the world may not have been perfect before his arrival, but it was fucking 10000 million time better

he created the racism and division in america and because of this we are heading toward catastrophe and we are probably in the end time

fuck this divider in chief




also thanks American fucking burgers for electing this nigger

you bring down the rest of the world with u now

He’s got a great smile tho

I’m still very proud I voted for Obama and Hillary. Fuck Donald Trump. He is the real divider in chief.

Didn't he grow up in Indonesia?? Split the blame yella boy.

If not troll, you are a faggot


The unfortunate truth is niggers reach higher than they are capable of now because of him. This is what caused the race issues, niggers thinking they are our equal and that they can do white people things.

No I am not a troll. I am a trans woman so I guess you could call me a faggot.

still slightly surreal to think that this guy was actually president.

African-Americans are our equals. We made great strides in the struggle for equality during the Obama presidency.

Way more surreal that Drumpf is president.

Articulate as a muthafugga too, for a nigger dat is.

He’d make a good slave.

nah I disagree. Trump just fits the role of clown-nation emperor perfectly. Obama is just a nerdy ass nigger. It's bizarre.

Trump isn't slandering his political opponents as "nazis" or anything else. He exposed the very real fake/biased news and is beginning to dismantle corruption and your precious child rapists/murderers in DC.
The man is a blessing.

Can you compete with Mobama?

wew lad

He's half white, guess where he got his speaking manners from?

It was all your hatred that brought him about in the first place you need to be angry with yourself first and foremost at this stage of your Obama syndrome.

literal CIA plant

your probably gen-Z who doesn't actually know what the world was like before obummer

No, we took what equality we had and threw it out the window. They are now a protected race and are really pushing hatred of blacks further than any other time in recent history.

Thanks Obama for Obamacare. you selfish prick

That helped some welfare recipients get better healthcare. You know what I got? A $600 fine for not being able to afford healthcare.

At least we can take some comfort in the fact that it was a black man who ruined the world.

Too bad he is mulatto.

Poland is right

fitting really. only the tragic mulatto rage could have done this

I'll be entirely host I forgot your nation even existed. But its nice to know that while we don't think of you; you still can't stop thinking of us.

but yes; fuck king kfc.

>>too tired to even brain

not poland