Fate series now popular enough that it gets random mentions in English news channels
Fate series now popular enough that it gets random mentions in English news channels
Fate is normalfags garbage.
How does an ero visual novel become so big?
Too bad its magnum opus is a VN with an awful eroge tie-in (since japs won't buy fucking ANYTHING unless there is shitty porn in it.)
Fate is a quality patrician series. Deal with it.
Did you type that with a straight face? I know I couldn't if I wear you.
Fate seems like one of those things I would've really thought was badass when I was 13, but now as an adult I just can't take it seriously or overlook the transparent and cringe inducing writing. Rumor has it Nasu wrote that crap when he was a teenager, and I don't disbelieve it.
Fate works best as an otome franchise.
It's like you didn't play fate/stay night or something
So it is fuel by nostalgia and people with shit taste at this point?
People with shit taste can't into Fate, so no.
>It's like you didn't play fate/stay night or something
Sup Forums fucking talked me into it. That is EXACTLY from where I'm making this assessment.
>When is this gonna get gud?
NEVER. IT NEVER GETS GOOD. It stays a porn novel for teenagers until the last fucking line. This is gonna drive you nuts, but Urobuchi is 10x the writer that Nasu is, and Fate/Zero is the pinnacle of the franchise, and will never be matched, as evidenced by the immense disappointment that was UFO's UBW
>inb4 BAIT BAIT BAIT.jpg
I'm not joking, I'm not trying to get a rise out of you. I WANTED to like Fate. I really did. But it's just not good, and never was.
>there will never be Fate route by Ufo with original story by Urobuchi.jpg
Maybe if the loli had a route, I could look the other way when it comes to all the other garbage but the worm slut takes up that route which cinches it as trash.
In other words, it is Pokemon.
>Did you type that with a straight face? I know I couldn't if I wear you
>I know I couldn't if I wear you
>wear you
Buffalo Bill-kun, please. Let's not make this weird
What an amazing comparison. It works too, I never thought of it like that.
It took me several minutes to understand that you were making a joke based on the typo.
Don't you know, that's socially unacceptable here.
>posting 3d on Sup Forums
>this reddit tier sense of humor
Please don't do this again. Not even the slightest smile. I'm not user, also, by the way. Completely third party observation here.
I'm playing the VN right now (just finished fate route) after bouncing off it pretty hard back when it was first translated into English. Maybe my taste has gotten much worse in the past 10 years but it seems pretty alright.
It is really stuck hard in its genre trappings, for sure, but it's kind of endearing. Also, as an older adult, I find stories about teenage romances a lot more interesting/fun and a lot less insufferable for some reason.
I'm sorry I upset you enough to respond to my post with my attempt at a joke. I'm not a funny person, even if I desperately wish I was. Then maybe more people would like me and stay with me. You hurt my feelings, user, but I still love you. I always will.
If you can bear the immensely redundant and monotonous dialogue, and the peculiar, obscure way of conveying character development (which, superficially, can quite easily be mistaken for a typical poorly written shounen from almost start to finish), and the cringe-inducing porn scenes which frequently feature out of character sexual violence with allusions to pedophilia, then yea it's kind of alright.
>criticizing a poor english translation
Come back when you've read Fate in Japanese.
>It's good in Japanese, though, really!
Oh, no. I'm not falling for that shit again, Sup Forums
All of those are reasonable criticisms. I definitely went into it knowing what was in store for me, I have to admit. It's a reason I would hesitate to proselytize it to others, but it's not keeping me from enjoying it.
Let's be real, nobody is going to do that based on your suggestion, even if it were true.
Grand Order was a mistake.
Everything after the original Fate/Extra was a mistake.
The fact that you call what is effectively three very long novels with a handful of short sex scenes "porn novels" shows that you haven't read it and you are just another bait dropping troll.
It was made for teens, what did you expect?
Twilight - Tsukihime
Hunger Games - FSN
>It stays a porn novel for teenagers until the last fucking line.
You're supposed to know that going into the series
Why is having sex scenes bad, when stuff like Game of Thrones is wildly popular?
Because we have better fucking taste than those animalistic pseudo-intellectual porn addicted plebeian goyim
Nasu: I mean, this is something we built on the foundation of being an 18+ bishoujo game from the very beginning. Certainly, if asked if Saber and Rin's routes needed porn scenes, I'd answer "those are fanservice scenes". But that absolutely doesn't mean there's no love in them, and since I decided to create it in this form to begin with, I put my all into them, and that's all that's needed. To put it another way - these elements included, I can say with pride that this is a game that can be enjoyed by adults over 18 who understand both bitterness and sweetness. This is adult amusement, so it's okay for it to have porn! Actually, maybe it should have it.
Didn't takeuchi write the ero scenes tho?
>Maybe it should be this way
>Well actually maybe it should be that way, but really I think it should be this way
Typical Nasu
Wise words from a wise man.
The way I'd describe it is "intentionally vague and duplicitous"
Seriously, you aren't going to ever get a straight answer from somebody talking about their creative work, unless they are so fucking rich and famous and/or have such an iron grip over the rights of their work that they don't give a fuck about what bridges they burn.
Because GoT doesn't have horrible seafood poetry along with it's sex scenes.
Wrong board you crossboarding neophyte subhuman
Yes, poetry.
Dude, even I who doesn't care about all this think you sound like a douche.
He was in the right though. If we don't strictly discourage posting like that in every possible way it will ruin the board.
Will F/GO every get translated? My Kanji is not good enough to enjoy the game.
> plays the video
> "based on a TV Anime series"
I'm not sure what I was expecting.
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
As soon as H/A gets translated.
Probably not in the way that GBF was. Likely meaning there would be an FGO Global version, if it all. Basically anyone playing the japanese version would have to start over on a fresh account.
Just my speculation though.
I want to fuck Astolfo
I feel for this meme and read both FSN and Tsukihime in Moon, I'd rather read Tsukihime in English and Fate reads like an early 2000's light novel by a novice author.
>As soon as H/A gets translated.
I have some news for you user.
By translated I meant a version with the fucknig VAs.
>wanting voices in your VNs
>he doesn't want voicse in his VN
Dumb retardcat poster
Anything that gets popular becomes normalfag garbage.
But GoT isn't good nor is Fate.
Also, they're in my opinion forced sex scenes