.

Except this is exactly what we want. Anything that pushes jap filmmakers away from western sensibilities is a win.


Oh hey carl, it's been a long time since I've seen you. Thought you'd show up again sometime.

There's a good chance it'll get nominated, but the chance of it winning an Oscar is highly unlikely since the voting committee of the Oscars doesn't take animation seriously.

The committee in charge of nominating the awards for movies know what they're talking about, but the people voting for the movies are mostly hollywood actors, stuntmen, etc.

In other words, most of the people who vote for Best Animated Feature have know knowledge or expertise of animation in the first place.

They have no clue which film to vote for since they didn't even bother watching any of them, so they typically just abstain from voting or say "Fuck it, Disney made a movie again this year so I'll just vote for them."

Meanwhile the Annie Awards are corrupt and are literally paid by Disney to give them more awards.



My only plot issue is that at no point did either of them realise the year was different even though they were using smartphones, watching tv, at school, walking around Tokyo etc

I fucking hate all the attention anime is getting recently form hollywood with this and GiS

Am i the only one worried we are gonna become comics?
And by extension become Sup Forums

It's out for a one week screening in Los Angeles for Oscar season.

Not an argument. You have to actually explain how it's not unique or original and give examples of what aspects of the story didn't add up.

So what's with all that useless space


You're getting hung up over the premise rather than focusing on how the story plays out. Eat shit.

We're fucked. All it's going to take is one panty slip to get a twitter hastag and it's all over.

People still posting Cartoon Brew? You do realize there's more people in the comitee than that mall sampling right?

The spaces are to make it easier and less stressful for you to read the post.

I'm doing you a favor.

You're welcome.

>rather than focusing on how the story plays
Its a romance about two people who don't even meet each other until the end yet we're suppose to care.
No. And if you truly believe the shit you wrote then you're a fucking newfag

It was shown plenty of times that they felt like they were in a dream while in each other's bodies, and they would quickly forget the events of each day, so it's not unreasonable to assume that they never remembered the year.
That said, that is my single biggest problem with the plot too.

You don't get to make a claim and then refuse support that claim in any way whatsoever and expect people to believe your claim.

Sup Forums is the way it is because of the limited amount of shit for tumblr fags to cling to
Sup Forums has the exact same kind of people, but they're all concentrated in Jojo/SnK/etc threads

And we'll never see manga get generally fucked in the way Marvel Comics have been thanks to licensing disputes and MUH CINEMATIC UNIVERSE

>OP watcher is a literal retard
Nothing surprising here.

Yeah you're full of shit
Jesus Christ you're pathetic

I hate to break it to you, but anime is already mainstream. This board in particular has been Sup Forums since 2012, if not earlier. I haven't browsed this place regularly since 2011, I spend most of my time on /jp/ these days. Sup Forums's elitism is largely unwarranted these days, and manifests itself more as contrarianism you see on Sup Forums rather than a genuine passion for the things you enjoy, popular or otherwise.

I still come to Sup Forums occasionally if there's something I'm interested in, like this film which I liked a lot.

Again, that's just the premise, not the actual plot.

Anyone like you can make any movie sound dumb by describing the premise simplistically.

You're not fooling anyone. Fuck off.

>user literally agreeing with you
Dude try and tone down your autism sometime

You haven't given any opinions. You said the movie was generic and full of plot holes and haven't given any supporting argument for this statement whatsoever.

That is the plot you dumbfuck. Why the fuck are you still pretending the plot is complex when its shallow as fuck and you Kimiwafags can't even explain why its good or deserves its praise?

Why can't you explain why it's bad?

You do know that a nice chunk of couples nowadays start as long distance relationships, right? Like, roughly half of them?
But please do keep making yourself look like an idiot.

That's what im worried about.
nothing is sacred in the world anymore, so i worry a lot about anime becoming more and more like videogames, where every game has to pander the majority of casual people

It might sound autistic but that's why i have a hard time discussing stuff i like with anyone other then here on Sup Forums
Or go watch a movie like this one in theater because then people see a lot of people liking it they will go watch it too

Sup Forums is the last place here that doesn't totally suck so i would hate to see it get ruined

>You haven't given any opinions.
>You said the movie was generic and full of plot holes
You're not very smart are you user?

Yeah I figured them forgetting was why but the problem is that even if they did notice and then forgot about it, they couldn't show that in the narrative as it would ruin the twist. This shit always happens with time stories.

Why can't you explain why it's good?

I don't think he's seen the film. He's probably assuming it's a Garden of Words or 5 cm/s rehash, which is what I honestly thought it was going to be going into it.

People are getting tired of capeshit and political correctness killed Star Wars. Hollywood needs a new source to leech IPs from.

Wrong dipshit.

The plot, aka the synopsis, is a detailed description of the movie's screenplay from start to finish. That's the definition.

Your brief description of the movie is just the premise.

You are clearly incorrect.

>This is what Kimiwafags believe
>He's not blindly praising the film
>mainly he hasn't seen it
Great argument


>>He's not blindly praising the film
>>mainly he hasn't seen it
>Great argument
My assumption that you haven't seen it is based on you claiming they don't see each other until the end of the film despite the fact they meet quite early on

Because you obviously haven't even seen the movie and are just going off of brief summaries that you read online, and even if we give our reasons why we believe it's great, you will probably shit on it anyway like the autistic faggot you are.

>greentext and reaction image
Superb argument

Not Zootopia, this is not politically correct.

Just report the idiot, he is clearly shitposting.

>blinded by visuals
>distracted by visuals

>He's not praising the film
>That means he hasn't seen it

Great argument

>mfw Finding Dory will win

Based fucking Oscars not falling for this Your Name is good meme

You're criticizing it using buzzwords and catchphrase criticisms against Shinkai.

You're not fooling anyone. You clearly haven't even seen it.

It's a pretty generic "dude boobs lmao" film. Of course pop culture would eat it right up. Real critics understand the anime features about war and ableism from this year are superior.

Well the other guy did just say that the movie is about two people who don't meet until the end so I can see why other user is calling him out since they already did meet three years earlier.

It's obvious that the first user condensing the plot has not seen the movie or paid very little attention while watching.

It's already too late.

>You clearly haven't even seen it.
>because you're not blindly praising it

>rotten tomatoes

Yeah and BvS deserves its score of 27% am I right?

Did Sup Forums enjoy Yuuki Aoi's performance in this movie?
It had been a while since she starred in a production which required a more subdued approach to acing so I enjoyed it.
The fire warming scene in particular was great.

>31 reviews

>it's a hype for something foreign that coasts on uniqueness to western viewers becomes wholly overrated episode
It's like GITS all over again.

Get off my lawn

>DCasuals are still this mad
Yes it does

Yes, it does.

You might have been missing this for the last decade but anime has already been pandering to otaku. That business model is very unlikely to change.

Moana, Red Turtle, Zootopia, Kubo and Your Name are all more likely than Finding Dory.

The Academy is very quickly losing favour for Pixar, especially when they put out very evident cashgrab sequels. I wouldn't be surprised if it failed to be nominated.

>Both of those are trash
The critics only pick what their kids like, so Pixar/Disney is going to win, like always.

Visually intoxicatingly, but the narrative is hard to engage with, and the musical score trite beyond belief (especially the piano solos)

That's not an opinion, dumbass.

>meanwhile Koe no Katachi

Yamada on suicide watch.

How much of a faggot can you bet to not like TENMON's score? I'd sympathise if you complained about all the RADWIMPS insert songs but come the fuck on.

>keitai is a 5 year old meme


Does anyone else think the way Mitsuha wears her hair ribbon during this point of the film is a Madoka reference?

Given that it comes after realising a significant truth and time travelling?

I don't think I've seen anyone in anime or outside it wear a headband in this way other than Homura.

While watching the movie I couldn't help but keep thinking of Kei-Ai.

I can't think of examples off the top of my head but that certainly isn't the first time I've seen a headband worn in such a way.

>The Academy is very quickly losing favour for Pixar,
Which is why Inside Out won last year?

Holy shit, 1 billion dollars confirmed?