Macross Delta might have gone to shit, but this little apple muncher is by far the cutest girl of the year.
Macross Delta might have gone to shit, but this little apple muncher is by far the cutest girl of the year
No one cares about Delta anymore.
Actually no one cared about it even when it was airing and even during first half when it was fun and entertaining.
On Sup Forums it had less active threads than lots of other series - Re:Zero, Kabaneri and even Mayoiga.
Actually people on Sup Forums don't know anything about Macross in general. You can create a thread about Frontier and it will get like 20 posts total.
>Actually people on Sup Forums don't know anything about Macross in general. You can create a thread about Frontier and it will get like 20 posts total.
That probably has less to do with knowledge of the series and more about how older stuff doesn't garner as much attention in general.
Stop speaking for the rest of the board, you pleb faggot.
Freyers truly is a treasure.
Not having a simulcast stream for HorribleSubs to rip will do that. This is the brave new world we live in.
It wasnt that bad. People sure like to exaggerate
In a just world, Freyja would be a lock for Meme Girl of the Year.
>not Mikumo or even MakiMaki
The show was irredeemable garbage regardless, Macross has been a joke ever since Frontier's success.
I still love Kaname!
The show itself wasn't that good. It had some great songs, an exciting 1st half... but it didn't really have any ideas left for the second half.
But Freya was absolutely adorable. She's the only reason I watched the 2nd half.
i want to do illegal things with this girl!
>he thinks the rest of the board doesn't consist of a majority of pleb faggot taste
>wanting Freyja to become a meme slut like Megumin
illegal things with her consent
Kill yourself.
The first half was great. They shouldn't have made it into 26 episodes.
I stopped watching this series after it became clear that Freyja won't win, exactly because she's the cutest girl of the show, but calling her cutest girl of the year altogether is a strong exaggeration.
Wrongest post of the year
You are so delusional.
You made your point long ago Messer, go back to your grave.
>after it became clear that Freyja won't win
She won't, and you know it.
Show's over, She won
And I am the Santa Claus.
I really liked both of Mikumo's voices.
Ami Koshimizu's voice was pretty tantalizing, while Junna's singing is really full and belting.
I forgot I had this saved.
>Freyja won't win
It had some interesting premises that for first the first time in the franchise would make you question whether the main characters were on the right side or not.
But it was played out very poorly.
No, it WAS that bad. The problem is many people have grown accostumed to being served shit and then ask for seconds.The rest of the macross franchise entries weren't all stellar by any means, but they actually had an idea of what to do with it's characters and themes, and Delta decidedly was lacking that. Also, Freiya is just a run of the mill genki character, there is nothing about her characterization or development that was particularly noteworthy.
She still won't win, dumb posters.
>The first half was great.
No it wasn't, name one great thing about it besides "I liked it/I had fun".
>won't win
I listened to Goriraji. Kawamori was a guest and they was talking about people saying that Hayate will hook up Mirage after Freyja bite the dust , they said that it will never happen because Hayate already said that they will be together forever. Let it go user, maybe you could be smart and pick better girl in next Macross but that will never happen because Kawamori and Yasuda killed the franchise.
What else would I need to call something great other than the fact that I was greatly entertained by it? Get your head out of your ass, you pseudo-elitist douche.
Windnigger pilots were completely irrelevant
Everyone was irrelevant except for Roid.
Fuck off, Kawamori
Ikenai Borderline in the first episode. When I was watching preview episode and it got to that moment when Freyja decided to show her "Windermerian" spirit I was ready to run and sing together with her. Later after this song was uploaded it became my daily dose for several weeks.
Episode 2 was full of scenery and small details. But I remembered the most soul crushing depression of Freyja when she failed audition. It was indeed a look of a girl who had her child dreams crushed. Later in the train she suddenly remembered about Hayate and it was touching too. I knew it was a bait and she can't possibly fail audition, but I still felt sad for her. It was a well made sequence. Also I think Halation the War is probably the worst Walkure's song, but Freyja's a capella version was truly amazing.
I can write about something great in every episode of the first half (except for ep12 because it was preparation/exposition).
>except for ep12
Mirage in the corner
>Re:Zero, Kabaneri and even Mayoiga
congrats, you listed three worst series this year
Best part of the second half.
>Hayate already said that they will be together forever.
Will Hayate sudoku after Freyja's death?
No because he'll have to take care of all of their children.
Not when shits like Aokana, Divine Gate, Pandora, Komugi R, Shoujo Tachi, Big Order, Endride, Mayoiga, Seisen no Cerberus, Battery, Berserk, Cheer Danshi, Hatsukoi Monster, Regalia, Scared Rider XechS and Servamp exist
What does it change?
Why did the 3 worst series get more attention from Sup Forums than anime with such a big name as Macross?
Do you remember this image posted in every single Delta thread for several months because "Do I need to watch other Macrosses before Delta" was the most smapped question in those threads?
You all should accept the fact that Sup Forums was overrun by newfags long time ago and for them word Macross means nothing.
Regalia doesn't belong on that list, retard
Half rotten apple*
What the hell did like half of them even do? Barely anyone even watched Xechs.
If Delta doesn't end up killing the franchise then I hope the next entry won't have Kawamori involved aside from mechanical designs.
It was worthless shit
Not yurishitters care about it
*Not even
>The show itself wasn't that good
What a gentle way to call it crap.
>muh plot
>muh anything with yuri can only be discussed in /u/
>muh anti yuri meme
Regalia's plot and characters were utterly generic.
But I only came into the show expecting 3 things
>good 2D mech fights (which it delivered. Every fight from the beggining to the end was great)
>cute girls (they were generic in personality, but still cute)
>yuribait (as I didn't expect it to go any further)
It delivered quite nicely in all those departments
Could it have had a better plot and characters? Yes, but what we had was nice enough for what the show needed to do and far from worthless
It wasn't generic but also bad. Not even a decent ending.
*wasn't just generic
I miss mikumo
In retrospect, only the first episode was good
>If I liked it then it's great!
How does it feel to have the critical thinking skills of a fucking cockroach?. We all have liked shitty shows,but if you can't even strain your feeble wits enough to name a single reason to back up your sentiments,then you're either hopelessly narcissistic or a complete simpleton who's okay with anything, so which is it Deltafag?.
Did you miss this post ? Are you blind or retarded? Or both?
>An extremely generic momentarily sad genki-girl is enough for me to call a show great
So simpleton it is.
For you, maybe. But I don't see how it was bad
The first half of Delta was the best thing that aired on TV since Madoka, it could have actually topped 7 and claimed the throne of the best Macross TV series.
Shame about the second half and especially the ending.
>7 and claimed the throne of the best Macross TV series.
At least try an make the bait subtle, user.
It is just common knowledge that 7 is the best, while Frontier is the worst.
Did you miss that part of about scene which had perfect combination of action and music?
Oh yes, you're indeed retarded. But what else could I expect from shitlord who uses kek images. Go back to .
>I'll ignore half his post and call him a simpleton because I have nothing else to say
Great critical thinking, really fires up my neurons.
She certainly had the cute in her. Mirage too. And Mikumo could sing.
How could they fail so badly with this? The show died with Messer.
>Sup Forums.
I knew Deltafags are just poor retarded rejects from tumblr but this is too obvious. I'll give this bait 5/10 for your rffort, made my reply.
a pile of dust isn't what i'd call a girl
You have a very lax standard for greatness, Ergo I called you a simpleton.
That wasn't my post, but I'll take someone's lax standard of greatness over someone saying X is shit because they said so. It's no different from X is great because I liked it.
It's obvious while watching, why do you think it last episodes threads died so fast?
She's not exactly extremely generic when her accent is very unique compared to all the genki characters out there.
Someone watched Scared Rider XechS?
How was it?
All right, so you're denying that Delta
>Lacked an overall theme that tied all it's characters together.
>Had no resolution to it's supposed climatic conflict.
>Gave basically zero characterization to it's villains.
>Had a boring and generic CGI look, that somehow looked worst than it's eight year older predecessor.
>Had a main cast consisting of card-board cutouts .
>Made every character (including Hayatao) save for Freiya and Keith completely pointless in the final ''battle''.
>Had basically zero believable stakes.
>Basically went nowhere with the protecolture plotline.
Yes user, it was garbage.
*looked worse.
Freudian slip there.
I'm not denying anything, but the issue was about the first half and not the complete show. I really question your ability to read and follow a conversation but at least you proved that you're not a hypocrite, good work.
I liked it. Watched it for the songs and romance and mecha, don't give two shits about the plot of Macross in general. Its world-building doesn't really intrigue me.
Because of the delay? Because most people don't care? Shitty reasons for me to think a show is bad (the delay would affect my opinion of the studio, and I do think ACTAS needs to get those scheduling issues sorted out or they're closing doors soon)
You think Regalia's bad? More power to you.
I think it was good. You can keep crying about it, but you won't change what I think of the show
>but the issue was about the first half and not the complete show.
There was nothing of particular merit about the first half either, what are you talking about?. Also, even if you were correct, would you say that a book is great if it had 500 pages, and the last 250 of them were nothing but meandering schlock that in no way brought a satisfying conclusion to the good things you found in the first 250?
>Robocucks and /m/tards are still mad
Fuck off crossboarder.
Yes, my poor retard. Every your sentence screams you came here from Sup Forums after just few months of browsing /po/ or Sup Forums. If you think that's enough for people to stop recognizing newfag and crosboarder in you, you're very wrong. And if I ask for any proof that you're here for more than 1-2 years you would disappear from this thread faster than the speed of light.
>/m/tards being mad
>even worth commenting on
/m/tards are constantly mad 99% of new anime, so you may as well comment on the sky still being blue.
>I have no rebuttal, so I will call them cucks.That'll show 'em!
Fuck off Dulltafag.
No, I wouldn't say it's great. It's a good thing I never once said in this thread that Macross Delta as a whole was great I guess.
>I don't know shit about good fiction or writting, or what makes this franchise work in particular.
>m-maybe if I call him a newfag he will stop bullying my favorite masturbatory piece of shit.
Go back to watch AKB0048, faggot.
The one thing that never changes is that every newfag and crossboarder gets extreme ice burn when they are called newfag and crossboarder.
It's anonymous imageboard, you could just stop posting instead of continuing to expose ourself. Instead you decided to mention AKB0048 which was the 3rd most discussed series in Delta threads after Macross itself and Aquarion.
I really need more Frejya in my life.
Totally forgettable series and characters
Macross II levels of irrelevance
You're a special brand of retarded, aren't you?, the fact that you can't pick up the not-any-subtle irony, or counter any of my points is proof enough of your incapability for coherent discourse. Concession accepted by the way.
Remember when the Arabian merchant of lengthy exposition spent nearly an entire episode on recapping previous Macross entries?
>or counter any of my points
What? Is making a point? Or ? Or ? Those are all your responses to my posts. Great ``points'', I didn't expect anything from Sup Forumstard.
And post asking to watch AKB0048 was a clear miss because even /m/ doesn't use it as insult in Macross threads. But obviously newfag like you couldn't know it since you never been in /m/ nor you never were in a single Delta thread when it was airing. I'm still waiting for any kind of proof that you learned about Sup Forums more than 1-2 years ago. Literally anything.
Was he secretly the 8th walkure?
No one watched it
Because it was huge waste of time. Story was unnecessary convoluted, progression didn't make anysense, characters were idiots, villain didn't even have proper reasoning beside being evul.
Animation was decent, 2D mecha and QP Flappers's designs were nice but everything else was failure. It was worse than almost all recent mecha that everyone outside Sup Forums dropped, worse than M3, Captain Earth, Argevollen, maybe even turds like A/zzz
This show was so bad it ruined all of the previous entries in the franchise for me.