I really fucking hate this cucked sjw country so much...

I really fucking hate this cucked sjw country so much. I'd unironically rather live in le 56% burgerland in a comfy white right wing state like Montana.

the hell does right wing mean, lower taxes for people employing mexicans and shipping jobs overseas?

>I'd unironically rather live in le 56% burgerland

Tamil here in mississauga things are okay

you have to go back pajeet

fuck off we're full

Montana is basically Canada anyway
>frozen hellscape
>shitty rural towns
>rampant obesity

Keep the fuck out.
We're already getting faggotry from California.

Oh fuck yea bud, we'll be coming over after cuckdou imposes Sharia law on us. With our f250s and kraft Dinner.

Bothers me greatly how one of the coolest uniforms in existence is owned by leafs

Clinton sold out American's with nafta not the republicans...
republicans were the "buy american" crowd.

Right wing is many things, why does every one have to fall into some neat label with so many people like you?

We're 80 percent white, you're probably a self loathing nigger. You'll fit right in with the 56%ers. If you where actually Canadian, you'd know this. East = White. Where is everybody in Canada? East.

Montana is full

You mispelled “abbo subhuman” badly

the "buy american" crowd were union fronts, because it was their jobs going away


Back where i just have Canadian citizen

Yeah id be mad if i was living in Russia too

>you'd know this. East = White. Where is everybody in Canada? East.

But continue to vote in parties that support immigration?

We're going to go bankrupt training all those fucking Giraffe turret gunners, but I really think it's worth it.

>80% white

it's 70% white now dumbfuck. Look at the latest census. Canada is literally set to be minority white in 2937.

2037* hurr


Lol you easterners are so full of yourselves... so happy to vote "in our best interests" white thinking that it doesnt matter that things are much different out west.

This is why the wall has to go on the west border of ontario.

not sure about BC, mostly because the chinese might want that for themselves and I doubt we could stop it.

I could give two shits... we all know what the average joe wanted wasnt what either side has been doing for a long time. Clinton was in power when it was passed it.. he has said nothing but good things about it.,, if you want to argue that rep's also pushed it through im not disagreeing with that, your all just horrible.

Trump is the only good president since maybe Kennedy.

trump is a retarded conman and the u.s. is doomed

Could see why you might think he is a con man, it is possible. He certainly isnt retarded.

We will just have to see in 7 years if you yanks get two "worst presidents ever" in a row now wont we?

I’m Swiss citizen, subhuman. I can live where I want comfortably. You on the other hand come from a bloodline of negroids, abbos, gypsies and slaves. Unpleasant to look at, and quite literally untouchable.

Chair I post from is older than the state of Canada

>US sports team named '56ers'

We don't want you, leafnigger!