Can anyone share their advanced SVP config for Chinese cartoons??
Just got it and mi trying to experiment but im getting pic related at the interpolation with these settingsCan anyone share their advanced SVP config for Chinese cartoons??
Just got it and mi trying to experiment but im getting pic related at the interpolation with these settings
It fucks up almost all anime just look how the outline in Megumin's hat wobbles all over the place as it was made out of jelly and the bandages on her leg keep blinking in and out of existence
Logan Fisher
still waiting for a battlestation powerful enough to do waifu2x and 60fps at once
Christian Evans
it's retarded and used by people who don't actually understand animation
Julian Murphy
so whats the Sup Forums standard then?
Zachary Kelly
What if I don't see anything wrong with that video and wouldn't mind watching other anime this way?
Justin Nguyen
mpc-hc + madvr + reClock
Jeremiah Cox
Then youare eiter blind, retarded, or just baiting
Xavier Morris
inst.. that exactly what SVP uses...??
besides the leg bandages that are barely noticeable, i honestly think most of the animation was improved by the interpolation, dont you think you are being a little to extreme?
Matthew Davis
Don't use that shit
Kayden Clark
>inst.. that exactly what SVP uses...?? What?
Jaxson Hill
The bandages are so obvious that a legally blind people would notice, and the outline wobble is so common in SVP interpolated anime that you start to notice it everywhere.
Also, any show that uses is animated on twos and uses blended frames or montion blur to hide it becomes completely unwatchable when interpolated
Tyler Harris
Not OP, but nobody has actually provided an alternative to SVP or stated any logical arguments for why it's bad except for and that barely counts.
Daniel Rodriguez
what do you use?
Jonathan Ramirez
There is no alternative to SVP because montion interpolation sucks ass, if you want to get rid of judder and jerky pans the best option is
John Richardson
madVR's smooth motion and reClock, it gets rid of the judder and doesn't inteoduce interpolation artifacts
Samuel Peterson
Problems solved. Thank you senpai
Easton Watson
>logical arguments for why it's bad most chinese cartoons are animated at 8 pictures per second. trying to turn that into 60fps means 86% of the frames you're seeing were pulled out of your ass.
Jaxson Evans
so you are just using Kawaii Codec Pack?
Kevin Edwards
Dunno, I used the standard Sup Forums MPC setup before they packaged it on a single installer for the technologically impaired.
Also, last time I heard, KCP hadn't been updated in ages
Yeah I know it's >reddit but it sums pretty well why motion interpolation sucks balls for animation and specially for anime
Carson White
so when is 1440p/4k becoming the streaming standard?
Kevin Lee
When murricans get half-decent internet infrastructure
So basically never
Gabriel Williams
For anime, when Japan starts relying on streaming more.
Hunter Long
Never, because japs are struggling to produce anime even at 720p
Anthony Williams
dude all the comments of that link praise SVP
Adam Myers
>fanbois vote brigading on leddit make it good
Justin Sullivan The majority of the fast moving action sequences look blurry as fuck in 60 fps because that's what bad interpolation does. It's almost as bad as watching a Michael Bay's Transformers fight where you eyes can't track shit. There's no point in sacrificing visibility.
Few studios have a 1080p workflow and you want 4k? Why?
Jason Lopez
B-but it looks so smooooth
Kayden James
I like watching the occasional well-done 60fps video, it can look nice. Watching it all in 60fps is a no-go for me though.
--- the main difference can be spotted during the panning scenes (right to left, up to down etc...), during the scenes where the "camera" vibrates like when there are explosions, during zoom-ins and zoom-outs. ---
some "animes" like kil la kill benefit that abuse these digital movements, benefit a lot by interpolation, im testing it right now and i looks gorgeous
Ryan Thompson
>Doesn't use VLC >Fell for the memes and redd/a/t
Sebastian Edwards
that was pretty good, i believe you are right watching everything at 60fps its raising the bar to high and making it harder to lower the standards afterwards, even current interpolation techniques are an illusion