Did Maki really ended up with this fucking glasses guy? If so I'm dropping this anime.
Love Lab
in the anime? if so, then no
Yeah they are OTP
i love them.
When I went into Love Lab, I was expecting some half assed hetero romance in the end.
Instead the boys were just as cute as the girls and fit in pretty well with the cast. I didn't mind it at all.
>Hating Yan
Shit taste. You should've drop this because of Nagi instead.
I don't get this ship. They have no chemistry at all.
Almost 20 years later... and /u/ is still mad.
Being Jan is suffering
>20 years
It's closer too 21 by now mate.
You mean Van.
Not fooling anybody /u/.
I dropped this long time ago, so all of the girls got the D? Time to pick this up.
Well the focus was the girls getting boyfriends, anybody who thought it would end with the obviously straight girls suddenly turning into dykes would be very stupid indeed.
/u/ is a very special kind of stupidity
is he still mean to her or has he warmed up
well in the manga, they are all over each other. too cute
In the raws?
The boys in Love Lab are great. Hell, the most recent chapter of the manga that was translated was all about random guys from Nagi and Yan's middle school.
>hating Yan
Shit taste son.
> Entire series is about them getting boyfriends
> Get mad when they actually get boyfriends
Yurifags saw a show with only females for the first couple of episodes, so they assumed it would be yuribait as usual
Only to be crushed like the parasites they are later
I wish we had more anime like Love Lab airing. It's cute, funny, well animated and makes those insufferable yurifags cry.
Why cant all boys be like Makio?
Because girls make the best boys and boys make the best girls.
This happens to be why Nagi and Riko are a god tier couple.