Anyone else fucking hate her? If you like her why? In my opinion she is second only to this cunt...
Fuck this Bitch
Yes, but you will be drowned out by waifucucks and MUH JUSTICE.
She killed best girl
I also hate her guts, but I don't see the point of this thread.
So did Holo suck him off or not?
nah she just took him on a ruse cruise
I thought she was one the more entertaining parts of the show. I remember having a good laugh when she kept having more guns built into her.
I think she genuinely had mental problems, which caused her tunnel vision about "justice".
Literally every member of Esdeath group could see something wrong with the empire, she was the only one who never felt anything wrong or outright dismissed anything that crashed with her view of the empire being the good guys.
I would still rape, she is hot.
She be crazy.
Why would you hate her?
Litterally did nothing wrong, you're an idiot.
She definitely needed therapy and some prescription drugs, no question. Unfortunately mental health services tend to be lacking in medieval evil empires.
Like the US.
I like her, because it's really funny see her go and do her thing. She made the manga so much entertaining that in my opinion I think the manga died a little when she did.
>died a little when she did.
her death coincides to the moment the manga turns to absolute shit
You cant blame her for receiving a trauma when her father and her mentor which she both admired died because "muuuh revolution is great".
Literally the only thing she did was try and stop an organization of murderers, hitmen and traitors who had the goal of hunting down and assassinating people in order to overthrow the government she served.
She didn't do anything wrong.
There's nothing wrong with overthrowing a government.
Don't bother, revolutionaryarmyfags were probably sad when Castro died