Pictured here is a shy virgin boy. I know because fuck you.
Yuri!!! on Ice
Bikefairy is for awkward handholding and horny teenage necking!
Not until they've known each other for six years minimum
Otabek is a force of cute nature.
He must be a virgin, he's a quiet manlet.
They need to go through an application process and have bought a house and raised 10 cats together before they may kiss each other on the cheek.
I forgot that according to here, you're destined for break-up unless you have sex during precisely the right circumstances. Under the waxing crescent moon, during the 6th month of the year and while declaring love at the exact moment of mutual climax.
Otabek is unquestionably a virgin.
He's still a Kazakh, his dad probably paid some whore for him when he completed 15.
If they don't write out 20 page lists of their likes and dislikes(both sexual and regular things like food) and have a minimum of 10 couples therapy sessions together they'll immediately die if they try to stick their dicks in each other
First for soft and fuzzy undercut.
Was this by the same drawfag doing all the other ones?
>his dad probably paid some whore for him when he completed 15.
What did user mean by this
Is this normal in Kazakhstan
But that's JJ
Necking anybody? feat. baby arm
I agree mainly because he's 18 and no motorcycle riding can change that until he reels in Russian boipussy.
This is revolting
Yep. I love them with my entire heart. Twitter is @banananik2 and I'll promo them til the ends of the universe.
BikeFairy ultimate ship.
Don't be an asshole to user, he tried his best
Reminder that Otabek and Yuri will have 4 seconds of screentime together
are shipfags literately the scum of the earth?
in a way, yes
That's 3 more than user told me they'd have
Fuck off
Stop making fun of that user, guys. I know how you guys feel about blogposting, but I just want you to know that I'm an orphan because my mother didn't tell my father her great-aunt's middle name before I was conceived.
Yurio and Otabek's Barcelona shenanigans are going to be parallel to Baldfat's date, watch.
Then go kill yourself.
Sorry, I didn't know it was OC.
Otabek first to die.
ship cancer aside, it's not too bad
My parents only dated for 36 years before the stupid fucking whores conceived me like the slatterns they are. Didn't even give each other a ballpark estimate of how many pisses they take on average per day like any half-decent couple would. It was a loveless relationship. We are all unhappy and will die alone.
Yes. I can't stop thinking Otabek unintentionally bucking into Yuri's throat when he's getting the sucking of a lifetime in a bathroom stall of the GPF arena and making Yuri tear up and choke on his Kazakh girth.
The official site says that Bike is shy. It's canon.
unless they lied to us again
Otabek is married to a nice girl named лалагүлі
Remember to report blogging
>can't tell that it's a joke
Yamete but go on
>being this bad at detecting sarcasm
Do you think this will reach 40k sales?
Didn't Free do like 60k? Probably
What the hell is that thing in lower right corner? It disturbs me.
This is why Yurio doesn't have parents.
No, it was around 32k
That's Canadian figure skater, Jean Jaques Leroy.
It also says he hates social media but he still posts escalatorporn.
I think so. YOI seems to be a bit more popular than Free, so I'd expect them to beat Free in sales
It's from Voltron, Sup Forums show.
No it doesn't.
Ridiculous relationship qualifications aside, there is no way a boy as lithe and petite as Fairy can take a dick the size of Otabek's. It's just not physically doable.
Yuri is hesitant and has close to no idea what he's doing but he's been using Otabek as beat material since his Junior debut and he's all high strung after their performances and it reminds him of when he felt a spark after their Barcelona shenanigans.
Otabek is unsure and nervous about it but doesn't voice it right away. He's made out with girls before where Fairy hasn't and accidentally dominates him in a crushing and somewhat experienced kiss. Hot, docile, eyes-glazed-over Fairy just attacks him and goes to town as best he can. Otabek is too distracted by how cute he is like a kitten to do much more or stop him from doing anything more.
After the suck from above, Fairy pulls off and asks Otabek to grab his hair and stuff.
It's interesting seeing each other at the banquet later.
Fairy is very flexible.
It's left corner, but I still chuckled, thanks.
He praticed with his grandfather.
Don't project
speaks a truth. He could do the splits on that dick. Only after a little bit of practice, though, since we know that he is a girthy boy.
Fairy is too young.
>Episode 10 summary specifically mentions Viktor going to the pool even though it's December
We were on the wrong track all along, Sup Forums. Viktor isn't going to die of cancer. He's going to be felled by the deadly Japanese cold.
I'm so excited for Otabike, he was my favorite extraneous skater ever since I saw his grumpy face.
And he's short, too. How moe can he be? He better be important.
Maybe vol 1 will. I dont think it'll be a 40k average though. YoI is very hard to track right now. Stalker was already unreliable and is even more unreliable because of the stock issues on of the LEs had.
He's one of the final 6, that's important enough.
>going to the pool
I wonder what they even mean by this. Who the fuck swims in the winter? Unless they mean he's just sitting poolside at the hotel and thinking about stuff/talking to Yuuri.
Will we get to see swimsuits?
So did anyone else notice this in episode 1 (timestamp is around 17:48)?
What's on Victor's left hand ring finger?
It might just be wrongly drawn in the shot though since it wasn't there in the previous shot.
No, but it'll break the 10k sales unless they fuck up the finale.
>the last replies in that thread
Yuuri and Victor go hottubbing and have sex in the water. It makes everyone massively uncomfortable and Yuuri ends up getting pregnant.
Now there's a blast from the past.
drop that shit in
or post a pastebin you shitposting scum
Sup Forums meme
Meanwhile, in October.
He's declared as bachelor. It's likely a badly drawn mutant finger.
Season 2
It's a shadow. Look closer.
The other hand has that same color on it, but it looks more obviously like a shadow.
>go post this text in an imagedumping board
Maybe we were getting foreshadowed for marriage end all along.
Also, you're late as fuck.
>He's still a Kazakh, his dad probably paid some whore for him when he completed 15.
My sides. I hope this stuff is from a genuine racist Russian.
If you get points for artistry how bad does he get dinged for never changing expression.
Yes at the end of the episode, like every week.
There's a whole beach scene in the ED between Yuuri and Victor you know.
it was decided quite some time ago that fanfict would be over there, not in these threads, since on Sup Forums it's just shitposting
very literally, lurk moar you newfag.
How does this make you feel?
Everyone in swimsuits. The whole GPF group in swimsuits.
This really annoyed me watching. Maybe the judges don't pay attention to facial expression, unlike literally every other form of performance.
That not even Photoshop can make 3DPD reach the perfection of 2D
Victor got so used to doing his reflection time in the onsen that he can't meditate unless he's surrounded by water. I don't like how they word reflection, it does make it sound like he's recapping internally about the other skaters. Probably to make adjustments to Yuuri's program.
That you should stop vising threads two months old.
>Victor... You're going to catch a cold...
>What are you saying, Yuuri? A temperature like this is nothing compared to swimming in St. Petersberg!
3D men are PD
>Victor got so used to doing his reflection time in the onsen that he can't meditate unless he's surrounded by water
Wait is this true or speculation? I guess that makes sense.
>it does make it sound like he's recapping internally about the other skaters
I'm honestly so excited for episode 10 for this, I want to finally see Victor's thoughts for once.
This is what I'm afraid of.
Sorry, it's just silly speculation.
I also like Victor's monologues, they're always interesting to listen to. I won't mind the recapping so much if they're fully narrated.
It's weirdly easy imagining Victor as somebody who does all his thinking in the shower/bath.
He missed the hot spring so much he had to make do with a hot tub.