Chapter's out:
Fairy Tail 513
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I have literally, absolutely no idea what I'm about to read. Anything could happen. This is great.
>Irene is Erza's mother
Jellal will be August's son and Acno will be Gajeel's dad.
How come Erza has one (1) suit of armour that actually works as armour and the rest is just all tits? I'd be able to swallow it if they were all just boob plates but the few functional ones make the others seem really dumb.
what the shit does "queen of the dragons" even imply I forgot most of this nonsense
Wow! Irene is Erza's mother! No one could have predicted that!
I especially hate how she keeps using the bandages around the boobs with pants "armor".
No idea; the lore hasn't hinted at it before.
What's the point of that? Speed?
It fucks me up how badly wrapped her sarashi is
Inb4 erza asspull about having dragon blood and being part dragon or something.
oh, okay, so it's not just me for once
It means Acnologia fucked her raw and made her his Queen when he took the mantle of King.
All power goes to the sword. It's not for speed, since she has a speed armor.
I think it's supposed to somehow increase attack and speed. Still stupid, they made fun of it in Erza's death battle against Zoro.
No, Acno would've recognized her if that were the case.
He's King of the Dragons, she's Queen of the Dragons. Acnologia is Human taking the form of a Dragon, Irene is a Dragon taking the form of a Human. Erza is Half Human-Half Dragon.
Acnologia is her father as well. He just fucked her once, crowned himself King, and that was it, forgotten about.
Shit, actually, I remember that now. I forgot about it because Mashima forgot to make her sword actually do more when she's using it. It'd actually be a really cool ability if someone competent was writing, massively dangerous but can't tank anything at all (which would be a big downside if, again, someone competent was writing, because Erza would normally make use of her armour to soak up attacks that nobody else can take).
On second thought, armorless mode might help with speed too. She didn't show off the speed armor until Nirvana.
Was it rape?
When will Erza give her mother a friendship and family talk that will cause her to love her daughter and then switch sides and join Fairy Tail?
It's not like wearing armour ever seems to slow her down, but yeah, logically it would help with mobility. Which would be useful when the only thing between you and death is a shitty bandage and a pair of trousers.
Its never rape.
Is this your first befriending?
Shouldn't all the Dragon Slayers (except maybe Wendy) be weird fuckers? They were literally raised alone by giant lizards. That does something to a person, even if it's just like, weird body language or something. You could tell me they had totally ordinary family lives and I'd buy it.
Fairy Tail is straight up a violent gang.
But how August is a perma virgin?
Well, half-dragon does explain why Erza is so powerful.
Why isn't natsu x erza a thing then?
So now we know the true meaning of "It's because she's Erza."
Main guy and main girl are always the biggest pairing by a very long shot. Also Mashima never teases it.
That'd be some nice yuri.
Because Erza and Gray makes way more sense, but Juvia had to be introduced and ruin everything.
Anything with Erza is nice yuri.
I fucking WISH Juvia had some character outside of Grey, like how she gets on with Gajeel, what lead her to enter a dark guild, anything. And an acknowledgement of how fucking unhealthy her obsession with him is. Nothing's ever going to happen though.
Ironically, Hiro was going to make Gray an Ice DragonSlayer until he scrapped into for the term DevilSlayer.
Wasn't Kakura dying in the ground with her side cut open until a chapter ago?
Uh... yeah. He put his hand through her guts.
I can't wait for this asspull just so Erza can be even more of a special mary sue
Acnologia didn't even know who this bitch is nor could he smell Dragon on her.
Yes this is stupid.
She is talking with Minerva like nothing happened while probably her innards are coming out from the wound.
So Erza's family has a history of taking dragon cock
So how long before sex magic guy shows up again, after all only his mother can beat him .
I think Mashima forgot.
Anything about the Twitter artbook yet?Only found two Juvia pics and that Chelia-Wendy pic.
>Thread has Angel still knocked out from orgasming and fantasizing
>Faggots are talking seriously about this series instead of posting tits and thicks
So this thread will be one to die quickly, huh. Shame. Needed a good fairy fap
There comes a point in life where you had so many bitches that you don't recognise them anymore.
Why does niggerstream keep using that name?
Is this to be believed?
You can only posts so much tits before it starts to get repetitive.
fucking mashima
i swear to god
She closed her wound with her gravity magic.
Or more probably Mashima is a faggot.
Yea the new ff is pretty shit only being kept up by hype and people trying to rationalize their purchase.
So next week a flashback chapter? I want to see Irene badly wounding Wendy and Erza. Specially Wendy.
I'll believe it, if only mangastream translate the author comments for WSM.
[Spoiler]How he did that? I played FF7 and not even finished disc 1 in one week[/spoiler]
Erza's father is Igneel
Screencap this
He forgot because this.
>Erza is part dragon
Is Mashima trying to break a new record in making the worst Mary Sue in history or something?
>That one fag in every FT thread who complains about people talking about the plot
>No...not there
What did she mean by this?
FT's plot is average battle shonen manga plot, I dunno where everyone started to think otherwise
No it's below average.
Best pic
Fairy tail is the final arc of Rave Master on endless repeat. Calling it average is one hell of a stretch
This Fairy tail had much better setting than Rave yet Mashima made it worse than his first manga.
But it seems he's doing FT for the bucks now and doesn't want to be stressed or bothered.
It's much worse than average. Maybe if it'd have had 200 episodes instead it would've been better, but as it stands now it's only better than Bleach.
>Fairy tail had much better setting
>Implying FT ever had any world building at all.
She's the FORMER Queen. Ak is the actual King.
The FORMER King that dicked her.
Oh you mean like back when other sites were calling Jellal, "Jellal amd Some where calling him "gerard".
We don't know for sure which one it is.
Rave was a really shitty One Piece ripoff as far as the world goes. Pretty much anything is better than that.
People bitched about women not being powerful enough in battle shonen so Mashima is granting this wish whenever its well-done or not.
Also Erza is his waifu
Except Bleach and honestly what does FT's world have that places it above Rave's. I don't disagree in it being shitty, but it's better than nothing at all.
It's a fact Fairy Tail threads only last long when talking about lewds
Have you ever seen the shit that get published? Overlord? Re:Monster?
You know, the more I think about it, the more I agree. Rave did have a shitty world, but at least Mashima tried to build it a little bit. In FT he really hasn't done anything that he didn't brutally slaughter later.
Fairy Tail did have a better premise, with the guild and such, but it has really botched that hard. At this point FT's big selling point is how hillariously shameless it is.
>Fairy Tail did have a better premise, with the guild and such, but it has really botched that hard
How so? It's underexploited sure but far from botched.
I always go with what the books say.
Ditching the mission/adventure format for "Protect the guild from bad guys".
>August is strongest wizard
>also a permavirgin
Why are you even surprised?
I think when I say botched and you say underexploited, we mean pretty much the same thing. Perhaps a poor choice of words on my part.
But I had some hope for the ensemble cast in the beginning, before Mashima pulled a Kubo and just made more and more characters, instead of developing the ones he had. Even the ones who have development hardly ever get to do anything relevant, like Lucy.
Power creep was a mistake.
I'm not.... I'm suprised anyone would suggests he would have a kid.
Any news on more omakes?They're Mashima's best works.And not for just the tits.
Heard the christmas omake is getting a sequel this year.
A little extra story taking place after the Christmas omake is coming with volume 59.
> not even finished disc 1 in one week
how slow are you? besides you can complete XV in like 10 hours if you just rush the story missions, its that short
Because of Mashima's massive shit taste. Jellal is a terrible character.
I wish Mashima would start doing hentai. Fairy Tail doujinshi made by him would be awesome.
>inb4 he pulls a XV ending with Natsu and Lucy
They'd be like HBO porn.
Porn doesn't sell. Not happening.
Erza's right eye is artificial.
Irene gonna enchant it at the end of the battle.
At this point it's fairly obvious he draws it.
We just need him to actually release it
I'm talking about hentai, not porn.
In before "it's the same thing".
Why the fuck would he give away his paycheck like that?
Fuck's sake, you baka-ass motherfucker, he'd release it after Fairy Tail is done
Like the author of Freezing and pic related does. Tamaki Nozomu in particular goes all out. His last "official" doujin involved the mother from from that mother/daughter superhero manga in pic related getting gangbanged by a bunch of shotas.