First women to be submariner, operations chief
Make it go faster, give me 105%.
"It's a diesel lady"
Then give me 105% on the D cell.
sigh. Okay.
knockaknockaknocka boom.
>didn't get her submarine in Poland so she get it in some cucked country
I applaud red October reference.
It's the Curie-Hultgreen syndrome
Aso lol that roastie was of polish ancestry. Is Argentina white?
>Argentina is not a slavic count....
Why are Americans so fucking sexist? Mexican/African cultural influence?
>Aso lol that roastie was of polish ancestry. Is Argentina white?
Poles are not white
I had(maybe still have) some family in Argentina. No contact though, last postcard they sent was decades ago. Lot of Poles emigrated to Argentina.
Fucking based
Go away.
I know thats why I'm asking
So they are all dead now?
so true... lol merkel
Of course they are, are you dumb or just a christcuck?
>reminder that women aboard are taboo.
D Cell Subs forever.
>trapping a fit young woman in a steel tube for possibly weeks on end with a horde of horny aggressive young males with no other sexual outlet other than gaysex.
what could go wrong?
Reminds me of this article:
>Being totally isolated under the sea with 43 military men
>Everyone, including her, knows they are gonna die after days without help
How do you think their last hours were?
She probably fucked that single chad of the crew while the other 42 jacked off to fish
she blaming the patriarchy
Not all countries are repressive theocracies like the USA
No, they ascended to heaven into a eternal life
I don't think it has to do with theocracy. It's just normal human behavior. Apparently rapes in the US military have been going up quite a lot since they changed the policy to put them in positions like that.
Her getting raped by everyone
I can tell, two grabbed her hands and two her legs, I leave you the rest to your imagination
They were waiting with breathless anticipation for someone to save them
They exploded
should've stayed in the kitchen xD
The fucked the gay away from her. She died happy and mind broken loving the cock.
It reminds me of the petty days of Werner VonBraun.
When the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. well they will tremble again at the sound of our silence. Engage the silent drive!
" It's a 1983 Diesel lady"
I want dead silence engage!
Sigh. Okay.
So are they all dead?
Lol this was a good scene
Can somebody give me a quick rundown?
it's a fucking polish migrant LMAo
these argentine niggers really couldn't help themselves and made some polish whore a captain fucking L M A O
Argentina doesn't need submarine or military , we see that no longer ago. For exemple when they see brits they surrender instantly so why investing in stuff your not gonna use ?
An Argentinian submarine with a crew of 44 people disappeared including Argentina's first female submarine officer, Eliana María Krawczyk - that was also first woman to be in a submarine in Latin America. She's probably Polish descendant.
>1 women
>44 guys
>7 days to die
Jesus Christ imagine how messed up her vagene is right now.
I sure hope she died out of oxygen already, because 44 guys taking turns to rape her before certain death sure as hell isn't a nice way to go.
I guess the omnipotent Patriarchy sunk this proud feminist sub. Those 43 male crew members sacrificed their lives to keep the women folk down. Even deep under the ocean females are still getting oppressed.
Ryan be careful at where you shoot that.
Some things in here don't react well to semen.
There's a reason why sailors don't want women aboard
>I sure hope she died out of oxygen already
well yeah, 1 hole isn't enough for 44 guys
Thank you Portugalbro
>3 holes
>2 hands
Military men are efficient. 44 guys probably have the chance to each try them all.
Why can't they Fucking find it!?
They now basically where the ship was when it lost contact! They've heard Fucking sounds! Fucking pinpoint that shit!
All this modern technology and you can't find a Submarine with everybody looking for it? How is any country supposed to even defend against a Submarine attack if they be that stealthy? Use your technology MotherFuckers!
Fucking save the crew!
Was it a massive 43 men vs one girl gang bang that resulted in the sinking of the submarine?
was she a driver?
you just know they'll rape her to death
They either exploded themselves to death via incompetence or they were torpedoed as they got too close to someone's lovely oil.
you arrogant ass, you've killed us.
See they know basically exactly where this submarine went down!
Fucking find it you incompetent MotherFuckers!
She's not a migrant, she's an Argentine of Polish descent.
>One women
>43 horny studs
>7 days to live
>Deep beneath the ocean.
Can't wait for the inevitable porn adaptation of this glorious tale. Who should be the main actress?
>detected loud noise where search area is and where the continental shelf begins to rise
>lost submarine
Yep they're dead. Most likely crashed into the rising wall of the cont. shelf.
Argie captains sometime turn suddenly to see if anyone's behind them. We call it "Crazy Jose." The only thing you can do is go dead. Shut everything down and make like a hole in the water.
I hope they find the remains of the subs and a body mummified with gallons of semen.
crashed and slid/rolled down to the 12,000 ft bottom. better call bud and one night.
>the other 42 jacked off to fish
Literally nothing wrong with jacking off to fish
The sound they were reporting was initially reported as "people banging inside the ship to make noise". They are now saying that noise is an explosion.
What the fuck? The first woman on a submarine and she is in charge of something? Women piss themselves and go to shit in life threatening situations. Do people not understand that simple fact?
>initially reported as "people banging inside the ship to make noise"
The worst part of it is they probably thought the public would believe it
>Hoy está en el desaparecido submarino ARA San Juancomo jefa de Armas
Today she is in the missing submarine ARA San Juan as head of weapons fulfilling a dream.
"Head of weapons"
>when the guys stop a submarine in the middle of the ocean to make a gangbang with her
sasuga, argies.
They should do that thing they do in the ww2 films where they jetterson oil and detritus to simulate a depth-charge hit and fool the enemy.
to atleast try and show where they are
I'm thinking they've been dead for sometime though, seems odd with all this tech they can't find a sub that wants to be found, again it's been said how long did the Argie military wait to declare it missing, hours, days, a week?
It's just bad overall, they know where the sound came from, they have international support to recover it, they know its route.
Not hard Argentina, not hard.
Time to watch Das Boot for the 10th time
I didn’t know they made manora fedora’s.
Just kidding your the joke.
that noise was crush depth
| >she is in charge of something?
She's an officer in the submarine, yes.
We don't have that technology and the government is always full of narcissistic faggots.
They are searching it with fish catching boats.
You just reminded me I used to turn the computer off and on back in the DOS days. What a game-changer broadband residential internet has been.
>willingly boarding and embarking on any manner of journey for any purpose in a pressurized tube that is relying on little more than the grace of god to not begin plunging thousands and thousands of feet below into utter black abyss which will crush your tube eventually, all of this inside the context of man ultimately having a more clear picture of the cosmos than the earth's oceans
On the bright side they might not have anymore suffering to do already.
Not a nice way to go.
>How is any country supposed to even defend against a Submarine attack
You cant, which. Is why Kim will successfully nuke San Francisco
I love to hate women. But this time around it was most likely a technical failure:
hell yeah, they're all going to die, it's the woman's fault, definitely going to be the festival of rape
>Be poland
> Can't into space.
>Be polish descendant.
>Can't into submarines.
>nuke san francisco
the US should give him a medal
hard to rape someone while you are exploding
>Head of weapons
She could flood my torpedo anytime, if you catch my drift.
What a terrible way to die. I guess they probably dropped and got crushed, rather that than suffer over 7 days.
>ywn never explode while you're exploding
Submarines are supposed to sink.
they all ded
but it'll be an interesting porno watching them rape her while the sub is rolling down the shelf
What is the technology of this Submarine, in U.S. terms?
Would you say it is equivalent to the Sturgeon class of Submarines the U.S. used to have?
she was jewish, nothing of value was lost. One of the reasons I belive this was a false flag
important to note this jew was promoted like 3 ranks in 1 year, meaning she is liteunant or smthing without even having fought. another jewish subhuman appointed by mauricio machir (jewish anti white and anti Catholic pig) to control our destroyed military