If she's CIA how come she needs to raise money by hunting bounties and selling gossip and shit?
If she's CIA how come she needs to raise money by hunting bounties and selling gossip and shit?
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She's a big girl
CIA doesn't pay very well - I hear they don't even get to bring friends.
because a mercenary that magically gets money by doing nothing is kind of suspicious don't you think
They still sell guns and drugs and sexy Latino choir boys.
God bless America.
She works for the mercenary, the masked man.
All of these activities involving making contacts and acquaintances, which are obviously important in her line of work.
>implying she was not actually trying to seduce Revy
o shit everyone bail an agent is lurking!
The CIA started selling drugs in the 80s to get more money off the books
plus you wouldn't want a money trail leading back to your angency
best girl
I am disappointed by the lack of EdaxRevy doujins.
Because that's what was in the flight plan.
there's not much of a line between crook and cia agent so she probably does it for the money
Silly user - /his/ is the terrorist's board.
because otherwise it would be extremely painful.
It's not like you can go home to daddy when you're under cover. I'm sure the CIA gave her a generous fund and some contacts and resource drops, but once you're an agent in the field you're on your own. She's out there getting intel on the Chinese and the Russians by keeping tabs on the down spout of their sewer drains. If you told me she was sidelining as a prostitute to sleep with Hotel Moscow operatives I wouldn't bat an eye.
I love the thought of her cleaning up and heading back to Washington in a suit and turning down a desk job because she can't get enough of the thrill of field work.
she's too well known amongst the major factions to be a prostitute
The best crooks are federal agents, who basically spend their time fighting the underworld of other country federal agents.
It's a demon eat demon world out there.
Damn, I want to fuck Eda so bad. Too bad almost no one makes Black Lagoon doujins nowadays.
Not with that attitude!
but what does she do with all the money? I mean there are people who do bounty hunts for a 100k, what do you do with that kind of cash? its not like she needs to buy hookers and blow
> The CIA doesn't get money doing illegal shit
snort cocaine 100% pura colombia
buy guns
buy ammo
buy anime figures
donate it to the red cross
save it for when she's too old and the CIA want to kill her because she's useless to them and knows too much
what would you do with 100k
probably all the above except for the part where I donate to the red cross
>its not like she needs to buy hookers and blow
Those are never necessities user, they remain popular regardless.
Balalaika = Roberta > Rest
>there's not much of a line between crook and cia agent so she probably does it for the money
It is certainly amusing that the major bosses of the city know who she is, but doesn't care because as far as they are concerned, CIA is just another criminal organisation and no different fro them. Powerful, yes, but in the end just another faction to wheel and deal with.
Buy stem cells, corpses, sturdy tanks, and a lot of solar panels.
She's not CIA. There's only one CIA, and it ain't her.
>hurr durr why would a CIA plant in deep cover as a criminal act like a criminal
OP is the type of guy who would blow his cover and get flayed alive then disembolowed day one
Honestly how fucking retarded are you OP? Were you dropped on your head as a child or did your parents just make the unfortunate choice not to abort you?
Fucking retard.
She's deep cover CIA, meaning that in addition to being allowed/encouraged to break laws to keep his cover, she also has to acquire her own funds.
She's basically a principled patriot posing as a criminal degenerate posing as a chaste nun.
>government job
>ever giving you enough money for anything
Good one.
>posing as a chaste nun.
She's not doing a very good job of that one.
She gets to bring friends?
Because those CIA niggers are holding out on her.
CIA don't get to bring friends.
She's never shown interest in anyone besides Rock... and face it, who wouldn't want to stare into those beautiful puppy-dog eyes and drag him around by his tie?
Fucking unf
Can being desperate work on revy if your a guy?
If there was no danger of getting raped/murdered by Revy, maybe, but things being what they are, she's marked her territory.
>buy anime figures
Do you think she prefers Rei or Asuka?