Hey kid, want some?
Hey kid, want some?
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Or do you want something else?
you got any mints?
Damn I loved this film even though it makes me cry ;_;
Tears are delicious.
Yukino was perfect.
I like how she showed up in Kimi no Na Wa.
Greatest love story ever told.
okay, I'll get in your van
Why not both?
Why would you do that?
Y-you donĀ“t like sweet chocolat with sweaty feet?
sweaty feet are made for sniffing and eating off of.
I think OP has finally made me decide to watch this. Ever since I was a kid I've had some sort of aesthetic fetish for hand-drawn stacks of chocolate bars and candies.
There isn't much candybars in the movie.
It isn't a good movie, either, unless you've got a foot fetish.
It's a comfy movie with some drama at the end, the only ones that can complain are the retarded shippers.
Alternatively if user has a snowballing fetish then Kimi no Na wa is the movie for him.
I have been trying to think of a clever way to make a Clerks reference, but wit isn't my strong suit.
Why would anyone bully such kind beauty?
I want a cute cake to buy me some sweets.
>as if this is somehow attractive
fucking feetfags. that's disgusting. maybe aesthetically pleasing in 2D but just the thought of trying something like that yourself... nasty.
who are you and why are you carrying so much candy?
What are your thoughts on the Bacanno OP?
Her female competition.
Did you watch the show?
You've got a nose. Are you sure you're inside an anime?
this movie is the most sappiest overdramatic shit ever why do people like it? i have no idea.
Yeah, didn't have any fights or powering up, total garbage.
>Final scene of the movie
>MC screams that Yukino never loved him
>Yukino shrugs
>Yare yare daze
>With a loud scream her hair stands upright and turnes a golden yellow
>This isn't even my f-
>MC teleports behind her
>Kicks her down the stairs
Kill yourself.
It wouldn't be so bad if the character interactions were better and if Takao wasn't a borderline noncharacter