Best fusion boi, probe me wrong
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
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Anyone have the GX episode guide?
youre not wrong
Is it that time again?
>probe me
Nice fucking Freudian slip, OP.
>probe me wrong
This is the only image I have in my folders that's even remotely close to Sora being probed wrongly.
He's cuter with Judai. Bet Sho's jealous.
>we finally got rid of the Judai OP
he makes everything automatically 10x better
I miss speaking
News on the 6th series,when ?
I wish 227 would return.
So Sora definitely ran Maldolches at some point, right?
>there will never be a Standard SoL series with Sora, Yuya, Yuzu, The Man, and Shingo
Why live?
>implying a member of the glorious Fusion master race would even touch Xyz scum cards
you know
Is there even a sauce for the image in that vid? Reverse image search has given me no luck.
We Sorafags now?
I much prefer that Sora.
where is christmas user?
in your hearto
>running a pure Xyz turbo deck
you fucking WOT?
Where are the Zarc lewds at lads
here is Zarc viciously fucking over the yuus
that's just....that's just MEAN.
>get my own art as a response
Are you telling me to do it myself?
the japs aint gunna do it
>exactly 19 chicken nuggets
Gets me every time.
Christmas SOON.
>tfw they will never bring out more Madolche support.
>We will never get the King synchro and Prince tuner
At the very least Yuri deserved that.
he's just bein a qt
>Denying a young Yuu of exactly 19 McNuggets
Go away Zarc.
fuck I wish I'd found this earlier, I watched the entire first 2 seasons. I'm on episode 137 atm.
There's also ones for 5D's & ZEXAL if you want them.
>all those chapters
i feel bad 4 u
Please post them
I just love reading infographics for some autistic reason
sure I'll have a look, I wasn't planning on watching past GX but it'll be nice to have them around just in case.
Why do I still watch this show. Why does anybody still watch this show?
To be honest I didn't like the first 64 episodes either.
Because it's like someone activated Final Countdown and it's currently Turn 18.
Has anyone made an arc-v one?
Someone once said they are keeping a count of the episodes and was going to construct one after it ends, so probably around April.
Watch: 1-18.
Skip: 19-20.
Watch: 21-51
I don't. I'm here for lewd pictures of fruit.
Yes, but it was shit so we ignored it.
What if Yuya's EMs were all little girls instead?
Those don't even look like girls.
>what if manga
we have that, don't we?
I hope we get some awesome jump festa news soon, thought we might get some later today but i could be mistaken. Is jump festa starting in japan today?
what is bennis doing there :DDD
Who's this?
Some dude with lipstick
Am I the only one who noticed how big his dick is?
He's a pretty big dick, but Yuri's an even bigger dick.
Are there new fluffals cards?
This is the latest Fluffal monster.
Well, guys?
>exactly 19 nuggets
Yeah that's Yuri
Get that shit outta here.
Yuzu counterpart deck always the counter to yuya counterpart deck.
Wind witch win against speedroid
Lyrical luscinia win against Phantom Knight
Luna light win against Predator Plant
>being this delusional
Wind Witches need Speedroids to even function, user.
Konami HATES synchro!!
well yuya always lose to yuzu
>yfw Crystrons were made to be trash and Zoodiacs made to be degenerate
buy black cards
i think yuya said he never defeated yuzu or something like that
That was Yugo and Rin.
Forever the best Fusion boy. ;_;
How do LLs beat PKs?
They don't. Phantom Knights have like 5 different in-archetype ways to stop direct attacks.
The problem I have with this official artwork is that Rin and Yugo are CLEARLY in Tops right now, and this scene must take place before Yuri showed up. How is it that Yugo and Rin are able to be in Tops without getting arrested? Could it be they were meant to be Tops from the start?
If you try Lyrical Luscinia deck, it has ability to immune from destruction and being untargeted which hinder phantom knight skill. LL attack directly even your PK deck try to stop the direct attack.
Who does "that one guy" refer to
We ded yet, guys?
We need more art like that. Or at least one with Ray and the loliruris.
If the new MC is a...
Arc-V's hopes and dreams breaks entirely. Maybe three months from now people give the new series a try
We join Code Geass and Dragon Ball
Hopes and dreams restored until we realize that means Ono is still the director
Trolling is all we have left
I hope the new MC is such a fuccboi no one can tell what the gender is and the guy in charge of the sixth Yugioh is ambiguous about the gender
How about the new MC is a Gary Stu without feelings? Oh wait we already got that with Yusei