Why do americans make fun of europe inmigration when america is 50% non white yet europe is 95% white?
Why do americans make fun of europe inmigration when america is 50% non white yet europe is 95% white?
America despite being less white is actually way less cucked politically than Western Europe and Canada sans shithole states like California. If you look at the Orwellian hellhole known as the UK you'll see my point.
you guys are the homeland, so its much worse,
also there are 196,817,552 nonhispanic whites in this country almost as much as germany uk and france combined. 216 mil, not counting your ethnographics
67 mil france
83 mil germany
66 mil
and like leaf says, we are way less cucked both politically and socially.
Your birthrates are looking like in 50 years they'll be more Muslims than whites in your own fucking homelands.
the fact that most of them don't know how to write cursive infuriates me
because you had a chance to look at America and learn from our mistakes, but instead you decide to import 70 iq subsaharans with incompatible ideologies
Nor do they know how to read cursive, they stopped teaching it awhile back. Whenever I write my name in cursive, people are clueless as all hell.
Learn the importance of second and third derivatives in order to understand why western Europe is so demographically fucked.
Because you guys should be learning from our mistakes not repeating them
>Way less cucked
We don't give shitty food tickets and never ask for a credit card everytime you cross an hospital.
We also have free rent for the poor.
How about you murica?
There are more white people in America than all of Europe but EUthanized cucks need to distract themselves from the sounds of their sisters and daughters being raped in the next room.
>I'm a 16 years old poltard' who don't know shit about yurope
>taxed to shit, free gibs for muzzies and every trash that comes
>no free speech
>no gun rights
way to prove the point
>taxed to shit,
Without having to pay much for health plan, without having to pay for school, without having to fear to become homeless if you're poor.
>Free gibs for muzzies and every trash that comes
Sweet coming from some polcunt trash.
Everyone can have access to any financial kind of help in trying time here, maybe that's why there's 300% more crimes in your retarded ass country lmao
>no free speech
Yeah it's important to roast the Jews and the niggers H24 to forget how miserable you really are. Impressive.
>no gun rights
Fucking false mate, not giving guns to the first deranged cocaine addict retard/not having gun right. Again you're spoutting crap about a country you don't know like a proud worthless poltard.
>dude look at all this free stuff
Again you are fucking retarded. Taxes in Framce are more than half of your income. Our highest bracket is 37%. Kill yourself. We have way more disposable income.
>muh feelans
You are a literal fucking retard. Good to know you are a leddittor shill. Get back to spreading your ass cheeks for the nearest truck of peace.
>fucking false mate
Lmao French gun laws are absolute shit. Switzerland is the only country in Europe that has actual gun rights.
Is this the new amerigoblin thread?
>he is unrionically defending his hate speech laws so mudslides don't get offended
No wonder your frogs are cucked to shit.
You sincerely think you're going to make a point when you're sitting on the most aids inducing terrific "civilised" country on Earth?
You have no fucking idea of the numbers of free shit available in France allowing people to live.
There's free income for the jobless, financial plan for young parents, free food and clothing trough association like Les resto du coeur or le secours catholique, and the ebil gobernment literally pay your fucking rent if you can't do it, it's called the APL.
I won't give that away to be a slave and do 60h of work per week in a cretinous country only to pay my study.
About the gun you'll find rifles in any rural area, still you won't encounter braindead gangs fighting each other on a daily basis cause our country is SANE.
Stop talking shit bout a country you don't know.
el diablo....
Read with your lowest voice.
There's nothing stopping me from criticizing Islam.
Acting like a violent teen on drugs spoutting shit like "day of the rope" isn't free speech you fucking degenerate.
Delusion. Murrican's only read Breitbart and think there is some horrible Muslim invasion when they literally make up less than 5% of the population here, meanwhile their spics and niggers make up 9 times as much of the population as Muslims in Europe do but it's fine, America is #1 and there is no reason to worry about anything, r-right?
Because they are god damn retarded fucks?
lashing out in projection
I kekd
You all better stop making fun of my whiteness right now.....
I'm warning you buddy, don't call me non-white one more time or I'll say something you'll regret...
Sorry what did you say? I only heard 56% of what you were saying...
Yes it is you fucking faggot. Hate speech is free speech. You have zero free speech at all.
yes goy, lets not worry about forgein invaders displacing the current population. Just worry about them when they are 25% of the population...
>doesnt understand what happens when more and more muslims make up any given region
ITt's mostly your fault mutt!
That's why Paris is guarded by armed patrols?
America is even worse if you consider all the spics and jews that are considered "white" in stats
>That's why Paris is guarded by armed patrols?
see here
is this a meme or real?
El Goblino...
The same reason a former smoker with lung cancer talk so much shit to smokers.
America already fucked itself. We are done.
Europe on the other hand can still turn things around, IF they learn from our death.
what if you cut out the irish and italians? 20%?
>free shit
We've been over this you utter tool. It isn't "free" at all. You are taxed 60% to pay for welfare of Islamic migrants. I don't give a shit about DUDE FREE SHIT LMAO when I'm being robbed over half of my income. It isn't free at all. It's subsidized through heavy taxation.
>we havr guns
Nobody cares that you can own a shitty single .22lr rifle after sucking the dicks of 20 government officials Your laws are absolute garbage and they are getting stricter because Muzzies shot up Paris with illegal guns. France is the most dangerous country in Western Europe. Meanwhile Mudslimes in Marseille shoot each other daily with illegal AKs. Your country is one giant cuckfest. You are objectively less freer than ours. Keep crying.
God I fucking hate the french
>this is white in America
Hahahahaha o eurofags in five years when that dumbass meme applies to you at least you can say you created it
How do you keep your American happy? I got mine last monday but he is very hostile whenever he sees things whiter than himself. Should i put brown lenses on his eyes to remedy this?
because all the shitty skinned spics and niggers stay in the shittiest cities of the shittiest states
Most immigrants wants a piece of American dream they work hard to achieve them. In the other hand across the pond immigrants came to pillage and rape. MAGA
have you tried getting a rabbi to neuter him?
>Its the hourly American hate thread full of forced memes
He came neutered, you can't get a dogdick one AFAIK. I gave him a toy gun with blanks that contain very low powder per shot. I can't sleep at night now...
I don't think they even understand that all our niggers live in 4 states, they can't comprehend it becuase their countries are barely American states.
maybe he just needs some reassurance, try telling him he's the greatest country in the world and everyone else is just jealous
>I have zero idea what freedom of speech actually is
It'd be funny if your retarded mentality wasn't the law in Europe.
Immigrant population of your youth. You fucked yourselves way harder and faster than America did and will realize it in only a single generation
As oppose to in the trailer park next to you? Trash comes in different colors. Racist prick.
They're going to ride on Euros natural smugness for 5 years before they're all gone.
yeah, that did the trick. Ridiculing other countries help him too.
>muh raaaaaycism
Where did you shills all come from? Net Neutrality shit? Fucking kill yourself, retarded spic.
Like I was saying trash comes in different colors it's a charactor problem
It must really trigger your fucking ass when someone points out the sky is blue.
What is a ghetto.
i would live in the shittiest white trailer park in a floodzone in the middle of tornado ally before any place near niggers.
spics generally arent that bad though. like every other race on the planet i prefer to be near my own kind, kiddo
Because Europe is happily driving itself to extection while the US become nonwhite over a period of decades
The majority of children in Germany are nonwhite and most white girls are carrying around achmed's rape baby.
No not really. You can bitch and moan about trailer parks but the poorest white area in America has less crime than the richest black one.
Ghetto is a black version of trailer park. Owner of new caddy in ghetto same as owner of new diesel truck in trailer park. They're both trash of our society.
It took us 200 years to get to 56%.
It took you about 3 weeks to get 70%.
Stop Jamal.
Just spend five seconds on World Star and stop.
its literally just jealousy. they cant be real white supremacists since none of them are white, but they want to be white supremacists really bad. it drives them crazy and calling them out on it is just too much. thats why simply calling them a mutt is enough to receive a 1000 character reply about how your country is shit compared to america every time lmao. its just too funny and ill never stop
i forgot school kids have the day off today
One always wanted to be white,the other desperately is doing everything they can to not be white and to apologize for ever having been white.
>but whites do it too
>for the poor
More like for niggers and sandniggers
>muh free gibs
If you need millions of Ahmeds every time a generation receives pensions,then your free [insert overpriced service] isn't free,it's actually genocidal.
theyre just like us lmao
We is all same!
400 years ago America was 0% white, they have every reason to make fun of your patheticness
You're fucking retarded. Have fun getting raped by Le Pakis. European welfare system gibs free shit to subhumans. Typical of France to surrender as usual. The US isn't bailing you out a 3rd time faggots.
No, it's our own peoples fault.
Marxst cancer originated from Jews in France and Germany, achmed.
America is a very, very large country, both in land mass as well as population. A million immigrants won’t really change us very much as a nation. But take those same million immigrants and put them in a country like Sweden where their total population is only about 10 million, and they’ll radically change the fabric of that nation.
Both times were caused by German Inferiority Complex. Doesn't count.
Welfare state can't work with out immigration policies though.
We're trying to stop you from destroying yourselves.
Look at what niggers and spics have done to our cities.
The US was almost 90% white in 1950. In 50-60 years (probably less because of your low birth rates and the ability of the invader vermin to multiply on generous welfare benefits) you will have Detroits and Baltimores in Europe. Just
take a moment to imagine what that will be like for you grandchildren.
Wow you know nothing about Islam and how quickly it spreads. With the insane birth rates that 3 or 5% becomes 20% pretty fast. And they also all practice Taqiiya which is a form of Muslim deception where they take over a nation by being peaceful until their numbers are great enough and then they slaughter all the whites. Have fun.
fikki fikki bruh
American damage control in these threads are always fun. The only thing that matters is the demographics of your country and America is in a really bad shape, far worse than Europe. Not only are they less white but the whites themselves are far less homogenous than us in Europe. We know who is Swedish, German, Italian and so on. Americans have no fucking clue what actualy makes you American. Are Italians Americans? Are the Irish? what about the Germans? How long does your family need to be in America to be considered American? This is why so many of them believes in civic nationalism whereas here in Europe we are not as prone to such idiocy.
Americans may have Trump but he is just a civic nationalist. We have had real nationalist parties here for decades now and they are gaining momentum. Europe will survive beacuse we have strong national identities whereas Americans have no idea who they are and have no unity whatsoever.
As for the usual Amerimutt damage control
>B-But you are the white homeland
not an argument and no one cares. You are still less white and a bunch of euromongrels.
>M-muh gun laws
Better than in Europe for sure but there is no shortage of guns in europe. Anyone who lives here knows that.
>M-muh free speech
The biggest danger with speaking out against mass immigration have always been that you may lose your job. This happens very frequently in America where SJW's rule most of your insitutions and have taken over most of your pop culture. So you do not really have free speech. Actualy getting arrested for it is very rare even here.
Maybe but also irrelevant since ethnic displacement and cultural genocide is the main problem. Getting invaded is bad no matter who is doing it, be it Chinese or Somalians.
>You are more leftwing and therefore more cucked!!!!!
We are more socialist definitely but SJW culture is an American phenomenom that you exported to the rest of the west.
Just two sides of the same coin!