What separates fascism from totalitarianism and authoritarianism?

What separates fascism from totalitarianism and authoritarianism?

A sense of identity? Methods of governance?

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the definitions

Please explain.
What is the definition of fascism?

Fascism isn't totalitarian in that it doesn't seek to dominate the totality of everything, i.e. the economic decisions you can make.
Private property isn't banned under fascism, people can generally still start businesses and become wealthy, economic decisions aren't made primarily by some central authority planning everything like in authoritarian communism.
Fascism IS authoritarian.

Fascism is authoritarian (generally speaking) and can be totalitarian although it doesn't have to be. When I think of totalitarianism I think of something like Stalin's Russia. Fascism on the other hand molds itself to whatever country it's being applied in. In the United States we could very well see something resembling a "republican" fascism with voting rights being restricted to syndicate leaders and those who have moved up within a given meritocracy instead of the masses.

Fascist is totalitarian, just ask ol' Benny Boy
And there's nothing wrong with it

Yeah but the state is an organic entity. It's not something that "controls you". It's something that you have a hand in, in one form or another. It's a tool for the betterment of man on an individual and collective level.

Sure, if you're a statist bootlicker

Statist is a liberal buzzword. Traditionalists like Evola would be called "statists" by libertarian cucks.

In the best fascist society, everybody would do as they should without any form of violence being threatened against them.

Everything is based on violence in one form or another. Pacifists are delusional.

I'm in. Anything to take power away from these slovenly hordes

Life is fascism.

Fascism is specifically the co-option of left-wing populism/methodology to achieve what are ultimately right-wing goals.

How do people not know this?

the nation-state is the ultimate expression of the will of the people. and there's nothing wrong with that. its ujst that we that small problem of jews infiltrating our societies and ruining it for everybody

Fascism has the ability to be peaceful with separation of religion, separation of people, separation of race while sometimes it may turn violent because of people resisting to do so.

Totalitarianism is the complete takeover from a government and the government controls all aspects of life while also being highly authoritarian.

Authoritarians hold a high respect to law and order and govern with authority

pic unrelated

I agree. Only the best should have voting rights. With that said, the state should work to ensure that every man is the best that his abilities allow him to be.

Which is why I was making a hypothetical, to give example as to what we hold as a core value.

Ah, fair enough.

Yeah they really need to go

Fascist nations tend to be modern "merchant republics" if you use Italy and Japan as references.

Corporate leaders were given seats in those governments, which has both pros and cons.

Ancaps should be happy to learn that Japan noted a 400% economic return from the invasion of Korea.

How come fascist regimes are so bad at producing capable successors?

Spain and Portugal began their more or less painful transitions to democracy pretty much right away when their strong authoritarian leaders died. since there just wasn't anyone to replace them. How could that be avoided?

Fascism is the organization of society around the state, usually through corporativism (all fields of the economy, education, etc organized into corporations which in turn answer to the state).
An authoritarian regime is a regime where dissidence is not allowed but neutrality is (ex: old Chile, the old Iberian Peninsula with Salazar/Franco or current Saudi Arabia).
A totalitarian regime not only punishes dissidence but it also imposes active support of the regime by everyone. Its also more left-leaning and private property is much less respected or simply abolished (ex: nazi germany, USSR, NK).

fascism works

Fascism can be both authoritarian or totalitarian. Its also autocratic by nature (power rests on one person).

system of identity and the value thereof.
see also: romantic nationalism

The same way a monarchy can have a shit heir, also can all autocracies have trouble finding someone who is both competent and loyal, even if its not a direct descendant.
They usually fade away with time. NK only persists because of both China's and russian support (those nukes didnt built by themselves).

>its also autocratic by nature

I don't know if I'd quite say that, most governments have some kind of committee or cabinet where issues are discussed. It's not a monarchy ya know

You've got that wrong. We're going to be the ones in the woods. We don't like the current government either. After we win, than we can talk about fighting each other.

They do, but in most cases their power pales compared to the leader. Also its members are usually hand picked by him or, if not, replaced/murdered/black bagged.

Cultural Neomythicism, Revolutionary Palingensis, and a purpose for progressing the nation beyond.

The difference is, that at least in theory, fascism should be a meritocratic system. On the other hand, the people leading it's institutions are just people, even in fascism. System can't escape the traps of corruption, greed and nepotism even if the single leader at the top could.

Thats a lie. If the leader has to pick between loyalty and merit, the one worth the merit is never picked if theres suspicion of possible opposition.
You need to place yourself into the leaders skin.

Well, its the exact same thing with democratic systems. Difference is that democratic regimes are accountable.
Its not by chance that Trump has CEO's in the cabinet and his family into positions of power.