What you fuckers think about YYH? And also:
>Kuwabara best husbando
What you fuckers think about YYH? And also:
>Kuwabara best husbando
Sup Forums here, we don't talk about good shonen here. Please leave.
Everything about Yusuke's demon heritage was awful. Aside from that it's good but wasted potential. Instead of capitalizing on the spirit detective premise of investigating and handling various cases it settled for the usual shonen affairs. The Dark Tournament goes on way too fucking long, for example.
It's still one of the better battle shonen, but HXH does a better job handling its concepts and exploring its premises even if I actually prefer the core ideas driving YYH.
It's great until Three Kings. Yusuke should have won.
I still haven't watched that show but it seems to suffer from large boring segments. There's a reason why it never debuted on cable in the US.
That final season of YYH was meh. It also had some meh short arcs in the beginning. YYH is definitely one of the best shonen battle anime, but it is not perfect.
No. Kurama is best boy.
>you will never be as handsome or charming as Kurama
You are right.
In the end he couldn't hang with the other main characters. Even in his Inuyasha form he was useless in the final season. He is the yamcha of YYH. And he's a furry to boot. Come on Sup Forums.
>good but wasted potential
>HXH does a better job
Is there a cooler fucking MC out there than yusuke? In shonen at least
Really? Kuwabara literally gets left behind in the three kings arc. Kurama puts in fucking work in Chapter Black, Dark tournament, and the 4 saint beasts. Kuwabara doesn't even kill his saint beast. So Kurama>Kuwabara at the least
It's OK.
Better than the usual shonen dogshit, but still quite mediocre.
>Yusuke is best main nigga
>Kuwabara is best friend nigga
>Kurama is best looking nigga
>Hiei is best power nigga
Better than DBZ, that's for sure.
I actually liked the 3 Kings arc. It more or less wrapped up everything in a very YYH kinda way. Idk what people wanted, another Dark Tournament?
Kurama best boy
What the hell are you even talking about. Kurama has more curb stomps under his belt than any other character.
How different is the 3 kings arc in the anime from the manga?
The anime looks pretty neat, but I don't want to watch however many episodes and then be dissapointed again.
Why did kurama turned into fox(male) when fox(female) was better in every way?
>Idk what people wanted, another Dark Tournament?
I thought that was exactly what it was?
The anime had more big fights and the manga was Togashi obviously tired of YYH so he just made the ending comfy as fuck.
They're pretty similar but i honestly prefer the manga because it felt like ti was going for something a little different than the norm.
Best character coming through.
I went through it after HxH, it was interesting to see how Togashi progressed as a storyteller. Anyone who unironically thinks YYH is better than HxH is blinded by nostalgia though.
So, for someone that hasnt ever seen YYH (besides 1st ch.), should i start with manga or anime?
I've never read a hot opinion like this in my life. Especially with the kind of bullshit that happened in HxH with zombo-clown.
I have a deck of YYH-themed playing cards. The amount of Kurama/Hiei pandering is through the roof.
I want my shopping mall sized demons that I was promised
Weren't there supposed to be layers or some shit and they only went to the top layer? Or was all that conversation filler?
The arc was hyped up so much and the powerlevels didn't match the hype is all I'm saying
Fujos man. Fujos have always been a thing. How else are you going to get the female otaku demographic with a shonen?
I liked the idea that old ass demons that went in solitude, and stay hidden became more powerful because they were clever enough to not attract attention, and banded together with other demons. How a regular ass demon could kick the shit out of Kurama because he is more experianced, and older than him. Not through bullshit power leveling.
This guy knows what's up. My boy Kurama is the most stylish motherfucker in YYH.
Pretty sure the point of Raizens old friends being as powerful as the Kings was to show that the world is a big place and there is always more people to meet and more things to experience and that Yuuske was still young with so much more to do