Sometimes you gotta remove the haremshit and actually make use of your given premise
Drifters aka GATE done right
>he can't appreciate a fun harem
Too many japs, otherwise decent.
It doesn't have the same audience.
Really enjoying the ride so far. Gonna have to start reading the manga at some point.
well duh, gate baits most of it's audience with it's harem garbage. They both have a similar premise but drifters focuses on it more
So when it will become interesting?
Why does this show have to attract all the literal homo faggots
>He can't appreciate anything else than a fun harem.
If its not interesting for you so far then i doubt you will ever be interested, drop it and move on.
By making a nearly no-name rando from the Heike Monogatari a twink.
Drifters is trash.
It would literally be gay NOT to want to fuck Yoichi.
No, this is trash.
nah drifters is dragging on too much and having too little action. Also just how many times are they gonna go "this guy is really something"
How is Drifters GATE done right if GATE was already done right?
Don't open this. It's just a picture of Yoichi standing up.
literally the only ones who watch it are homos
The only good adaptation of a Murata work was 2001's Hellsing and that wasn't even his shitty work after the first two episodes.
Drifters is bad. The art is bad, the animation is cheap, it is ENTIRELY telling instead of showing, and even worse it's faithful to the source. It's Hellsing Ultimate all over again except with even less budget.
And Hellsing Ultimate was also hot garbaggio.
Like Hellsing, it will be miles of very slowly paced buildup that all capitulates in an excruciatingly drawn out series of fights. Some day, we'll get a final showdown with the big bad, and then 2 years later we'll be half way through the fight.
The manga hasn't even gotten that far yet though, so the anime is doomed to end on a "lol read the source material" note.
>ITT edgy tweenage shit that you just KNEW Sup Forums was going to slobber all over the second you saw it
Saving this for a friend.
Finally someone who get it.
but it's extremely mediocre
>Hellsing Ultimate was also hot garbaggio
I'm glad someone else has taste
Weak bait. Try harder next time.
i want to impregnate yoichi
Yoichi wants to do the same to you
Fuck haters
Love Yoichi
Save Hijikata
I can't take this pressure no more, got a love like a hurricane
Are the threads really that full of fags? I just caught up with it and its disappointing to hear I won't be able to go in threads without dealing with fujoshits. I knew there'd be some with the archer trap but I didn't think it'd be that bad.
Only redundant threads like this one. Thread for new episode was alright. Mid-week ones not so much, becauae everything's been discussed.