How does Sup Forums feel about girls in suits?
How does Sup Forums feel about girls in suits?
There's not enough of them
They are the greatest thing that exists.
Fuck off Sup Forums.
Is this a thing on Sup Forums now?
Because I'll start going to Sup Forums if it is.
>Because I'll start going to Sup Forums if it is.
But the archive says you already go there.
I didn't make this thread.
The sexiest.
>/vp/ is leaking
I'll only let it slide this time because of the abundance of cute girls it manage to put out in the newest game/show
I'm glad Anabel became a cute little Hitman.
Pokemon is Sup Forums too, she'll surely be animated eventually.
>she shows up in Sun & Moon dressed like this
>meets Ash again
Will they fug?
no. she'll break into ash's room in the dead of night, then ask him to meet her outside the data center on the 4th floor.
god bless game freak
Works in 2D.
Shit in 3D.
Why is she just Kirigiri from Danganronpa?
They have strong ass Alakazams.
It's still pretty good in 3D.
Don't worry, that's just a guy in a machamp suit.
Give me one example.
Google it.
This is my fetish.
Everything is shit in 3D
I suppose that's true.
It is merely a fabric that is draped around the body in order to create a facade of meaning, when in fact the human body is good enough as it is and people would do better to stop hiding themselves from one another. That said, if the fabric is aesthetically pleasing in nature I can dig it.
Reminder that she doesn't wear panties.
Well, something triggered.
That made me feel physically ill.
>[citation needed]
not as good as girls in tuxedos
getting married
to other girls in wedding dresses
That's upper level.
Just take my word for it.
The cutest!
Where did this come from? Is there a line in the game or something?
Of all the girls they could bring back, they brought the best one. God bless those wonderous waifu masters at GameFreak.
Humans are curious. We like mystery. That said, a suit gives off the aura of class and power, two things that elevate anyone's sex appeal.
I've heard that women see suits on men the way men see lingerie on women.
Lingerie is sexy, yes, but I'll be damned if a suit isn't just as good on a woman.
Neckties themselves are incredibly appealing too for some reason. I wish more anime girls wore them.
They're part of school uniforms sometimes.
It's everything I never knew I wanted
>he didn't already have a taste for cute girls in suits
The best
My fetish.
It has to be done more. This was Urobuchi's fault.
Excellent taste.
I didn't expect putting her in a suit to improve her so much. She's god tier now.
Is this the psychic gym boss from the first season?
They make my penis happy.
No, one of the frontier brains from Hoenn
>Girls in pantsuits
They're my favorite, and there's not enough of them
A girl in a suit is 100% cute!
Who is this qt?
>tfw almost just got rekt by her
I love her already
/vp/ is full of furries and other weird kinks so it's no wonder many people flock here instead.
I'm not sure
How would she react when she found Ash? I mean, she looks more mature and Ash is still a kid
She's in her 20s now and is a major member of the international police. I have no idea how they'll handle that if they actually use this Anabel in the show
Why is every girl in a suit Kirigiri from Danganronpa?
>High on paint fumes
>Gives you the equivalent of a gym badge before walking away and talking to herself
I love how Kukui and Guzma weren't allowed to be captains but a literal cute and needs to be loved and protected retard was allowed to.
Some girls are able to handle the suit. And I will always enjoy those who can.
Yes. There's nothing I love more than girls who tend to dress in male clothes.
Truly, the sign of a cultured man.
Plus, there's something sexy about a girl who could look good in both a suit and in a dress.
See? This girl is fucking cute in both a suit and a dress! So if you can pull off both then you are good.
There's a manga called Boku girl, it's got a lot of that
>purple hair
>a detective
>not kirigiri
It's not just a matter of putting on the suit but the long hair to play up her femininity that contrasts with the tomboyish wardrobe she's got going on.