ITT: Literally 10/10 anime
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Boku no Pico.
I still don't understand the ending.
This, it will always piss me off.
>Studio's name is GoHands
>anime is Gothic style
This anime was shit and I know because I am one of the remaining 3 people who watched it out of the original 7.
It triggered my inner /k/ to much.
Absolute snorefest. Dropped it immediately.
Kujo is an annoying faggot and ruined this show for me
This show wasn't even good, and it appealed to me in basically every way other than replacing Kujo with a sarcastic girl. Atmosphere and direction were okay, but it wasn't funny, the romance wasn't satisfying, the mysteries were boring and the storytelling overall was just bland and not compelling.
>I determined you were from a poor family because when you paced around the room you did it in small circles meaning you must have been accustomed to living in confined areas haha you aren't as rich as you say you are
>Oh fuck you're spot on I'm not even going to try to hide it anymore
I barely remember the anime but this part will always stick in my head
I liked it
You need to be very uncultured in order to get past this show's overall dumbness
>made up generic country
>WHOLE country is superstitious
>retarded understanding of history, geography and fashion (Victorian dresses in the 1930s?)
>stupid brother, stupid father, stupid everyone
>high functioning autistic female MC
>she's smart because smarts are carried by genetics amirite
>and because she read a whole library filled with writings from SUPERSTITIOUS authors and newspaper clippings by an obviously incapable police force, okay
>annoying male MC
>shitty mysteries
>muh African alchemist
>muh wolf nation
>I've become a nun to find my long-lost lover
>retarded ending
>literally Young Adult fiction tier script
More like 6.5/10.
>>she's smart because smarts are carried by genetics amirite
>retarded ending
the only thing I hated about it
everything else was 2 cute
boku no pico
fuck off with your thinly veiled rec thread
I have an IQ of 167 and if you didn't like this show you have shit taste.
>Same person (tested twice) .95
>Identical twins—Reared together .86
>Identical twins—Reared apart .76
>Fraternal twins—Reared together .55
>Fraternal twins—Reared apart .35
>Biological siblings—Reared together .47
>Biological siblings—Reared apart .24
>Biological siblings-Reared together - Adults .24 [60]
>Unrelated children—Reared together—Children .28
>Unrelated children—Reared together—Adults .04
>Cousins .15
>Parent-child—Living together .42
>Parent-child—Living apart .22
>Adoptive parent–child—Living together .19
Gurren laggan is 10/10
Watched it halfway through, all thanks to Victorique cuteness. Then I read some LN spoilers, fell into depression. Haven't touched it since then.
>only posting heritability for children
nice try, user
Gurren Lagann, not so good,
>what is burden of proof
>cherry picking
Maybe you are right. Your mom was a dumb whore and you're just as dumb.
Yeah I agree that you're cherry-picking by showing only heritability for children. Intelligence is highly heritable unless you ignore adults. It's a hard truth, so I can understand being uncomfortable with it.
Not him but you are really bad at arguing.
>ignoring clear trend of racial difference in intelligence
>ad hom
Just how dense can you possibly be?
>The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults.
I'm still waiting for some sort of proof on your part, other than
>hehe no, you're wrong
Go to sleep, James D. Watson.
Glasslip. Most riveting story I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Truly a cathartic experience. The accomplishments this anime produced following the course of its run very much parellels the accomplishments and meanings I've generated in my own life.
>Just how dense can you possibly be?
What would be the purpose in me quoting the same information that user was already aware of, and intentionally overlooking?
Here's another meta-analysis that user is undoubtedly aware of ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
What's the purpose in me pointing it out when I know we'd both be looking at the same results? I'd rather remind him that he knows it too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I heard she got raped in the novel, is that true?
It's just how you'd write gothic in Japanese.
Fuck. All these years and I just realized Gosick is just a Gothic in Engrish.
please go sick for that post.
Remember that romanji is just for the Japanese to read and understand but the canon spelling is Victorique de Blois.
You don't refer to yourself and spell your name as Bobu or Jimu in the Western world, do you?