>Sup Forums suddenly hates Kayo
What the fuck happened?
Stella no Mahou
>Hating any girl in a fun show where all girls are best
Not on my watch.
Subs when?
Those hellas don't write themselves user.
Best milf.
Literally never happened.
Why is Tama-chan so slutty?
Nobody watches this show, user.
When translator-kun posts the script, which will probably be tomorrow afternoon.
I did go use the last episode to time the OP and ED for use in future episodes, as well as update the styling to be consistent with (i.e. steal from) the Hidoi desu release. So it should look nicer this week.
Sup Forums here. I love Kayo more and more each episode.
>tfw no cute programming MILF in your life
>probably 35+
She looks 20 at best what the hell japan.
It's the Stella world after all.
Where highschool girls look like elementary school students.
How do I cross into this wonderful world?
Take the train. You know the one. Hop off the station past Neo-Venezia but just before Gensokyo.
She's just a healthy school girl.
This isn't true though. Please don't spread misinformation about poor Kayo. She's a good girl.
That's ok, she sounds like 40.
she has my future job but not into le petite milady
what do you think of ram coder edition?
quints wasted
Holy shit
Cute hip.
>giving a fuck what f/a/ggots think
If anyone hates Kayo they can fucking answer to me and I swear to god I'll fuck them
>What the fuck happened?
Sounds like shitposting to me.
I love her voice. Wish she got more screen time.
Have you actually seen an adult Japanese woman? They look 10-15 years younger than other races.
No stella is as good as Shii
5 minutes.
I don't know where you read that, but Kayo's is perfect and her voice is just perfecterer.
See It's like K-ON where every girl is best girl except Azusa.
Azusa is great, though, unlike Haa-chan-san
Oh it got new subs. I dropped it around ep3 because daisuki. Guess its time to pick it back up again.
Even Daisuki's subs improved a bit recently, they're still full of mistranslations but they don't have the hella cute shit from earlier on anymore.
Sup Forumspproved subs even.
Shii is too kawaii
Is that scene really necessary?
Necessary for my dick.
My wife Tamaki is so cute
I actually didn't recognize the seiyuu at first. Between this and that kansai-ben girl from that fateshit game whatever, she keeps amazing me with her range. Thought she was a one-trick pony.
What was she doing on her PC?
better be good unlike this shit
Something related to old men
Azusa is best girl.
TL here. Hope you didn't have plans for today 'cause I'm about to waste everyone's time again with another superfluous translation.
I'm just going to post it for you to bleed your eyes on, and I'll come back after a bit of a rest to help with all the things that need fixing.
Small change to notation this week, both * and _ indicate lines that need special attention, but I've tried to use * for strict wording problems and _ for wrong nuances or such translation shortcomings.
Failed to make the webm loop properly, I know.
Neat. Proofreading now.
If a timer is here, use this as the base:
It's got the OP and ED lined up already and some styles.
Have this mahou shoujo for your hard work.
Keep on saving fansubbing you glorious motherfuckers. Also there going to be OP/ED karaoke this episode?
Can you transcribe what you think is being said at ~4 min? The line about hair.
Or did you by chance get a transcript from somewhere?
Working on the timing.
>gandhi sans
I dont think my pc has this.
Azusa is fantastic, gaywad
I'm not 100% sure but I think it's:
括る fits the meaning alright. The pronunciation is a bit off but within acceptable boundaries.
Spent quite a while trying to figure out the part that sounds like はにけ/はにげ or something. Eventually I assumed the word wasn't in EDICT and I'd have to figure it out myself. I noticed that the -け ending (毛) would fit the theme. That could make it a verb root + noun composite word. I looked up はねるin weblio and found promising entries:
>先端が上を向く。 「房の先が-・ねる」
>先端を上に向ける。 「毛先を上に-・ねる」
A web search failed to provide examples of はね毛 being used as such but showed that はねる is used to describe something hair does. As weblio suggests, it seems to indicate hair ends curling upwards.
Here's the initial pass:
I'm not much use with the translational nuances if the problem is you not perfectly understanding, but if you can provide a super literal translation then I can turn it to English.
The *s are marks for me to go back and think up rephrasing for the second pass so I don't waste an hour thinking them up and bottleneck things.
Thanks. You might want to look at the ED timing too. I didn't shift the timing at all from the last episode, and that's making me paranoid as fuck that it's like half a second early.
Oh, and it's timed to Leopard Raws, though I think both are the same time wise.
And while on this topic I'll blog about some other tough lines that I may or may not have figured out correctly.
質の面で張り合う (しつのめんではりあう)
You'll find results for "の面で", including even "質の面で". Also note weblio entries such as these:
>[1] 事柄のそれぞれの領域。 「資金の-では困らない」
>[1] ある方面。ある部面。 「財政の-で援助する」 「技能の-で劣っている」
So 面 denotes a thematic area, one particular aspect of something. And 質 I think means a characteristic, an innate trait.
押しが弱い (おしがよわい)
Revealing results with a web search. This seems to refer to people who are bad at asserting themselves and easily give in to what others suggest or expect of them.
>Sup Forums hating a character voiced by Aoi Yuuki
I dislike Hibiki.
>Try not to lewd Honda-chan
>Watch pic-realted
>Same VA
Tama-chan wants to fuck her dad.
You shouldn't lewd cute snow youkai either. That's what the Suzu is for.
Okay, that was very educational.
I'm also annoyed by that [INAUDIBLE] bit around 8 minutes, but I can't come up with anything.
>(do trains have their own horoscopes? Or is she just talking about a horoscope she read on the train?)
Never heard of them, but she seems to suggest they do.
>(maybe "tie it up" since she's talking about how she had the ribbon?)
I think I went with "hold down" because she wished for a hairband and I wouldn't consider that "tying up". Also probably because I wasn't 100% sure on the verb, as explained, so I chose something more generic.
>(changed honorific to -san, because that's what she says)
Jesus christ what is wrong with me.
>(it sounds like she says "first year" in there, but that's all I can pick out)
Whoa, easy there, hotshot. She does say "ichinen" but it's a different "nen": 一念発起 in case you want to jisho that.
>(is she speaking strangely here? I'd think "First year student, Teru." would be more normal.)
No, I just tried to streamline her speech but I didn't know if I could get away with omitting all verbs. Go with your wording.
>(sounds like "You mean first year of college, right, Teru-san?")
I wasn't sure whether her line was supposed to be addressed at Teru or Haa, but looking back Teru makes more sense, so yeah, go ahead.
>that whole part around line 92
Ah, fuck, I had forgotten about it. Okay, I'll get to that later.
>(there's definitely a "sugoii" in there, followed by "wa kushushu"? I'd guess it's either "what an amazing change" talking about Haa, or "what an amazing aura" talking about Seki. Probably the later)
I think it's about Seki too.
>(this sounds more harsh than what her tone implies to me, maybe "Looks like you broke it," or something?)
Well, the original is not harsh, what with the -chau suffix. Teasing, if anything.
Damn you, hiro-pyon.
>(is she really saying "take it easy"? a fridge full of energy drinks doesn't really fit that idea)
I thought the same thing. "The (time) before a release, you overcome/get through by not overstraining yourself (muri sezu) and calming down (ochitsuite)". Then in the next sentence, she encourages them to work using the same word the girls use to refer to that all-nighter they pulled to finish their previous game.
I think there's little doubt that she's encouraging them to work deep into the night or perhaps until morning, so what do we make of her previous statement? Perhaps C-mom believes that a certain amount of caffeine-induced sleep deprivation does not constitute "muri suru"? See if you can fit this puzzle better.
Not that user, but sounded like sugoi something there. Great change? Transformation?
>great wax odor
Strong makeup smell? My sides.
The stench of the hair wax she's used
Well shit, though her hair isnt that different from her normal one.
It's clearer in the manga designs. The way her normal hair is drawn is supposed to represent it being messy, out of place, whereas Iris mode is slicked down.
That's fucking beautiful. Thanks, user.
And finally, let's get to that bit around 6:30 / line 92.
>In order for her to portray Ayachi's sense accurately,
So far so good, sort of.
>「ゆうあい」など含めた全体的な世界観の設計を練り込む必要があると思うわ (?)
"I think there is a need to knead? forge? construct? a world building (the expression seems redundant?) that includes, among other things, 'yuuai'".
And all I could match 'yuuai' to is "fraternity" or "UI" (user interface). What the actual fuck.
"But for that purpose, the world she sees and the waves (she) receives must be synchronized. To make that possible..."
"Denpa" (electromagnetic waves) is often not to be taken literally, as because of an old meme the word is used to refer to eccentric people and the crazy stories they tell. I tried to make fit as the "vibes" Tama might be getting from Seki's novel, but that was a total shot in the dark, I haven't seen the word used like that.
I can't be around for much longer, sadly.
Hmm, it never occurred to me to just look it up in the manga.
>Jesus christ what is wrong with me.
The line is something like "Honda-san wa change" with a very prominent Cha. I had to double check to make sure.
>Whoa, easy there, hotshot.
Gomen. I did say I wouldn't be much use in that area.
Hmm. I think there is a joke about her being so used to all-nighters that she doesn't see them as stressful, so I think we just need to make the wording of the first line something that implies working hard without letting it get to you. Maybe "you have to collect yourself to make it through."?
I guess I'll go with "Her makeup smells so strong." Or would "hair wax" be more accurate. She seems to be using a lot of both, though I guess hair gel would smell stronger.
I could see UI working if she's saying she needs to construct a world (through illustrations) that is consistent with the world building (of the novels). I guess she could be saying that she needs to put her bonds (fraternity?) into it, but that's more abstract than saying that the UI should be designed to fit the world. It could go either way I guess.
The second probably is referring to an eccentric story since the point of the statement seems to be that Tama needs to get into Aya's chuuni mind more in order to make her art fit the story properly.
Done checking with , checking on the timing and lines now.
That's the best girl.
The new best girl.
>I think there is a joke about her being so used to all-nighters that she doesn't see them as stressful
I think you have a point, considering the line is delivered right as the contents of the fridge are shown that is probably the point of that scene.
Man, I completely ruled out "fraternity" because it has a very restricted meaning and it doesn't fit the theme or the characters at all. But who ever heard of a metaphorical use of "user interface" either?
When you find the right answer you can tell easily, because it just snaps into place and everything fits, you don't need to twist things around and force them into shape. I'm pretty sure the right answer is something entirely different that I simply can't make out, which is why I went with something very generic and tiptoed around the words I wasn't sure of.
All I can suggest is that you go with something reasonably safe unless someone without brain damage/with access to manga scans can provide a better solution. Good luck, everyone.
Final check here:
It's not perfect, but everything should make enough sense now.
質 means quality.
質の面で張り合う means "compete in terms of quality"
Done. Timed to leopard raws
Tama is too easy.
Any changes to the ED this week?
You left the speaker in one of the lines.
seki: Whoa, gross
Subs done to leopard-raws.
Thanks for the subs.
Nice, we wont see the other files in the same folder though.
I like her, though she sounds like a slut.
This anime just keeps getting good with each new episode.
>We will probably never see this semen demon again
It hurts to live
Muxing now.
But she's just a Karen Ninth-street clone.
But her hair is green!
Okay, it's up:
It's my first time muxing, so let me know if I fucked up somewhere.
Seeding at ~250 KiB/s so it may take a bit. I'll keep seeding for the foreseeable future, but it'll obviously be helpful if you stay and help as long as possible.
Downloading now.
Thanks, user.
These summer uniforms are hella cute.