Why do people like Fate Stay Night so much? The worldbuilding?

Why do people like Fate Stay Night so much? The worldbuilding?

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Because it is an eroge.

It is probably the most popular VN of all time. Fate Zero is one of the most successful anime of all time.

have you read it?

The characters.

It fuels the eternal pissing contest that is
>my favorite hero could beat up your favorite hero

It's how you get your dose of powerlevels after you start thinking you're too cool for Naruto and DBZ.


And this
This too.

Redman fighting Blueman is probably the best way to get someone into the medium that is new to it. Shirou as a musical score was amazing and the tempo really matched the pace of reading. It also is the first pioneer to introduce loli as a heroine. So many things, the rivalry and world building of the tiger dojos.

Great music barring 2014
Nasu's weird prose

I think it's a lot of small things, it hits just that right cross sectional area of "nerd appeal"

Urban fantasy? check, crossover? check, abilities quantified but still vague enough for speculation? check,

>It also is the first pioneer to introduce loli as a heroine.

Kagetsu Tohya

That is a funny way to spell cat.

>Tohsaka's anus

Do you think Shiki has threesomes with Len and Arcueid?


Trips for truth. Fatefaggots argue powerlevels like it's going out of style. Though I guess it doesn't help that Nasu in all his autism decided to put worthless stat pages in the VN.

There is nothing of merit in Fate's worldbuilding. It's literally our earth but half of the mythological figures have been genderbent because reasons and some of them also have futacocks cause Nasu says so.

Oh boy here we go.

>Though I guess it doesn't help that Nasu in all his autism decided to put worthless stat pages in the VN.

It made it feel more of an interactive adventure than the typical eroge.

>some of them also have futacocks cause Nasu says so
Based Nasu

for the best girl

Do you like Fate/stay night ?
This work was a little too shonen and juvenile for my taste. But when Fate Zero adaptation came out in 2011, I think Type-Moon really came into their own, maturely and deeply.
With his thought-provoking themes and mature setting, Fate Zero makes immediately clear that this production does not only match its predecessor but far surpasses it in every way imaginable.
He's been compared to Hideaki Anno, but I think Gen Urobuchi has a far more bitter, cynical and nihilistic sense of humor.

Their most accomplished show and undisputed masterpiece "Fate/Zero" brought a lot of new fans into the franchise.
A show with battles so catchy, most secondaries probably don't even try to comprehend the deep meaning of the story. But they should, because it's not just about the powerlevels.
It's also a complex and philosophical statement about the nature of mankind.

>Why would Zero be written by Urobuchi Gen? That is a long story. The relationship between Urobuchi Gen and Fate can go back to 2002.
>I was writing the Fate Saber route at the time, and was sent into the hospital near my house due to illnesses. TYPE-MOON was still doujin at the time, and Fate was yet a fledgling draft with four main routes including an Ilya route. Takeuchi, who thought ‘if there’s only Nasu doing the work we’ll never finish it’, asked me: “Is there a writer you think as trustworthy who can write some stories to be inserted into plot?”
>With such thoughts, I began to hook Urobuchi Gen with baits such as ‘wanna go see a movie together?”. Although I was quite happy with Urobuchi’s reply “I’ll definitely do things that interest me”, I still told him “Nah, I was just kidding!”. That was because I suddenly realised I always gave up on projects by being like this, and I must see this one through. Maybe Fate will be the last game that is solely written by me. Therefore I decided to do it myself, and gave up on the plan of seeking his help. Afterwards, we discussed it over and over. After a few continuous meet-ups, the draft of volume one was finally completely in the winter of 2004. Some readers might be surprised that at the time, Hollow was obviously not finished, so why was volume one concluded!? Because of that, Urobuchi-san thought ‘Zero is a story based on Fate. So it’s better if Zero doesn’t become available to the public before Fate is released.’ Therefore, after waiting for a year, it was finally released in the winter of 2006. That’s how things went.

>most popular ever
Not even close.

This is how you get Japanese laughing at you for being a western retard

>Fate threads will never be good again

Is that a trench coat?

What is, then?



>Magic exists and is organized
>People with non-magic supernatural abilities exist

>Vampires exist but true Ancestors are closer to super saiyans than traditional vampire
>The catholic church hunts demons and is at odds with the mages

>King arthur was a woman
>She was also a futa
>Hassan al-Sabbah was actually like seven people one of which was a woman

>Post Fate stuff:
>Jack the ripper was also a chick
>So was Atilla
>And Francis Drake
>And Shuten doji was a loli

>permitting anything that fails to follow the thematic and setting conventions established by Rakkyou, Tsukihime, F/SN, and DDD
>possibly believing Extella remotely managed to capture those conventions at any point
>insipid fanservice garbage at worst which utterly destroys Nero's character
>the most inconsistent braindead shounen idiocy at best
>not full autism rage at the state of the setting and Nasu's increasing incompetence, given the existence of F/GO
>EX rank fucking everywhere on everyone
>all of these pathetic attempts at humor in the years following Mahoyo's fumbling publication
>now all the fucking memes are the most prominent thematic and setting conventions within Type-Moon works because they've been used more than the original ones Nasu wrote of during TM's first 7 or so years from 1998 to 2005
>Tsukihime remake never, which is probably not a bad thing

I felt really immersed while reading it, like when you sink into an enjoyable book. The historical aspects and interesting characters made it one of my favorite VN, though I'm the first to admit it was no masterpiece. The fate route was painful to read at times.

>probably the most popular VN of all time

Maybe if you only count the west considering how early it was fully translated and how easily available it is. In Japan though? Not by a long shot.

>world building
Except it has no such thing, it takes advantage of the world explored in previous series like KnK and Tsukihime. Even the whole magic circuits, rune, mystic eyes and whatever are not from fate. The only thing fate adds are the heroes.

It's popular because it's basically the shonenshit of TM. Knk and Tsukihime are more about mystery, Fate is all about power levels.

>first pioneer heroine Loki

Illya is not even a heroine and it's not even close to being the first

Holy fuck are fatefags unironically this retarded?

Yes it is!

What VN is considered more popular? I'm curious.

>>EX rank fucking everywhere on everyone

This kind of thing was kinda inevitable unless they were going to sit down and constantly guage every servant they came up with against the ones from FSN.

>Fate threads


>>EX rank fucking everywhere on everyone

That fucked with me the most. Seeing bitches with EX not just in one stat but multiple.
Like Jesus, just give them A+ or something. Very few motherfuckers should actually have EX.

Anyone else mad at these lazy motherfuckers?

Nasu might be the biggest hack in the VN industry (Now that Gen is gone making
shitty anime scripts), he spends all these years hyping up Mahoyo to be the biggest thing ever (tsukikan.com/mahoyo/about.html) and its completely unfinished and suppose to be part of a trilogy we are likely not going to see completed until next decade.

All they do is rehash Fate/Stay Night shit over and over again, anime, phone games, light novels, Saber figures, can we not get anything new?

Any other company can make games on a schedule but these guys with such a prolific background can't even do a simple remake in a timely manner, Tsukihime 2 is probably doesn't have a plot outline at this point.

They also seem to just leave projects to die like Girl's Work which hasn't had any information for about 4 years and French Bread had to make UNIEL because Nasu was too "busy" to write a plot for a new Melty Blood game.

I love the Nasuverse and its really hard to take when your favorite universes lore takes a backseat for sellout jewshit.

It's fun

Except nothing in that article is true.

It made money in some events during it's first year, wow. There's mobages doing what Fate does in a week.

>that clickbait title
>pokemon GO of all things, a dead game

The problem is you can't really be seen to be going down, because it makes the steaks seem less high.

Zero, to it's credit actually did manage to basically side or downgrade the scales for the most part without tampering with that, but that might be because it had 2 pre-existing characters so they could just make 2 foils for them aand the rest can be whatever without it being an issue.

Because everyone wants to see Archer do cool things like 1v1ing Gilgamesh

But Mahoyo is the best thing ever.

>give me recs senpai

Go to any Japanese forum and ask, or ask in /r/

Doubt you're able to do that if you think Fate is the most popular VN

I have no idea to be honest, and I played 3 of the routes. why people like the series so much that it has gotten so many spin offs it makes no sense. Why did one shitty yandere loli who is briefly featured in a few routes need to be a character in a SOE magical girl thing?
it's not this though. All the characters are shit. most of them have no personality at all. all of them are the same constant unrelenting and unbearable smug psycho, except Gilgamesh, who manages to be even more smug than that.
Lets list all the characters who main defining characteristic is that they are smug, a strong, and confident that they are strong (smug)

Lancer, Rin, Archer, Gilgamesh, Rider, Caster, Gilgamesh, Shinji, and probably some others too. Does Saber count?

Well of the ones who aren't complete write offs, if anyone thinks even one of those characters can pass for well written, then you desperately need to go back to Highschool english class. Saber is such a flat and poorly written character, it makes you wonder whether whoever wrote her has ever has ever had a girlfriend.

>Why do people like Fate Stay Night so much
The characters and the SEIGI.

>The problem is you can't really be seen to be going down, because it makes the steaks seem less high.

The fact is that you don't need to go down, you can just move left and right.
The only people that could get away with being EX should be Solomon and any future villains, anyone who already had an EX like Drake and any servant that would be considered top-tier in-universe like the Edgy Pajeet and his oddly pale brother with their EX-rank Noble Phantasms.

Recs? I just asked what VN you think is more popular than Fate.

Nice shitpost. Saber, at her core, was a pretty deep character. There are parallels drawn between Saber and Shirou with their obsession with matching an unrealistic standard (being a superhero/being the king England deserves) and Saber's backstory shows that trying to become that person ultimately destroyed her. She's remembered as one of the greatest legends of all time but she was never truly happy her entire life, and millennia after her death her only wish is still that someone else would've pulled the sword from the stone because she wasn't good enough. And it plays into one of the central themes of the Arthurian mythos, which is of Arthur as an ideal.

I seriously hope this is bait, I refuse to believe someone here says this.

Am I on reddit? Just because you watched the anime it doesn't mean it's the most popular you fucking retard, even in the west it's not as popular as muv luv


>The fact is that you don't need to go down, you can just move left and right.

That's hard and then you still have to throw people out as strong as Artoria and Gil every time.

I mean they made their own bed when they threw King Arthur and fucking Hercules into their first (to be fair it may well have been the only one) story.

Notice how they've been pretty fucking careful about showing us just a normal Hercules? or to show us Galahad?

Becuase that's pretty much the absolute limits that they can go to.


Muv luv raising more than 1 million for a translation is already more than Fate anything has ever done in the west and Japanese otaku don't even think it's a cult series, in fact otaku in Japan prefer Tsukihime VN over Fate VN.

Use google or fuck off delusional shitposter

You don't think Fate would raise one million if it had a kickstarter?

Something like that, for me anyway. It really is terrible but I still play them.

Is this Luvia's wet dream?

What makes it terrible?

To be fair, Galahad probably wouldn't actually be that strong statistically.
You'd just make him slightly stronger than Gawain and Lancelot while making him weaker than Karna.
Our boy Archer Herc however I understand. That's just unfair and if you add him in, he'll probably have to be a villain.

Are you asking this as someone who has or hasn't played it?

Of course they like moon princess more, it's way more about the girls and how much they love shiki rather than the MC's personal struggles.

you definitely need to go back to highschool english. A character that does stuff is not well written. what they do in the narrative is different from who they are a character. you can't just tell us they are deep and conflicted and edgy. you need to walk the walk, and innocent waifu who is embarressed at recieving oral sex doesn't do that.

>To be fair, Galahad probably wouldn't actually be that strong statistically.

>literally the perfect knight who surpasses Arthur, has a sword that's better than Excalibur (and by some accounts later on got another sword that was even better), a sheild that's the best shield ever and the holy grail itself and via that a wish heaven which he used to dictate his own time of death.

>not going to be beyond busted if they ever decide to use him

No one's saying it's Ulysses, but saber is well thought out and realised.

She has many thematic parallels with the characters she plays off, this is a sign of good writing and well through out narrative and themes.

This is the biggest strength of FSN, Nasu clearly put a lot of thought into this so everything plays off each other well in a narrative sense. It makes up for the fact that (assuming the translations are remotely similar) he writes like "no... it was more like (insert similie here)" or that he thinks seafood analogies are erotic.

It takes all the addictive traits that other things have and does them all at the same time.

>listed stats for each servant that's fun to read over and autistically memorize, and also a lot of them (this can be seen in other obsessive hobbies like Pokemon, mobile suits, tanks)
>dark plot with a lot of pathos
>expansive world with a lot of world building
>memorable characters with something driving each of them

I'm speaking for all of Fate in general and not just /stay night.

World building.

Can you explain what important thing did Fate add to the verse?

Servants, that's it. A bunch of jobbers that are playthings of anyone worth Jack shit. Oh and retarded power level fags because of the poorly written "stats" and special abilities that are as lazy as those RPG isekai that base everything on stats and stupid garbage

KnK introduces Alaya, the root, Mystic Eyes, ESP, Magus, the Clock tower, origin, bounded fields.

Tsukihime introduces Types officially into the story(notes is not canon), Gaia, Magicians with miss Blue, the church and it's factions, demi-humans, hunter clans, other clans like Hisui's and Kohaku. Magic circuits, mutants(Ciel, Shiki). Reality Marbles, Marble phantasm, Zelretch, TYPE-MOON , Primate murder, inversion impulses and I'm probably forgetting more shit.

Someone who has.

Cute girls and a thrilling plot - it's not the deepest, but the world building is expansive, building off of Tsukihime.

I remember it being incredibly satisfying to see how the world changed after just slight differences to produce the three main routes.

Say what you will, but the combat and slice of life was awesome. Kirei is also one of the best 'villains' in VNs, constantly shitting on Shirou's ideology.

Muv-Luv is better though.[/spoiler

>listed stats for each servant that's fun to read over and autistically memorize, and also a lot of them (this can be seen in other obsessive hobbies like Pokemon, mobile suits, tanks)

Only those other stats actually matter. Pokemon stats actually decide combat. Mobile suit stats are actually used to create scale model plamo.

Did Nasu also put a lot of thought in how big he wanted Saber's futanari penis to be?

You forgot phantasmal/divine whatever beasts in Tsukihime. I don't think they existed in KnK

>Did Nasu also put a lot of thought in how big he wanted Saber's futanari penis to be?

No because that was clearly a handwave to "but arthur had a son with X"

"yeah merlin did it, he said it was fine, don't ask him about it"

Fate went into more detail with a lot of these things IIRC, I'd have to actually sit down again, but I recall it really expanding on what was there.

Either way it doesn't matter as everything is going to be re-centered around fate now anyway because it's by far and away the most profitable section. I imagine this si why turkeyhandle is taking so long, trying to find ways to tie it in more.

And yet, none of that is as interesting as the history behind the Grail ritual, the mage families, and concepts like the throne of heroes.

>every route is about revealing Shiki's past bit to bit and how do the heroines fit in that past or how they can help him live with his demons
>entire routes dedicated to Shiki's state of mind, starting from the fucking prologue
The only route that has less Shiki than the heroine is Arc's, but the entirety of Tsukihime and it's sequels are made around discovering who the fuck Shiki Tohno actually is.

Honestly... Never mind, this is your (You) mate

>assuming the translations are remotely similar
That's a big assumption.

Yes, and Shirou, and waifus.

I don't understand how you can argue a character is "well thought out and realized" when the writer accepts handwaving on the level of "she had a magic penis".

Jokes on you, my hardcore otaku japanesr twitter friend said yes.

Shame that these things are barely touched on

>he unironically thinks fucking MuvLuv of all things has a larger fanbase than Fate
>and Tsukihime has more fans in Japan, when it's almost been forgotten by Type-Moon

Hahahaha. Sorry buddy, "critical success" in elitist weeb forums does not equal commercial success.

Because that's 1 incredibly minor portion of the whole picture.

Is that singular element lazy? yeah fo sure.

Eh, that entire section is just fucking weird and I'd probably rewrite a lot more of it than those guys did myself.

Old Men, Old Kings and Old Gods.


Except none of those are interesting. Why do you think Fate spin offs are all about fightan and summoning a gazillion servants that have weird abilities instead of focusing on the grail and the root?

Every single Fate after the original only cares about the powerlevels and like some user said up there
>my hero is better than yours
None of them show any interest in what you said, even the original is mostly composed of power level fights with poorly written and implemented RPG stats. Seriously if Fate was a tabletop game like Nasu wants to pretend it is it would be the shittiest one ever

Yeah, bitch acting like a dude in 90% of her canon movie apperances and sprouting a magic dick to fuck and knock up his sister is sort of a IP killer.

Hell the thing with the dick shaped snatch worms? It pretty much ensures that it will get no play outside of japan and the embarassing hardcore anime dork crowd.

CCC and Case Files are about fightan and summoning a gazillion servants?

>incredibly minor

It's not minor though, it shows he wanted to preserve the part about arthur siring a son. But at the same time he wants her to get reamed by a Japanese highschool boy she's known for two weeks.

Dude, saying "she has a magic dick and has a futa son/daughter that's also her neice/nephew running around" is akin to saying "It's just a gunshot wound, it's not a big deal".

>interesting as the history behind the Grail ritual
There's not much interesting behind it. At least not unless they do some mighty elaboration of the earlier ones. For all it's worth right now it's just the ends to the means of gettiing the jobbers to fight. A bunch of mage families dicking around.

But both of those were commercially successful.

Isn't that what you asked? What VN is more popular, Muv Luv is arguably the n1 ever, a major hit and Tsukihime is a cult series among otaku while Fate is not.

Just because Tsukihime hasn't released material in more than decade doesn't negate what already happened nor does it change what people think of it.

You do realize that video game series end right? Just like movies and all that. Just because Hokuto no Ken ended 30 years ago doesn't mean Hero Academia is more popular

Truly Mahoyo and DDD are the works only the master race can appreciate.


>instead of focusing on the grail and the root?

Because we did the grail, that was the whole point of FSN/Zero

Not in the slightest, stuff that has little bearing on the narrative being handwaved away isn't a problem. Is it a weird choice to go with? oh yeah absolutely.

Always amuses me considering a key aspect of the series is frequently that battles are unpredictable and can go either way depending on many circumstances.

One grail.

There's a million grails in every spin off, each grail let's you summon super powerful weird heroes at least like 15 of them for extra cool effect.

And then there's FGO, trash story, no well written characters, waifu bikini events, power levels, powerlevels, even more weird stuff, cheap the world is ending time travel plot

"By the way I have a magic futa dick and my futa son/dauther/nephew/niece that looks like me will show up eventually. LETS FUCK SHIRO!!"
In the real world, that would have gotten a woman kicked out of not just the bed but from a mans house and life.
But sure, continue to believe what you want.

She never says "yeah merlin gave me a dick and I fucked her raw" IIRC it's a more vague "merlin handled it it's cool"

Do people in Japan or China still care about Tsukihime after so many years? Tsukibako hasn't been manufactured since pre-FSN.

Most of them are the same grail but it's used to focus on the narrative of the heroes in whatever strange alternate reality they happen to be in.

Or it's the moon cell which is it's own thing.

Or grand/order which I don't fucking know, I haven't sat down and read all the translations.

There are dozens of completely broken as fuck powers that can not be overcome no matter what. One of the most broken is in posession of the series mascot saber.

Nothing short of ridiculous asspulls and lapses in common sense makes most of the battles unpredictable.
And no amount of "not taking them serious" is ever going to make Gil losing to anyone outside of that one single story in UBW not outright bullshit.