Rewatching yugioh waking the dragons subbed and holy shit I don't remember it being this good.
>dat orichalcos theme >dat based motherfucker rafael >dat kaiba v amelda
I admit it started off slow but now that I'm into the duels back to back this arc is getting to be better than battle city. What does Sup Forums think of it?
its edgy as fuck and there are a couple of "lol what situations" but it had pretty good duels Rafael was cool although he had that broken card I think absorbed power from all dead monsters him and yugi still had good duels.the turtle catapult and the dark magician girl shit was yamis scapegoat like twice though wasn't it
Jack Allen
I still don't know what happened there, how the fuck did he absorb red eyes into that magic card he played? While we're at it, Valor's deck was ridiculously OP, I thought Raphael's was actually good, was really satisfying to see Pharaoh lose even after he pulled all that crazy shit with Orichalcos. just finished MONSTA CADO episode. I don't mind the edge since it's not inherently bad. Based Kaiba calling Amelda the fuck out is basically how I feel about the antagonists, so I'm glad somebody said it.
5D's is so underrated, specifically the first half.
Cooper Fisher
>Most fans consider it the best series >"Underrated"
It's not 2008 any more, no one is parroting le "CARD GAMEZ ON MOTERCYCLEZ LOLXD!1111" maymay anymore M8.
Hunter Young
Jaxson Morales
5ds probably scared people away with his "card games on motorcycles" They pulled it off amazing tho
Tyler Cox
Robert Wood
Jordan Cruz
Yeah but the Yliaster shit... My god.
Aiden Lopez
Back then we got the german dub, which was based on the english script and seriously. fuck that script.
the german VA is brilliant but the original script is so much better
Grayson Butler
I use both of those in YGO Pro as dueling music. That arc had the best OST in my opinion.
William Clark
>YGO Pro do you play with synchro summon and zexal fags do I need to know the changes to play pro I only get traditional yugioh
Daniel White
Dartz's deck was hilarously ridiculous.
And fitting enough, the way he was beaten was some high tier Atem bullshit
Jace Myers
You can play with whatever summoning method you want, the program is always updated with new cards.
You could still play tribute/classic YGO, but you'll probably get destroyed by both real people and the AI. Since I've only seen Duel Monsters as well, the thing I find the most fun about current YGO is seeing how they've turned old cards into archetypes (ie Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes).
Samuel Roberts
>Arc-V has already completely died and been replaced by a YGO general