Cute MILF cooking is back, this time with chapter 2
As per last time, if you spot any mistake (which there will probably be) then please feel free to correct me
Previous chapter
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Chapter 2: Yakumo-san buys a rice cooker
Every night
You have to eat 8 bowls of rice ?
My supervisor told me to eat more since I’m so thin, so he set a quota
So can you eat that much ?
I’ll bring rice next time …
It’s fine, it’s fine
How much should I cook for 8 bowl ?
Small text: (mine is 1 bowl) (Yamato-kun’s bowl is big)
For now …
…my rice cooker probably can’t take much more of this
It’s been a while since I’ve been to a big electronics store
Feels a bit exciting huh?
Sign: Rice-cooker corner => this way
Well, my rice cooker is pretty old
Buying a new one can’t hurt, right? (Lit: I won’t be cursed if I buy a new one)
There’s so many rice-cooker variety these days
How many years has it been
Since I last bought an electronic device
Small text: are you looking for a rice cooker ?
These are very popular right now
Triple cooking mode, 250 C Induction heating, steam capability, It’s big too, I can probably cook a lot
This one is pretty good
the price …..
(62800 yen is about 600 trump)
I bought it ….
There goes most of my budget
But this is a necessity, so its’s fine,
right ?
woah, it cooks really fast
now, how is it …
It’s sparkling
How’s the taste ?
Amazing! It’s the same rice but the taste is completely different. It’s sweet and springy
A good rice cooker can make this much of a difference huh?
Yamato-kun will also ….
I’m home
Welcome back
Did something good happened?
.. not really
If it’s Yamato-kun ….
This rice … is way better ?
That’s because of this new rice cooker !
… something like this
I will definitely crush that sour face of his tonight
Don’t hold back today
From today you can eat a ton of RICE so I’ll prepare a lot of side dish for your RICE okay ?
Usu, thank you
Do you have any soy sauce ?
Ah, yeah
What ?
Today … how’s the rice today ?
Rice ?
Still delicious as usual ?
As usual!!
Well, if he’s still eating enthusiastically then it’s fine, right ?
Ya..yamato-kun, is everything alright?
You already on your 6th bowl
I’m still fine
I’m only about half full (he said “my stomach is still 8 part empty”, kinda. I think this works just fine though)
Back at my house,
My mom is oversea all year long
I mostly eat reheated rice (the original line is “rice wrapped in retort pack”)
Paractice only get more extreme once I’m in middle school
I don’t even get to meet my dad and sister at meal time
Every night, I’d eat re-heated food
All alone
So that’s why, the first time I eat at Yakumo-san’s house
Has she been confirmed for pure?
I remembered
How good freshly made rice was
So that’s why
Everything’s fine
Thank you for the meal
Do your best at practice tomorrow, okay ?
Also, how old is she?
Please respond.
It’s too bad huh
What do you mean “Just like usual”?
If only
He’d recognize it a little more
“So that’s why, the first time I eat at Yakumo-san’s house, I remembered….
…. how good freshly made rice was”
Both of these are answered in chapter 1
I’ll forgive you this time.
And that’s it for chapter 2. I’ll be back tomorrow for chapter 3 so stay tuned for more cute MILFs and good food. You can find the RAWs for this on nyaa if you’re interested in reading it yourself.
Only of my questions were answered but thanks OP.
The thread is going to be archived way sooner than I expected. Maybe I should post it at a different time.
She's a real cutie
Slightly older women are love.
I think people just don't care.
Such a shame. Oh well, it's not like I particularly put too much effort in it anyway
Still gonna do them everyday though, this is good practice. Maybe this will change people's mind.
is volume 2 out yet?
I liked it. It was cute.
Thanks for this, it's a really cute story!
Yes, it is out. In fact, I have high quality Raws for them.
dump it
also,give link for the raws
Meh, there's no point in making her a widow.
how were the sales for vol 2?
thanks, user
couldnt find vol 2 on nyaa
I guess you need the Japanaese name for this. Here you go user
>story gives off the feeling of a pure love story kind of romance
>she's a widow
>my waifu isn't pure anymore
as expected neo-Sup Forums
Nice abs
What a stupid manga and I just wasted my fucking time reading this horseshit expecting something
kys OP
This is why Delete this thread OP, you fucked up by picking the wrong manga to follow. No one cares about used goods
This to be honest, it's not even because of used goods autism, it just feels like a lesser type of NTR no matter how you slice it.