ITT: Anime you will never ever watch
ITT: Anime you will never ever watch
I agree, you should read it.
This is literally one of the most uninteresting concepts for a thread I've ever seen.
it just sounds... so... fucking boring
its fucking garbage. dont watch it. I wish I could take it back.
Watch Code Geass and Eva, but forget about JoJo. Don't fall for the meme.
Go watch it.
>ITT: Literal faggots
its literally "my favorite anime is better than yours" the thread
sage, hide and move on
the series is
but End of Eva makes it all worth it
>tried watching the first episodes years ago
>never bothered to try again
Mustang's VA in Brotherhood was better though
Dio before Mio
This show looks so fucking gay
Why would a confident heterosexual have any problems watching a show about muscular mannies posing? Watch it you hetero homo.
literally inviting jojofags
your favorite anime
Jojo is pretty shit. But I'd personally go for Hyouka.
Trying to get through this now. I was expecting a trainwreck but it's like watching paint dry holy fuck
Is that a JoJo reference
it's fun and enjoyable man
Wise choice
This Shaft's autism.
You should watch it. I'd do anything to be able to watch it again for the first time.
is right. quit being a faggot, man up and watch the anime that sets the fucking benchmark for good shounen anime.
I don't need to watch it to know it's trash
can't wait til this board is on par with Sup Forums and /m/
This, exactly. Only I did end up giving it a try and now it's my favourite show.
And pretty much any battle harem.
Might watch Rakudai for Stella, though
Your decision user.
I never waited for an adaptation, but im enjoying the fuck out of it, but im not one of those jojoposters who think they are the fucking memeisters of this world.
I used to hate it when I was your age too but then I learnt to have fun.
The difference is that I don't have shit taste.
9GAG is that way friend.
This, I hate mecha and the ending sounds dumb.
I probably have watched many more anime than you, as well as having more critical insight.
I just refuse to watch blatant trash.
>I just refuse to watch blatant trash.
Then I doubt you've seen more Anime than me.
Watched it last week after holding off for ages, shaft autism takes a back seat it was actually pretty good, not sure why Mami or Homura became popular as their characters were pretty flat but Sayaka and Madoka's mom were great.
>unironically judging something before watching it
i havent watched that stuff but honestly you sound like an edgelord
>sensible post on Sup Forums
Rare man.
You should. K-on is good.
Nah, it's shit.
I wish I didn't lose time watching it.
>I wish I didn't lose time
don't shitpost on Sup Forums then
Usually pretty easy to tell whether something's good or bad before watching it.
The only one I agree with so far. Saw the first few episodes and I was bored to tears.
Reading the manga was enough for this shit.
I think this thread is, dare I say it, epic enough to win a screencap to be posted on r/Sup Forums
>I must ignore every signal, every hint and clue about something and just taste it anyway.
People who loves shit, what a strange coincidence, love that 'argument'.
Le "My little incestuous relationship can't be this emotionally manipulative" meme
you eat shit?
who are you quoting?
My friends keep trying to get me to watch it but I instead choose to shit all over it since two of them are massive fanboys of the anime and its hilarious to watch them roidrage over me claiming Goku or Saitama could shit on every character in it.
Meme trainwrecks like Code Geass, Valvarare, Gulty Crown, Cross Ange and similiar shit.
>b-but fun with Sup Forums!
Literal cancer.
>engages and begins power level discussion
no john, you are the autism
Here's a chart to help you fix your taste.
Nah I just start power level discussion so I can laugh at them rage, I could honestly care less about the anime itself.
>hasn't seen TTGL
>powelevels discussion
You need to be 18+ to post here.
you know how I know you haven't watched any of the five shows mentioned in this image?
>powerlevel faggotry in 2016
Is this a Jojo reference?
>Claims watching TTGL is a sign of maturity
Nah I think you need to leave underage shitter, I bet you think Attack on Titan is among the holy grail of anime alongside One Punch Man.
>not watching shows based on what other people say
is this some shit normalfags do?
You're so fucking new it hurts.
wouldnt watching neoToonami make you closer to underage?
If anything they were too old for it
TTGL is the entriest of entry level.
If you haven't seen it you probably came here last summer and are 14 year old.
You are trying so fucking hard it hurts.
it's pretty entertaining because of its wacky characters and plenty of different directions and themes the plot moves in but it doesn't really work as a drama
you'll have to find a sweet spot between taking it seriously and not taking it seriously but if you do it's gold
No my entry anime was Naruto when I was a teenager.
Only CG is "ironically bad" like those I mentioned and VVV.
Stupid pic.
I started the manga, the first part was god awful and seemed like an edgy 8 year old wrote it.
I don't care how supposedly good the rest of it is, if the beginning sucks I'm not gonna keep going.
I'd say it's DBZ, but then everyone here would be oldfags or at least old newfags
you sure you weren't reading your own works?
The first part is average campy '80 schlock, not "edgy".
Stop exposing your ignorance and read at least HnK.
I'm not a Chinese comic book artist
they might mean the first part we got in the west and I gotta agree it is pretty bad. Think the stardust crusade is where it starts anime wise
oh we can tell
Never watched a single Jojo and fate and never will.
I flat out refuse to watch shows that are moe slice of nothing ever happens, episodic, ecchi, edgy, shonen or LN and VN adaptations.
Maybe edgy was the wrong word, I used it thinking of Dio killing a dog.
Would you prefer "poorly designed" or "boring?"
When I read it, all I saw was a stock protagonist fighting a stock antagonist, with some entertaining side characters that died or didn't do anything.
That's because that is what part 1 basically is.
Part 1 is heavily Fist of the North Star inspired and while I personally enjoyed it more then Part 3 it was very cliche.
I would highly recommend to give Part 2 a go at the very least as I found it to be far more interesting and engaging.
There are some good LN adaptions.
So you don't watch Anime?
This series for autistic teenagers.
Seriously what else is left? Am I being rused?
I've never read a shonen jump manga or seen an anime adaptation of one.
No, not even dragon Ball.
So you only watch Gag anime?
I do watch anime, and I like some shows from the categories I mentioned (but those are exceptions and I usually avoid shows like these)
Shoujo and yaoi sports shit
All of those fit one of those categories except Lain, and I'm sure some user will argue that lain was edgy.
>le refined tastes
>GTO, Trigun
Every fucking time
Kill yourself
It's not that I have a problem with it, but it's just not interesting for me.
I've read/heard enough plot synopses from and opinions from a number of perspectives to know my time is better wasted watching something like SAO.
>Nah I just start power level discussion so I can laugh at them rage