Not only are cow tits disproportionately weird and fugly, they'd be painful snd unwieldy for the girl. She wouldn't be some graceful ninja assassin swordsman. She'd be a whimpering mess because of chronic back issues.
Small tits superior.
Not only are cow tits disproportionately weird and fugly, they'd be painful snd unwieldy for the girl. She wouldn't be some graceful ninja assassin swordsman. She'd be a whimpering mess because of chronic back issues.
Small tits superior.
>She wouldn't be some graceful ninja assassin swordsman.
No, but she would be a superior nurturer and carer of kids. What women actually are and not the strong independent womyn you see in your animes.
Still fuck ugly and heavy bags of fat.
>normalfag once again misses the point of 2D
>Have the chance to draw literal perfection
>Just throw huge tits on it because it appeals to teenage boys
literal shit.
And i don't even hate boobs, i just hate how they're always ridiculously huge.
>she would be a superior nurturer and carer of kid
Literally false.
>Only liking either small or big tits
You faggots never learn, do you?
Personally I like some boob, there's just a point that's too often crossed that it looks disgusting.
If you can't easily manage them with your hands its too big.
I'm a man who prefers average breast sizes.
Hating big tits on 2D because MUH 3D PROBLEMS is completely missing the point of 2D.
I sympathize with how obnoxious gigantic torpedo tits are, but fucking call people out as they are and stop trying to masquerade as one of us.
Animators universally forget breasts have mass. Breasts that large weigh close to two pounds. Each. Try to imagine what having four or five pounds hanging off the front of your chest would do to your balance.
Oh yeah of course bringing in 3d physics into 2d worlds is retarded. But lets be honest, the OP just did it to start a big vs small thread.
wow, it's like they're animated or something.
Anyways huge tit fags won when lolicon was basically removed from anime altogether.
Black eyes. Black eyes everywhere...
Here we go again
Medium perfect size>Perky>Large>DFC>>>>>>cowtits
With moderate size, you get the best of both worlds.
yuri will save anime
It's not evendors a lol icon thing. Missile cow thingies just fuck up a good character design. It's not too much to ask for a proportionately drawn female, is it?
Pic related is a good size.
Here's how OP should have done it, then.
The only thing large tits are good for are paizuri. Only manchildren get aroused over suckling nipples like literal toddlers
Tiny tits are only loved either by lolicons or people who fear of being judged for liking tits and go the other extreme
People who like average sizes are boring as fuck and likely have no interesting hobbies and are typically shut-ins
People who claim to love all sizes are full of shit and are trying to be morally superior while white knighting "but not actually white knighting"
Hair is a superior fetish, tits are for children and asses are for degenerates
>hair is the superior fetish
but that's not how you spell legs
How big are cowtits anyways? Some people call anything larger than flat cowtits but that can't be right.
That's not "anything larger than flat".
That's a fucking cowtit.
This gentleman is correct
>Tiny tits are only loved
W R O N G.
alll boobs are create equally, no boobs too small or too big to be sexualized.
Are feet considered legs?
Radical taste my dude
Depends on the size of girl. Amazons of fatties can easily handle equivalent of 1500cc cup volume without looking cowtitty, while it would look balloonish on petite girl.
>preferring underdeveloped children bodies to fertile, attractive women
Cowtits are not "fertile, attractive women", they are sick, tumorous shitsacks usually drawn by the most talentless hacks, that are much uglier than any 3D women.
>old hags
>implying sucking on boards is better
>posting char with that post
How does it feel to be gay?
You should ask that to yourself.
Sucking on breasts is pretty retarded to begin with, also
who the fuck was talking about boards, there's more to breasts than cowtits and boards, you literal teenager fag.
Holy shit, you are me. That is VERBATIM what I think about disgusting cowtits. Finally, a man with good taste and common sense. By liking cowtits, you like the fact that your cute waifu getting back pains and hurting all the time. It's a sign you only care for yourself, you don't love your waifu if you want her to feel pain because of cowtits.
Besides, it looks terrible and unnatural. In fact, sometimes it looks too forced. A and B cups are the best, way better than cowtits.
I'll trigger you all
its always the same dumb argument
>applying 3dpd logic to things (you) dont like
>muh normalfag argument
or then you go to the other extreme
>flat loli
>oh god what a pedo!
>lmao its 2d who cares
>non-flat non-loli
>oh (you) 3dpd enabler fuck off back to tumblrbookterspace
which anime is the first pair of fantastic breasts from?
like clockwork
Fuck off pedo
This nigga said fugly
Fuck off fat fucker
I'd bully this cow
>mfw she literally is a cowgirl