Is this a good show or is it a mediocre show with a good character?
Is this a good show or is it a mediocre show with a good character?
Damn good show.
its a great show and all the characters are great.
It's a good show and the fact that people keep debating over it proves it.
good show
you are a faggot for saying it isn't OP
It's great.
You know, Haruko, music etc.
I genuinely in a non offensive manner don't get what's so great about everyone but Haruko
For me it is kind the dark knight problem, where I just find it an ok movie but a really, really, really strong character carrying everything else on the shoulders
I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
mamimi and ninamori are just as nuanced and interesting as haruko. especially mamimi
shit even amarou is as complex as haruko.
>they all defend it but can't explain why
it's overhyped.
It was a show that tried to be complicated for the sake of being complicated, I liked it as an edgy teenager, but now I think it's "ok". The story was actually pretty fucking awful and I only like it because of the pillows and the art.
I dunno, it is like in Diebuster where it feels like a side character got an entire episode for itself for no reason
I'm sorry that we have to help formulate your opinion for you retard
>The story was actually pretty fucking awful
I've rewatched it now and I liked it a little bit better than the first time, this time I didn't give a single fuck about the story in a big lebowski kinda manner
its not complicated and doesn't try to be. just densely packed
>the story is fucking awful
in what way? I think it's great
no that episode is definitely necessary. thematically very much so
I see your point with tycho but that ep definitely helps us gain insight into the characters and the world and is general is pretty brilliant
*in general
>lol so random XD and muh sexual innuendos
Never got the hype for this drivel.
you have no heart
it's a mediocre show with mediocre characters and good soundtrack
> The story was actually pretty fucking awful
was there is a story?
in what way is it "mediocre"?
>he thinks it was 'random XD'.
So everything went over your head? Good to know.
yeah a young boy is conceited and acts like a a mature grown up and as a result is manipulated by women because of this. in the end he learns to assert his true self and the alien flies off because he's a kid
there we go. simple story excellently done
it was mediocre in
i just said it
it was good in
>art style
I think I would like it more if was just whacky monster of the week but much more raunchy
I guess this is why I like psg better
yeah that's why I asked in what way are they mediocre
imo opinion they're not so I want to see a good reason why they are
>imo opinion
wew that's embarrassing, my bad
i don't think >a young boy is conceited and acts like a a mature grown up and as a result is manipulated by women because of this. in the end he learns to assert his true self and the alien flies off because he's a kid
is a great story
the MC was just an edgy teenager and the rest of the characters were just a likable character (mamimi was a great character tho)
I dunno its a very universal story dramatized in a poignant way with a fair amount of subtlety, balancing surreal flights of fancy with realistic pathos. To me its great
The MC wasn't just an edgy teenager. He was a lovable oaf and the show did its best to comedically undercut his self-serious angst. You're right Mamimi is a genius character, probably my favourite in fiction
Sorry for the gushing, I just love FLCL. It's the only thing I would say I was a legit fan of. Other than the band Talk Talk
>what's so great about everyone but Haruko
Haruko is a character with barebones characterization. Well written character =/= the character you personally like the most.
You can make everything seem unimpressive by dumbing it down. The way something is executed is what makes the difference and FLCL does it incredibly well.
it's a masterpiece
It's a good show, although it gets progressively worse as you get older (which I guess is true for most coming-of-age shows anyways).
Sorry, but you guys are retarded. FLCL was the brainchild of Tsuramaki. Meaning it was a story and a bunch of ideas specific only to him and his mind. If the broader story went over your head and all you gathered from it was LOL SO RANDUM XD, you're comprehension skills are dull.
Yes; on the surface FLCL is about growing up but also knowing to continue to stay true to yourself and whats genuine to you as you get older. But its also about a virtually cosmic alien being that consumes entire solar systems and an intergalactic corporation trying to capture/kill that being for his power. The purpose of this corporation is to inhibit thought across the Universe, making everyone essentially drones to be used and controlled. The reason Atomsk is capable of consuming and transporting solar systems is because of his N.O. N.O is essentially a cosmic portal formed by using both sides of the brain, opening a pathway through several dimensions of reality.
Honestly the story is faaaar beyond its age. I put it in line with Evangelion and BoogiePop Phantom. The stuff about growing up and whatnot is the human element to make it relatable and so general audiences come away with a positive message. Its a good one too. FLCL really just talks about the grey reality of life we all face.
>Tfw 31 replies in and Sup Forums still isnt sure if it likes FLCL or not
Its probably a good show
this is true until you hit 20 and realise just how well made and great it is again and then your opinion should sit there, in my experience
yeah but all that is just a metaphor for the sexy alien-ness of girls, the power of childish imagination and how adulthood tries to iron it out, yeah?
It's not as good as people say it is. That's for sure.
I think its better than people say it is
I mean thats the beauty of Fooly Cooly; you can munch on its plot points as simple metaphors for human and wordly things or take the premise at face value and interpret the importance of it, in the context of its own reality.
I mentioned Evangelion, I don't think things like The First Ancestral Race and the moons of Lilith and Adam and the Spear of Longinus
are just metaphors for a wordly message. I think Anno truly believes a lot of the things he conveyed in Evangelion are true, same with Tsuramaki and FLCL. And how fitting is it that the dad character of FLCL is a guy obsessed with writing about and discussing the depth of Evangelion?
I get it
doesn't mean I like it