Need to know

How many of you are religious of any kind?

Other urls found in this thread:


I used to be independent fundamental Baptist. I don't know what I am anymore I cant stand them anymore

bumping for results

It's against my religion to partake in strawpolls

No bitcoins for you, OP.

Atheist. Wish I was Christian, but I just can't believe

Culturally christian, not religious but close enough.

>believe in life after death
>do not follow any organized religion, do enjoy meditation
>doubtful of existence of any kind of god our feeble human minds could understand
>believe everything is energy

ehhhhhh. i chose have a faith


No option for Jewish given, so I couldn't answer. Sorry, OP.


What is this?
>my first proxy the post
Also I am very Christian.

God does not demand faith.

>God does not demand faith
It's like you don't even know God.

I do.

Then you would know that it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that we can come to God.
>which makes you a liar.

fucking kill yourself Jew.

INRI is a lie.

Soon we will all be religient

The options are inadequate, shitty poll

Ah yes, the Talmudic memes. What shall you say next. Undoubtedly something about a "dead kike on a stick".
But of course I'm not Talmudic, and consider being saved by Christ an honor beyond being ashamed.
I have no fear in Christ Jesus. But how well do you fear being called out for using the Talmudic lies?

Jesus isn't a real person first of all. jesus represents the unified man.

4 nails = 4 elements

cross = dense matter = material world.

Used to be a casual deist, "could be a big guy out there, guess hes keeping the bad wibbly wobbly things outside". But after pol and seeing recent events go down, there are times when I genuinely think that Christ is the go to guy.
The wibbly wobblies were always there but they had been amongst us all along and its up to us to not be cunts and clean this shit up.

Make Anyone Great Again!

>No God
>No God

Yes there are parallels to universal truths in the story of Christ but that does not make him fake, rather it further testifies to the greatness of His incarnation and resurrection

The laws of nature are god. We just put a name on it for dumb people to understand.

Pretty much this

I am genuinely curious what the context for this photo was, and that curiosity far outweighs anything I would have to say about religion.

Lukewarm Diet Coke "Christians" are worthless since you put no effort in obeying and following Gods rules(or you. church in this matter)

Yes I have no interest in following corrupt institutions

I'm christian but I wear a kippah to get the jewish benefits.

>when your pic is more interesting than your post
more emu girl

You can believe in God and not practice a faith dipshit. Voting wrong to fuck your poll

Data mining a little late tonight are we? sage, report, hide

Its vicious propaganda for species mixing! FIGHT IT (send help ffs).

Ah so you're not only Talmudic, but a KabbalistTalmudic.

Imagine you're living in the world as a depowered God.