Be a dining table making company

>be a dining table making company
>want to sell individual parts of tables ie. legs, tabletops, brackets, feet in case your customers only want/need one part
>also still sell whole tables for a slightly higher price than buying all the individual parts
>have to sell tables at an artificially low price as a result, not a price dictated by supply and demand
>dining chair manufacturers: yiss, yiss, you should demand legislation to ensure people's freedom to own dining tables. You will have more money to spend on chairs because of how wonderfully cheap the wonderful federal government has made tables!

Replace dining tables with ISPs and chair makers with Google, Amazon, Netflix etc.

The free market is the only moral solution to this issue. Net neutrality is totalitarianism. Keep your government guns out of the marketplace.
Don't tread on me.

Wrong fag ISP are more akin to water and electricity.

>he used his water on his lawn!!! He only paided for the faucet water service!!!! Oh shit he used it in cooking our terms stipulate that using faucet water for cooking violets the agreement,and they need to be fined,and forced to stop or to buy our premium water service package.

>you are entitled to products and services you did not pay for and the provider did not agree to provide

die, communist

It's to keep you from having a leg up on the competition.


The internet has become key infrastructure that people rely on. Infrastructure needs to be regulated, not free for greedy corporations to fuck up.
At least when you lose net neutrality, we won't be seeing you anymore, OP. Because it will be like: You want to browse Sup Forums? We have a package deal for you to access Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr and facebook for only an additional $19.99 per month.

Go ask Portuguese posters. They have this already.


>agreed to provide water to my faucets, claim they can tell me what to do with said water I pay for out of faucet

Fuck off like.

This is false, because there is no competition and no free market.

Remove state regulations that grant ISPs local monopolies and then this will work as you say.

Have fun figuring out how to do that.

that's a pretty big false equivalency there

>agreed to provide water to you on the condition that you use it for whatever you both consensually agreed to use it for
>I am somehow not in the wrong by breaking this contract

again - die, communist

Okay then, let me ask you this: Are you also entitled to free netflix subscriptions? Amazon prime? Hulu plus? Are those companies obligated to provide free services to you? Or just ISPs?

>I support da Jews , telling me what to do with my own water.

You'd have the right to do what you want with it if you went and got it and piped it to your house yourself. You are entitled to water. You are not entitled to the infrastructure, purification plants and pumping complexes that get it to your house in a cute little pinterest sink. That costs money to do and companies have the right to charge you for those services

I already paying for it to come out to my house and are charged on amount taken out, a like cannot tell me what I can and cannot do with it once it leaves their pipes

in what fucking world are ISPs offering a free services? what planet do you live on?

Pls explain.

Repeal of net neutrality means there is no legislation on how access to the internet is sold, right?

So these ISPs could start chopping up service into packages, excluding things we had access to once to be sold individually at a higher price, correct?

So why would one think that's ok? Why would any be for the repeal of net neutrality? Without the promise of big bucks, anyway.

Government contracts. Worked in a cabinet manufacturing company in 08-10. They did everything from Dukes locker room to Peyton Manning's private bar in the Colts stadium to NHL teams. They made the most money off of hospitals and schools though. The 100% private business and private financed deals were a wash though. Company went from massive expansion to being sold 3 times in 2 years and losing money. Partial or totally government financed work is a good deal if you can get it. Obviously the bail out money didn't go to building schools or hospitals, but failed banks. Maybe just be a banker...Oh shit this is a NN thread...

>your isp being selling individual parts

By requiring ISPs to provide every service you want, you are in effect forcing them to provide services to you. They may charge for it, but not as much as they want to. Certain services which are required to be provided as part of the "package" that passes inspection are provided at no cost when if it were up to market forces to determine, would cost something.

If you sign a contract in which you agree that in exchange for their services, you will not do X, Y, or Z with your water, you are absolutely not entitled to break the terms of that contract

Yes, these privately owned companies would have more freedom to sell their services how they and/or the market deems fit, and not the federal government. It would restore freedom to the market and give company owners some of their natural rights back. Yes, they probably would start selling the internet in different packages. But you know what? That's their right, as a privately owned business. The minute you point a government gun at them and tell them what they can and cannot do - it becomes wrong

They are not licensing the water you faggot they are selling it to mean and I can do with it what I want as it is my property

Oh look, another bad attempt at a metaphor,

Hey retard, if you agreed not to do something as a condition of receiving a service, and you break the agreement, the discontinuation of that service is 100% warranted and you are a filthy disgusting communist worthy of a painful death

if more than one person tries to fuck a trap at the same time how does it all fit down a single hole??? the government should regulate traps have wider assholes