I hope the manager girl is actually the main heroine/love interest unlike Eyeshield/HaiQ/Kurobas.
Levi Sullivan
Ryan Edwards
Chase Carter
Justin Lee
Lucas Nguyen
Jonathan Johnson
Mason Davis
Jackson Gutierrez
Enjoyed it as well. I wonder if future character designs will get more and more ridiculous as time goes on,, considering the two main characters introduced today are pretty out there.
Thank you for the dump.
Carson Martinez
Jeremiah Campbell
She went dere too quickly. This is clearly another rushed manga like Red Sprite.
Luis Mitchell
Elijah Butler
Demon's plan feels very fucking lack luster and doing this kinda of shit early doesn't help
Alexander Torres
Aaron Hall
too obviously amateurish
Oliver Gray
Samuel Carter
Adam Foster
He really should have found a better way to make the coldass heroine interested in the hero. She even being worried for him just basically killed the supposed personality he wasted pages introducing.
golazo: 7 but if it keeps being as fun as the first two chapters it would deserve an 8. demon: 1, it's terrible. The worst WSJ series I've read in a long time. I can't believe it got greenlit.
Ian Ortiz
is it just me or does the mangaka for demons plan doesn't fucking understand human anatomy?
Jayden Hall
Even if the chapter had been good this fucking Bleach reject ruins it.
Golazo left me with a smile, though.
Christopher Cox
Does the author even know something about football?
Why the Chilean national team manager?
Cameron Evans
Who, Pizzi?
Angel Wilson
Nah just look at the guy here in the bottom right panel.That looks really wonky.
Cooper Nguyen
Golazo = decent Demonplan = garbage
Caleb Ramirez
Oh shit, this is actually really cool
Henry Lewis
If this series gets to continue on, his guy WILL be the most popular character. Guarantee
Jose Gray
You should storytime the entire weekly.
Christopher Bailey
What the fuck is this shit
John Russell
Demon's Plan is shit. Golanzo is alright:
Colton Young
My long-standing opinion is that the less attention the better. Ripping all of jump would be too troublesme for me. It's already odd that I rip a few things I don't read; I'd rather not do that for the most part.
That and mixing all the fanbases together can get ugly.
Jeremiah Turner
So how are you enjoying the new Jump? Is it better than when Assclass, Nisekoi, Bleach and Toriko were still running?
Christian Perry
Golazo's art is so fucking fun
Angel Thomas
just hope japan's taste doesn't get shittier if ole golazo gets cancelled
Alexander Jones
The Ole Golazo author sure likes that hat.
Owen Davis
Stylish ayylmao.
Lincoln Cooper
I keep forgetting Nisekoi was a thing until people bring it up again. Which is weird for a series I read every week and yet fervently despised. I mean all my hatred and disappointment in Bleach still lingers. Why not this one?
Andrew Jackson
So are there spics in Golazo, or they use random Spanish just because?
Austin Martinez
They use random spanish because is normal to use those words if you really really wanna try hard at being a soccer fan and you clearly aren't from south america.
Daniel Ward
author comments?
Xavier Wood
>macho sensor Heh, I'd be an end game boss in this series
Michael Martin
Anyone mind reupping Soma 179-186? I kinda missed them.
Austin Myers
Is it just me, or are the proportions here kinda fucked up?
I was meaning to start reading Yuuna. For some reason I thought you were dumping it but searching for it in the archive turned no results. Am I mistaking it with some other series you were previously dumping?
Ryder Price
Must be, Viz never even tried to pick it up.
Jason Bailey
Chile just win consecutive copa america beating messi twice. The author did his research
Ian Watson
Have you seen It's like QUALITY in manga form
Adam Perez
He obviously will, the manga's not going to be based around him failing constantly
Austin Sanders
>why the hell is he dressed like that
walking around in a park at night, no less
wonder what extracurricular activities he's into
Luis Williams
it's cute
Ryder Reed
it's not night, it's in the afternoon. They've still got club activities. They're just in the shade because of the trees.
Alexander Wilson
Nice page Damn he's fucking short I want to put him next to Banba
Blake Long
Thank you Vizanon
Michael Lopez
the skies look dark and there are stars visible in these shots: compared to here, where the sky is lighter: The implication is they've been searching for a while