>he doesn't fap to traps
He doesn't fap to traps
I fantasize about fucking, not getting fucked
>he faps to traps
If there were real VR I'd fuck so many guys.
>he faps to traps
>he thinks traps are better than reverse traps or tomboys
>he thinks traps are better than male-to-female gender benders
Trapfags get out of here.
That's a canon GIRL.
It's a cannon GIRL (male)
>He doesn´t fap to traps.
I thought her powers pertains to swords, not cannons?
>pic relate
>having a dick
She have a long, hard and erect sword.
>fapping to traps
How is that mental illness and homosexuality treating you?
That is literally a girl (boy) not a trap. He doesn't have a penis.
i want you youtube cunts to fuck off
Shoop with cannons for arms when?
>He is a guy without penis.
traps are pretty fucking gay so no
sometimes I hump my GuP daki while my roommate watches though
straight traps > gay traps
youtube faggies that post shit videos and shit posts while mentioning they visit ''cool Sup Forums board lol 4chin'' and using some Sup Forums's jokes and other retarded shit. Fuck them
>"le gay is the new straight xD"
I so fucking tired of these homos pushing their shit on Sup Forums
>fapping to trap
>he ACTUALLY faps to traps
>newfags that weren't fapping to traps ironically 8 years ago and are still in the ironic stage
>newfags that weren't on health & /fit/ness
Lurk for a few more years, you know nothing.
You have some serious issues if you think of everyone here that way.
>Manga character gets a ton of thighs, feet, and butt shots in one chapter so I fap to them
>They say that they're actually a girl(male) the following chapter
I wasn't being serious.
Nah, Seike is cute.
It's suprising, how traps are great in both 2d and 3d. But I prefer the 2d traps more, because reasons...
I think people dont even like traps that much but keep memeing to justify how they really arent gay.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
>in both 2D and 3D
I want literal homo sexual faggots to eat shit, die and fuck off to their containment boards.
Choose one and fuck off.
I said it as a hysterical fag, okay? But it doesn't mean that shit doesn't happen
worst than cancer. You.
Kill yourself please
I tried it once, but it just really didn't do it tor me.
>straight traps
They are called lesbians.
>being homosexual
Perfect kouhai
Not when they have a dick. And traps have big dicks: because of law of equivalent exchange the less manly the rest of your body is the more manly the dick will get.
2D Traps are basically girls with no tits, a dick, an orgasm button and a bottomless pit of lust, cum and sex drive.
No, you fucking homo shit memelord.
2D traps are guys, without anything good about girls.
You misunderstood what I meant by 3d. I didn't mean those ugly ass crossdressers, I meant much younger traps that I encountered during my travels trough asia (specifically Thailand). I spent about 6 g's on sex during that time, and of course I tried everything from legal to illegal.
Fuck off and die, cancer.
My favorite mini-game I like to play in this board is counting how many posts a trap thread can reach before it turns into blogging about 3D.
I do that too. It's really fun
I think this might be a new record
Seriously though what's the appeal of traps? Because seriously if you really want to fap to a guy you should be fapping to actual guys rather than a trap, because a trap looks like a girl and you might as well just be fapping to an actual girl.
Fuck off pretending to be neet/antisocial fag
Faggots should be gassed.
It is true.
There is a porn category called lesbian traps/shemales/ladyboys/etc.
>he doesn't fap to 3D traps
Japs are literally the best faggots of the world.
>femdom trap
>literally facebook normalfag
Why don't you fuck off and back to your social meidas?
Nowonder why trapfags are the worst thing
I honestly don't get it: just a year ago or even six months ago trap threads were relatively uncommon and at most there was maybe one or two a month. Now there's one almost every day, and the trapposting has spread to other threads as well. What happened?
If it has a penis then it's not a girl. By definition a girl is someone with female bodyparts (whether born by it or underwent a sex change).
Wise words, siscon
The only downside of 2D traps are the dick and, depending on the guy, the lack of breasts.
Otherwise, they would be perfect.
>fapping to traps
except for locon
>facebook image
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
I do.
I fap to a lot of things.
>without anything good about girls.
>anything good about girls.
So, nothing?
Trap porn is literally worse than Yaoi.
At least yaoifags know their porn is gay but you guys pretend is not and by the look of this thread some of you even like 3D mental damaged individuals.
Did any of you fags scam this?
I don't fap to traps after having been forced to for a year by my ex
>Fapping to Locon
His sameface syndrome is a problem
It isn't the same trap?
>Implying you wouldn't hit that
>he's gay
>being so desperate you resort to men
Seriously I cannot even begin to explain how fucking shit your taste is, burn in hell, faggot.
You can enjoy both.
Ancient cultures knew the wonders of boipussy.
It seems mean to force a trap to grow breasts.
Ancient cultures also did stupid shit. Doesn't mean you should do it you pathetic faggot
Lemme give you a hint: it's not. That one is fully biologically female. Why can't you idiots get it right?
>Ancient cultures also did stupid shit
100 years and your actions will be called "stupid shit" too
The mental gymnastics you are going through to justify your faggotry. It's amazing.
>That one is fully biologically female.
Retard. He still has his penis.
Please dont use my wife for you gay shit
Why can't trapfags just admit they're gay?
Honestly that's more frustrating than anything. If you want to fuck a boy in a dress you're not straight.