>She needed someone to lead her from the life she's leading
Why did she have to suffer?
>She needed someone to lead her from the life she's leading
Why did she have to suffer?
You answered yourself.
Because Shindol...
>She needed someone to lead her from the life she's leading
Exactly. She had no one. Even her own father fucked her. But If I was there, I would surely save her.
Don't know what you're talking about there buddy, she gave birth to her daughter safely and lived with her happily ever after.
And then fugg her right?
We in ShindoL land. Everyone drugs and rapes everyone.
>whenever I recognize this art style
Why don't any of us have someone to lead us from the life we're leaving?
There you go.
Is somebody going to lead us when we are leaving the life we're leading?
Should I protect this smile?
Because I needed to fap
she was incredibly stupid
Why are we still here?
Her dorky look was cuter.
>wallflower looks cuter than used up drug addict
Stop the presses
>Why did she have to suffer?
she was dumb and took all the wrong options.
Shindol is cancer
heart breaking tragedy
She descended down the road to failure herself.
Remember kids, drugs and whoring out is never an answer to life.
Hentai plots belong to hentai. Try to use them for plot and you look like a fucking moron. Exact reason why manga that use hentai plots are also shit: see goblin slayer, berserk, etc.
Being a complete retard with retarded parents is the road to failure
>fucks guys to keep them quiet
>she somehow thinks fucking them is a good idea when they first have vague gossip and now they can film her getting gangbanged
>gets raped by her father
>her mother doesnt pick her side
On top of that, people who can't control their own desires are bound to be a slave to their own impulses.
Ahh yes, the usual, she dindu nuffin. She was a good kid, argument.
>she dindu nuffin
she did everything wrong. She responded to blackmail in the most retarded way
>psst kid we got this gossip, if you dont want us to tell on you please fuck us all on camera and we wont do anything
>sure just let me unhook my skirt and give you even more blackmail evidence that totally wont fuck me up later
Your mom had sex and she's a slut.
She was young and foolish, she didn't know any better.
She just wanted to have friends.
>Ecstasy is one hell of a drug
Yeah, at first. By the time she was living with the drug dealer she just wanted to dope up and get fucked all day. Poor innocent girl, why couldn't she just live forever in her magical wonderland of cocks and heroin needles? Truly a pure innocent girl worth saving.
Actually i don't get it. I just read it recently and don't understand it at all, it's just another rape doujinshi, no?
Yes, but Sup Forums has a boner for shindol and if you disagree they say you just hate the rape.
>By the time she was living with the drug dealer
She was raped by her father and forsaken by her mother, the two most important persons in her life (reminder she never had any friends) betrayed her, she went to the only person she thought could trust.
>you just hate the rape.
Japanese misconceptions on drugs are always hilarious.
>her father initially forced himself upon her, which she admitted to enjoying halfway through, then willingly fucked him every day for at least a week while enjoying it immensely and lying to her mother about it the whole time instead of telling her immediately that she was raped and having the worthless piece of shit thrown in jail like any sane human being with two brain cells would have
The worst part is her mother tried to be as supportive as possible then gets betrayed in the worst way by her own daughter, then she has the balls to play the victim card when she gets her ass beat and tossed out on the street. Sure the truth was twisted a bit but the fact of the matter is she got off on fucking her own biological father and there are people honestly trying to make excuses for her. She's been a piece of human trash ever since she became a literal prostitute, which was the very second man she ever had sex with. Again, such a sweet innocent girl.
>Everything is shiny!
Do the mangakas who makes well known drugs(mj, coke, crack), even tried them?
The way they portray the 'being high' part is beyond hilarious.
Drug use is literally worse than rape and murder in Japan, and you're asking if the shrimpy geeks who write our gook comics have ever tried them?
It's not like they need it to write some seriously outlandish shit anyways, so it's probably for the best.
Dun goofed there.
>Do the mangakas who makes well known drugs(mj, coke, crack)MANGAS*, even tried
That's was my question.
I know they have really heavy sentences for drug users and even heavier for dealers. But still makes my ass laugh everytime they try to take an approach on drugs abuse to make them look even worse than they already are.
If anything I feel they go full fear mongering towards drugs to discourage their use among NEETs.
There are drug manga? I mean I know there're manga with drugs in them, but I doubt there are any manga that are actually about drugs.
Which is really too bad because a slice of life about cute girls who are drugs is just about the only thing we don't have yet, we have shows about girls who are animals, boats, famous historical figures, food, guns, nations... but no manga or anime about the adventures of Weed-chan and her colorful cast of adorable degenerate friends. A shame.
There is a law against showing minors doing degenerate behaviour. Thats why animu girls drink totally not alcohol and get drunk on the atmosphere
Well, there was that one time Chino-chan ate the strawberries...
This is the only manga I've ever seen that focuses on drug use though it all seems to be hallucinogenic drugs or at least that's how they're shown to the reader.
This image gives you a good idea of what the manga is like a lot of time.
Many mangaka from Hideo Azuma's generation (or close) that were involved with political movements did drugs but i never read their manga so i don't know if it became a theme in some of their works.
Is this the first time you read a story doujin with a bad ending?
Ah yes, the resident
Good pasta
Huh. That image feels pretty accurate, how weird.
How so? I've done almost everything on there and looking at those shapes, not one strikes me as representing the drug very well.
Different experiences, i guess?
I tend to go pretty hard in my first times trying things, which most media tries to portray. It's usually pretty different afterwards.
Just the fact that they're trying to convey it with the base being a square is pretty out there, though.
Do you have any thoughts on how they're bad, specifically?
She was an autistic and slut. She got what she deserved.
How they're bad representations? While with some like Sober, Cannabis, Alcohol and the Psychedelics, I can understand why they would depict it like that. Then I look at Ketamine, Heroin, or Cocaine and I can't make a connection between the way that they feel and the images depicting them.
Like some of the images seem like they don't really represent the drug, but instead differentiate it from the others.
>unironically doing anything harder than mdma
She craved dick that's her own fault
Because it's a deconstruction of what a Hentai Manga is. We want to see rape, and exagerated scenes of sex. ShindoL would give it to us, but he forced us to take in the story. The reality. ShindoL tricked us, and obligated his reader to recognize the reality, the ugliness of our carnal desires. For that, you need your characters to suffer. It might not be the most refined, but it's a tragedy; and in tragedy, the protagonist will never set their eyes upon the setting sun ever again after their downfall. She suffered, because WE, as readers, wanted her to suffer. The reader was as much of her butcherer as the pen and ink with which she was drawn.
Loli daughter doujins when?
>for some reason thinking that certain drugs are better or more acceptable to do
Yes, most drugs are more acceptable than heroin or meth
are those drugs inherently evil or something?
i'll never masturbate again
Wtf I hate hentai now
all this edge
Because she didn't MARRY AND PROCREATE
>tell truth
Fuck off.
She kept doing drugs with the fucking baby. ShindoL went easy on her.
>All these white knights
She fucked a guy she didn't even know by name and she engaged in Enjou Kousai because she wanted to buy a new purse. She was a slut from the very start. The only way she could've been saved is if from the very start her father beat her so hard she developed a pathological fear of dicks.
Lawrence Shin, please stop posting.
>she engaged in Enjou Kousai because she wanted to buy a new purse.
>well-hung, rich old men will fuck your brains out and also pay for it and buy you nice things
I wish I was a 2D girl
How would you have stopped your dad from raping you? Or your mom taking his side?
>She was dumb, lived in a world where there are nothing but cunts as far as the eye can see, and was forced into taking the wrong option
She was an idiot, I'll give you that