What's her appeal?
What's her appeal?
Retard moe
Wants to have fun and makes no apologies for it
Could a retard have pulled this off?
Grab life by the pussy.
Genki with a dash of tsun
I liked Haruhi better before I watched her anime. Everything she does is annoying.
At first, yeah, but she grows as a person.
If I pick it back up and you're wrong, I'm billing you 20 dollars for every hour I've wasted believing you.
If you dropped it during S1, she does get better.
Watching S2 will probably just make you hate her again though.
Tbh just read the LN.
She actually stays a cunt the whole show
Shes better in the movie, only because its an alternate universe
She keeps the bossy attitude and bizarre interests, but she cares more for others and starts mixing her activities with more normal stuff. The point is that she's pushy and invading, but still nice to have around in the end.
She has low points (1 in S1 and 1 in S2) where she acts like a legit cunt, but she outgrows them.
>reading LNs
They're great, but only after watching the anime I'd say. Kyoani did a great job at adapting them, especially the movie.
So S3 is happening right lads?
unfortunately, also correct
I've never found Haruhi annoying, she's fucking adorable
Mikuru will piss me off though, fuck her whiny bullshit, yet she's supposed to be the cute one
2 weeks user.
10/10 hottie jailbait with tsundere character development would elope with
>not posting the webm
for shame
Today I will remind them.
me on the bottom right
Why is everything so blurry
She's perfect.
Your eyes are bad
love yuki
i love emilia
Her eccentricity. You never know what the fuck she's gonna do next.
She's cute
She's a literal unattainable god
Isn't Haruhi literally a genius at everything she does? Except making friends.
She is Beautiful.
She will love you for being only slightly alpha.
That's assuming you can deal with her personality and attitude.
Pretty much. She could enjoy the normie life if she wanted.
No the dream is dead
me on the top right
Why would you want to be a blurred faggot?
her body
>perfect body
>actually cares about people around her
>wants to go on crazy adventure, but realizes it is not realistic
I'm fucking jealous of Kyon.
the protag dude is chill
You know, user...have you ever realized just how insignificant your existence on this planet really is?
>Haruhi will never cosplay for you
Fuck Kyon and fuck his luck.
She acts like she's God despite not knowing she is.
coming in to remind you guys that this will never get a new season, hope you have a great day fellas.
wow rude
Cinematic meme
I can't argue against these dubs
She has a personality most people here wouldn't be able to handle. That's why Kyon is great.
But there are always books available.
And if you are a talented artist that really likes the books, you can just make the manga yourself
She will bring Kralizec, the typhoon struggle
double dubs of truth,
fuckin checked, haruhi fags btfo
don't rub salt in the wound nigga