Vote and explain which one you guys prefer!
Dragon Ball Super - Anime or Manga
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this is fucking dumb, the new canon arc from now on is going to be led by the manga first, which actually has Toriyama's oversight.
The quality of the anime will now drastically improve with a quality storyboard to reference from now on.
Toei should just stick to adapting the manga source material, and that's exactly what Toriyama and the staff at Shueisha/Jump are planning to do: create a quality manga first so that will help out the tv adaptation.
We don't even need to make these dumb manga vs anime threads any more either, manga has already won.
If you're talking about purely entertainment merits, clealry voiceacting, music and animation will make the tv show a much better full on experience, but by the looks of the original post you're baiting for a discussion of the plot differences between Toyotaro and Toriyama's manga compared to Toei's tv adaptation.
In this case, there is a clear winner and it's manga but it also has it's issues, because it's rather rushed and doesn't have the tension of a weekly manga/anime.
TL;DR: Toriyama is pushing for the manga to be the primary canon after being disappointed with Toei and the tv adaptation, so we don't even need to fight between the two mediums anymore. Toei will have to adapt the manga with no choice, they can't be left on their own anymore.
But the manga so far has been rushed that rushed junk even up to the quality of the anime?
Toei should be making gifs of the manga, we're in luck now that Toriyama has manned up and is making the manga ahead of the anime.
The only negative downside to this is we're stuck in filler hell for now, but we should be rewarded with quality storyboards and iconic panelshots from the manga being brought to life for the television adaptation from now on.
I cannot wait til Jump Festa where Toriyama will reveal the next canon arc for the manga.
>.is that rushed junk even up to the quality of the anime?
is this some sort of sick joke? There's a fucking reason why the animation director has been canned twice for the anime, it's a fucking shit show.
Nah I'll be honest. Recently was gifted XV2, enjoying it, watching random TFS shit in free time, googling DB stuff like I am in 3rd-5th grade again, interest back in the series. Wanna know where to start with Super. But it seems that manga is not the original source for this one, though I do like manga more for DB/DBZ. Hell actually movies are the real original source here, right?
The manga is more true to the original source that both mediums are based off of, which is called Toriyama's "plot outlines"
Toei has the creative liberty to expand and add additional content, but the manga drawn by Toyotaro stays strictly to the source manuscript to create a vision that is in Toriyama's vision.
The manga goes through oversight by TA himself and gets feedback and even redrawn panels, whereas the TV show by Toei has no oversight by TA whatsoever. He even claimed that "he hasn't checked the final script for the tv show, let's enjoy this together (laughs)"
The manga on the other hand, Toyotaro emphasized once again in the addtional author commentary that the events of the Trunks arc is going to play out differently than the tv show BECAUSE this is Toriyama is the writer for it.
Lastly, Shueisha/Jump publicly revealed that they have the legal rights to the Dragon Ball franchise and not Toei, referring specifically to the manga that is overseen by Toriyama.
The final nail in the coffin for a manga vs anime debate is that after Toriyama has lost confidence in the animation of the tv show, he has decided that the manga should get ahead of the anime to set the bar, people are speculating that he will stop giving Toei "plot outlines" from now on because Toyotaro at NY Comic Con stated that they will "relay information to them" from now on.
broly 2017 is confirmed, screeencap to this
Post your favorite themes.
Desperate Assault (rock version extended)
Black goku next episode preview
If only the manga was a weekly that the anime can replicate and bring to life with animation. Then this would be a no brainer but Toei dun goof'd.
A Dangerous New Enemy is fucking sick
> the naive bullshit posting
I don't think there has been a single anime adaptation that was better than the manga, ever
>it's a designated shitposting thread
how is this naive?
Toyotaro confirms that the manga is Toriyama-sensei doing the original story and that's why it's different from the TV anime.
Damnnnn first time seeing the U7 side of this poster.
Cromartie High.
Toyotaro is literally /our guy/
did anyone else notice that the Dragon Ball Room expansion is pretty much live already?
Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 1: 17 pages.
Chapter 18, the most recent chapter: 40 pages
wheres the 'neither' option?
Boggles my mind people are voting for the anime. It is irredeemably horrible.
they're probably voting for the fact that it was leading the way, it had music, voice acting, animations, and it was new.
If you were to compare the art and plot quality obviously there's no competition.
We gotta bare through some more filler but if it means that the manga will lead the way again so be it.
How is that not naive?
It's boggles my mind people like you exist that care about voting's result of popularity polling.
what are you even saying
you first.
Okay little boy you can start by giving me the proof of each of your statement.
Okay you,kid, meet me after class. You have the worst score that beyond understanding.
It's just a weird thing to respond with. Of course people care about polling results.
>Of course people care about polling results.
Your head may be damaged or something?
there's no more gohanfags
>you are dumb
What is the point. I don't understand why (you)'s are so satisfying to people. Have fun I guess.
>dumb posting
why do you even come to Sup Forums in the first place. dont tell me you want to inspire across the globe masaka to make love not fuck?
>inspire people
>The manga is more true to the original source that both mediums are based off of, which is called Toriyama's "plot outlines"
I write an outline of the entire plot, then the script writers break it up into episodes, expanding on things, changing things around, or adding in new bits as need be.
Even I haven’t checked the final script yet.
Let’s enjoy this together (laughs)!!
>Speaking of the manga, I want to ask you two about how you put the manga together. I hear Toriyama-sensei checks the storyboards for each chapter.
Toriyama: That’s right.
>The manga on the other hand, Toyotaro emphasized once again in the addtional author commentary that the events of the Trunks arc is going to play out differently than the tv show BECAUSE this is Toriyama is the writer for it.
>Since it’s Akira Toriyama-sensei doing the original story, the manga has a slightly different approach than the TV anime, which results in a different kind of production. I hope you all enjoy that aspect of it for volume 2!! And I hope you keep reading!!
>Lastly, Shueisha/Jump publicly revealed that they have the legal rights to the Dragon Ball franchise and not Toei, referring specifically to the manga that is overseen by Toriyama.
Shueisha Establishes “Dragon Ball Room” to Expand and Optimize Content
Shueisha revealed that it had newly established a “Dragon Ball Room” on June 21st of this year. Its goal is to break down barriers between departments to expand and optimize the globally popular Dragon Ball franchise.
The announcement was made at Shueisha’s new publication planning presentation held in Tokyo on the 12th. Although the Dragon Ball Room falls under the umbrella of the rights division, its section chief Akio Iyoku also serves as editor-in-chief of V-Jump, where the Dragon Ball Super manga (the original story of which is overseen by Toriyama) is serialized. Iyoku says that, “in practical terms you can think of it as handling both the rights and editing. It’s a new experiment to have a department that only thinks about Dragon Ball.”
Akira Toriyama, the original author, commented that, “I was wanting to keep this old series alive and kicking even in the modern day with help from Shueisha’s excellent staff, so for me this team is dependable and a real godsend. It’d really be great if this way I won’t have to do anything!!!!”
there is no proof that toriyama stated the manga is more canon or more relevant when the original source material is the anime.
>when the original source material is the anime.
top kek, the original source material is Toriyama's "plot outline" not Toei's tv adaptation's conclusion.
>clealry voiceacting, music and animation will make the tv show a much better full on experience
>DBS voice acting
>DBS music
>DBS animation
Yeah, I'll stick to the manga
where the fuck statement that they will relay the story of super through toyotaro or even toriyama dissapointed and losing confidence to toei?
you idiot not even half your statement has proof you're just making bullshit assumption at best.
>where the fuck statement that they will relay the story of super through toyotaro
>What is your relationship with the Dragon Ball Super anime?
At this point, I'm not very involved with it. I think going forward, I'll be more involved, but at this point in time, I actually receive more information from the anime team than I give to them. The anime is a little bit further along than I am, but in the near future I'll be ahead, so the information will be going back to them. Regardless, we'll continue to support one another as we go forward.
>toriyama dissapointed and losing confidence to toei?
see picture, 30th year anniversary data book.
i'll be ahead later time doesn't equal the manga always be ahead so doesnt even near equal the story will wait for toyotaro you dumbass.
>animation director
>in charge of writing
I don't think you know what any of that means. That's like firing the manufacturer because the driver sucks.
that's not dissapointed and losing confidence. if he losing confidence he will do much more than that. It's only statement to appease fans that's dissapointed about the quality not like the toriyama himself dissapointed in any way, idiot.
The manga would just be as shitty if it came out faster. The long waits allows them to gauge the response to the original plot and change it as needed. The manga is just retarded pandering with no creativity left.
yes we're all waiting for Jump Festa for a reason you dumbass.
you fucking idiot that's totally missing the point. you cannot even read correctly let alone can answer it.
the people from Kanzenshuu like Ajay refuse to tell us the insider source but the rumor is that Toriyama disappointed in the quality of the anime was no longer motivated to the write plot outlines for Toei and his editors had to force/nudge/promote the concept of bringing back Future Trunks.
If anyone else can post sauce on this claim that'll be great.
the point is we're stuck in filler for a reason, and if Toyotaro is correct that he'll be ahead in the near future, that means that we are stuck in filler hell indefinitely until further notice you dipshit.
filler because it's not yet completed for the anime schedule to release it now you neanderthal dumbass.
what part of "The anime is a little bit further along than I am, but in the near future I'll be ahead, so the information will be going back to them." do you not understand you Australopithecus retard.
cannot you even fucking read you fucking illiterate idiot. Where in the statement it's confirmed he ALWAYS AHEAD NOT ONLY AT THAT SMALL TIME FRAME. YOU FUCKING BRAINLESS IDIOT.
that's you jumping to conclusions retard, getting triggered now are we? Your age is showing.
Your idiocy really astounding i doubt you even have 1 braincell left in your brain i bet you're a brainless idiot.
resorting to pathetic insults because you have no argument eh?
Just enjoy your filler before you pop a blood vessel retard.
no argument, did you even have a sound argument to begin with not an idiotic one. How in the fuck toyotaro can always go ahead with anime when the manga is slow as fuck you idiot monkey
I want to believe.
You are really the people i called the most idiot people i have ever met huh.
>How in the fuck toyotaro can always go ahead with anime when the manga is slow as fuck you idiot monkey
Take that up with Shueisha/Jump not me dipshit.
nice grammar Pedro.
lol your damaged head showing because there is actually no statement promise that in any way you fuckung shit turd idiot.
oh you that african with shit grammar that pretended to be native.
I see that girl is you and with your damaged head protected with a freako helm.
you have to be at least 18 to post here.
before that you must be has at least 1 cell of brain to post on Sup Forums not a brainless people like you.
lol I'm done here, your tears were so delicious thanks my retarded amigo :)
lol fix your damaged brain first before posting again on Sup Forums you brainless idiot.
I think you should learn to form basic sentences before you start posting shit like this on the internet.
I think you should quit pretending as native but with shit grammar mr african native.
oh well i'm done mr african native with shit grammar. Next time try showing your native african english again now i gtg.
-Manga's pacing is too fast and the fights too short
-Anime's art/animation is shit and there is too much filler/useless padding every episode
But if I had to pick my poison, probably the anime because it comes with music and voice acting.
I haven't read the manga nor watched the anime.
in an ideal world we would be watching a Dragon Ball Super anime made by Toriyama and Toyotaro.
You do realise that these episodes aren't getting made in a week right? they'll have planned this out months in advance with the anime giving some spacing between arcs being intentional and planned out, as in scheduled, thus why he knows he's going to get ahead for a time.
the discussion was specifically about Toyotaro saying he's going to relay information to them.
Yes, because he'll briefly be either reading ahead/getting outlines first, getting fan feedback, or talking to Toriyama. For an amount of time which is indeterminite, could be a week, could be forever.
Dragon ball super is worse than GT,
Shonen battle manga is always superior to the anime.
Dragon ball went to shit after the cell arc in Z.
Relaying information could easily simply be "hey later on a character will appear, you could foreshadow that here"
Reminder that the manga is basically Toyble OC with very minimal Toriyama supervision, and that he also considers the anime a continuation of his manga:
> So far Dragon Ball Super has followed Toriyama-sensei‘s plot, but I think it might be interesting for Toyotarō-sensei to become more involved with the story-writing process from here on out!
> Good idea!! I bet it’ll make it more interesting to include Toyotarō-sensei‘s original ideas.
> Toriyama-sensei, what advice do you have for Toyotaro-sensei?
> I think it would be great if you included more of your own original ideas.
> Between getting the outline and the final phase, what is the most difficult part of making the manga?
> Many times, Toriyama-sensei doesn't give me specific feedback on the details that I fill in, so I put a lot of thought into those aspects, knowing that my interpretation is what the readers will see. I would love to have Toriyama just sit next to me so I could ask him questions all the time, but unfortunately, I can't!
Toriyama (After the DBS anime announcement):
> “Dragon Ball Super is a complete continuation of the Majin Buu story arc."
> "You know, it suddenly occurs to me that somewhere along the line the Dragon Ball anime has become quite a huge story. Please be sure to watch Dragon Ball Super on TV!"
The manga pacing is too fast, like they're trying to play catch-up the whole time.
Also SSB Kaioken >>> Ritual-less SSG
Did Toyataro not remember that both Beerus and Toriyama say that Goku absorbed SSG? What's the point in transforming into SSG if that is already your base?
Why do we need to keep having this autistic threads?
this stupid pasta was never funny and no one ever falls for it Jose.
There is no "original source"
All we have are skeleton outlines for each arc, that Toei and Toyataro like to fuck up
Stay mad
enjoy your filler, fillerfag.
I probably would've picked the manga (i like the art, but not re:SSG or mario kart)...until I saw this gem
Oh I will
U7 vs U6 Baseball > Mario Kart
Maybe Toei and Toyataro should work together to help each other in their shortcomings
>Did Toyataro not remember that both Beerus and Toriyama say that Goku absorbed SSG? What's the point in transforming into SSG if that is already your base?
They said Goku absorbed God Ki into himself, but there's no evidence that he can actually utilise God Ki in base form.
the commonly referred to "form" is called "Saiyan Beyond God", and actually is only ever mentioned as a card in Dragon Ball Heroes and never in the manga or anime once.
This panel from the RoF promotional manga is the closest thing we ever got to "Saiyan beyond God" or a God Ki in base form.
Even then, this picture helps concrete the concept that Goku can indeed invoke God Ki once again and turn into a SSG then the concept of somehow being able to use god ki without going Blue.
All in all it's definitely been retconned for sure, later when Beerus confirms that Goku had to use God form for a brief instant to knock out Trunks, something they emphasized that needed to be invoke, thus you can conclude that they don't actually utilise God Ki in base form.
Trivia: Although the Saiyans' power level in this state is obtained via the Super Saiyan God form, in the anime the ki of this state is not godly as it is shown in Dragon Ball Super that Goku's ki can still be felt by others in this state.
When is DBS (manga) going weekly?
I'm just worried because it's already going at a very fast pace as it is, so how are they going to fast-foward through the Zamasu arc?
Maybe they should just skip it, like the manga did with part of BoG and the entirety of RoF
>Maybe they should just skip it, like the manga did with part of BoG and the entirety of RoF
Part of the reason why I don't prefer the manga is that it's not a "complete" experience
What's the difference? Goku do different things sometimes but that's all.
>I'm just worried because it's already going at a very fast pace as it is, so how are they going to fast-foward through the Zamasu arc?
>Maybe they should just skip it, like the manga did with part of BoG and the entirety of RoF
They'll probably wrap everything up with a mega chapter this month, I don't really see them dragging it on into January at this point.
>All in all it's definitely been retconned for sure, later when Beerus confirms that Goku had to use God form for a brief instant to knock out Trunks
That happened only in the manga, where it already retconned Goku absorbing SSG since he used it again against Hit. In the anime, Goku only used SS3.
We'll never see SSG in the anime again because, again, Goku absorbed it. Which makes more sense than an obvious retcon