he basically defeated ISIS and liberated Iraq and Syria.
he did in one year more than Obama in 8 (EIGHT) fucking years.
what do dumbocrats have to say about this?
He basically defeated ISIS and liberated Iraq and Syria
"Drumpfs a big dumb orange idiot racist!"
I think that's all they have to say.
to busy spamming "SHE WON" threads to respond
but he didn't defeat isis
even Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria are having peace talks. Israel and Saudi Arabia must be shitting their pants.
Aren't they still busy screaming at the sky?
It's going to take drugs to cure some people of TDS.
yeah... terrorist attacks are still going on everywhere and this faggot is pissing every9ne off so were getting closer to jihad
at the same time hes pulling down our nations pants so corporations can finally rape us raw dog
and you faggots are hard at the thought
god i hate this place
ISIS lost almost all its territory, it's just a matter of months if not weeks
Sure he did. They're defeated aren't they?
obama let isis happen because Hillarys State Dept, jews and Qatar wanted it.
trump owes nothing to anyone and is only interested in MAGA at all costs. most of the previous regime, obama, clinton, kerry all had vested interests in other thinsg
Don't worry, americans are insane and delusional, they live in a permanent fantasty.
Trump might have reduced american funding of various terrorist groups in the middle east.
It was Russia and Syria that killed the proxy war mercenaries though.
As far as the piss scared media and police are concerned they are undeniably neutralized and we must be undeniably safer under trump since the official tally is zero issue related attacked since his presidency.
P.s. We all know there has been but when arguing with a liberal one day they will refer to the official narrative that none of the attacks since 2016 are related to is is in the US but when you tell them this means trumps ideas are working they have no where to do because they are dogs to the medi.
Isis could literally send a letter that they planned a attack a day early and the media and law will find a way to deny its them as to deny trump the ability to be justifiably enraged.
Zero isis*
Love Trump, but that would be Assad and Putin doing 90% of the work, Trump just held back quite a bit of the cianiggers
But remember!!!!! ISIS IS the CIA/Mossad, so that basically means he did all the work.
Lol, he's continued to support ISIS, and only pulled them out of Syria for the next ops.
You mean Assad and Russia defeated the Western backed mercenaries? Right now Russia, Iran and Syria are having talks and the US is completely left out.
Why does the US need to be involved in their problems? He defeated Isis and now these countries can start healing. USA doesn't need to be there anymore dude
Isis was already getting BTFO by the time Trump was sworn in. The tipping point was Russian involvement, not anything to do with Trump.
No, the tipping point was when we stopped funding them and started bombing them.
how many rubles do you get paid per post, shill?
>SAA, Hezbollah, Iranians, Russians, Iraqi army and PMU defeat ISIS
>ameriKKKa does some airstrikes
>also bombs the people who are fighting ISIS
>"drumpf defeated ISIS in an month's!!!!111"
Are amerisharts seriously this retarded and/or dishonest?
Didn't he bombed the guys actually fighting ISIS?
>Anyone not fellating Trump 24/7 is a shill
I can see you're a /ptg/ poster. Meme on fellow magapede.
Russian backing Assad was undeniably the most significant turning point in the conflict. You have to be a retard not to see that.
Says the person who's ruler is a defunct Monarch
Trump's mere presence in the White House was enough to make ISIS shit their pants.
Good. I fucking hate the CIA and those homos at state.
You mean the Iraqi forces defeated ISIS.
Last I checked the U.S. has done literally nothing but advise.
>I-its all a coincidence guys
Its not a coincidence.
Trump made the middle east great again and now things can finally move forward. Thank you trump for all the things you do for us.
>Last I checked the U.S. has done literally nothing but advise.
Trump's advice is worth more than 1 million+ soldiers on the ground. You're talking about a guy that turned 1 million dollars into 40 billion in a couple of years.
So this... is the average blumpfcuck's mental capacity...
All Drumpf did was cut off all the ameribux for moderate beheaders. Glorious SAA has been fighting the war for years and deserve the credit. Drumpf didn’t really do shit besides stopping the flow of money.
What other decisive action did he have a part in? Do any one you even browse /sg/
Jesus fucking Christ.
sg is Soviet propaganda
>Do any one you even browse /sg/
/sg/ is for subhumans.
So Obama's strategy worked is what you're saying.
>all Trump did was stop the war
fucking turks..
Not like he dropped a MOAB on their underground complex or anything goys.
>only interested in MAGA at all costs
if you think he loves america more than himself or his brand, then you love dicks stuffed in your ass
Right, the live various live maps are all controlled by Russian hackers.
Don’t drumphies like Putin?
You didn’t even answer my question because you can’t.
You're making things way too complicated my man. Trump said he would defeat Isis and look around, no more Isis. Everyone will be back home by Christmas and its beautiful.
>he did in one year more than Obama in 8 (EIGHT) fucking years.
You do realize Obama was the leading cause of their problems to begin with, well his admin and the previous.
it was a nice move but let's face it, that alone didn't defeat Isis. Isis was all but done around this time last year. Anyone who was paying attention knew trump would take credit for the stout economy and defeat of isis territory when he immediately after taking office.
America is Trump's brand. He is in control.
I’m American, cunt.
>glorious MOAB defeats ISIS in one blow!
Idiot. Compared to the SIX YEAR WAR that strike is nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for Trump for stopping the funding to terrorists. It was really important. But to say “Trump beat ISIS” is as retarded as you can be. Next you’re going to tell me the US beat the Nazis in WW2 right? The SAA and the Ruskies did most of the heavy lifting.
>Obama was the leading cause of their problems to begin with
lets ignore the last 100 years of history
what you CAN blame obama for in regards to ISIS is letting them walk in to war torn territories(thanks republicans) unchalleneged.
However, Obama's strategy to keep large american armies out of the fight and work with allies to take back those territories WORKED. The only thing Trump did was loosen rules of engagement strategies at the very end of the battle. Also a good move by the way.
Now we have the facts and can enjoy the greatest american holiday!
>America is Trump's brand. He is in control.
sure looks that way! Can't even pass any legislation with his cronies in charge of both houses. Sad!
Read into the rat line and the Libyan civil war, fool. Obama literally gave terrorists money and weapons.
Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. Look how much damage 'intervening' by both Bush and Obama caused in Iraq, Syria and Libya caused. If not for them, we wouldn't have had ISIS or the migrant crisis to begin with. Trump sitting back and letting others better able to take care of the mess get to work unimpeded is one of the best foreign policy decisions to come out of Washington concerning that region of the world since Bush Sr's decision to leave Saddam in power after the Gulf War.
>Obama literally gave terrorists money and weapons.
So did Reagan. what's your point?
again ignoring 100 + years of history...
You're giving him too much credit. Humpty Drumpfty is merely a deep state puppet without real power and influence. They would've cut off the funding one way or another (even under Hilldawg) because it was clear the moderate beheader project had failed and amerikwa's pet jihadists had irreversibly lost the war. Which is why they switched to "plan b" - the backing of Kurdish separatist terrorists.
In any case, neither Drumpf nor the Israeli gangster puppet regime he leads "defeated" ISIS. That honor belongs to the heroes of the SAA, Hezbollah, IRGC, Iraqi army, PMU and Russian forces. Of course amerishits are trying to steal other's accomplishments again, as usual.
>Trump sitting back and letting others better able to take care of the mess
that was Obama's strategy which Trump criticized during the campaign.
how do people forget things so quickly??
Its ok to let Russia take credit for our accomplishments, just like ww2. It doesn't matter as long as everyone goes home happy. Russia needed another "win" its been a while anyway.
It was easy. All Trump had to do was stop funding ISIS and they collapsed.
>funnels millions into weapons and training for rebels(including ISIS) to overthrow Assad
>led coalition to overthrow Gadhaffi, destabilizing Lybia and leaving a previously guarded path to the medditeranian open for migrants to pour through on their way to Europe.
Thats a whole lotta nothing Obama did.
Gadhaffi was a terrorist who killed americans. thank go Obama had him killed.
Obama did plenty wrong, I'm no fan of his but his strategy to leave large american armies out of the middle east was the best strategy and worked. A strategy that Trump and Republicans assailed by the way.
t.boomer /ptg/ poster.
>Dopey Prince's funds to songbird & Co. have dried up. The likes of mccain funded & fueled "ISIS".
Except Trump's presidency didn't coincide with ISIS losing. That happened a year before.
Except for a few libturds I most people do know that Trump is probably the most capable president since WW2.
I think the point where he will finally convince the rest of the hostile MSM is when he manages to get through with the tax reform.
After the initiation of the WALL project, enforcing the travel ban on Muslims and winning the culture war, this is the final nail in Clinton's coffin.
Yeah, jeez, supplying and funding ISIS is not sitting back and doing nothing.
Great b8. Almost got me to make a serious reply.
yeah right comrade, putin appreciates your effort
An “Idiot” and a “Dope”: Gen McMaster Reportedly Unloads on Trump During a Private Dinner
That's like cutting the head off a Hydra. Get rid of one problem but bet two more in its place. There is no doubt that Libya would be in a much better place now if Ghaddafi was still there. On top of that, we'd have no migrant crisis since the old Libyan government would have held back the migrants from reaching the coast. Finally, if Obama'd kept Ghaddafi in charge, there would have been no Benghazi attach, no investigation which would lead to Hillary's emails being uncovered and Clinton'd likely be president right now. On second thought, thanks Obama.
>when you can't pay mercenaries so they stop fighting for you
Let's just call it a team effort and move on.
How can you support something & "defeat" it simultaneously? ISIS was defeated by Syria, Russia, Iran, Hezbullah, & Turkey *in spite of* the US, Israel, & Saudi supporting them & the US "accidentally" bombing Syria repeatedly.
Only the foreign policy/ intelligence blogs have been honest about this (they aren't anti Trump)
Israel & the neocons control US foreign policy (& I guess the CIA). They control Congress. It has little to do with who is president. That's all hype, pandering to whomever their base happens to be.
For a period obama wouldn't bomb isis supply trucks because they were driven by civilians. This is vietnam war-tier retarded.
And "aktually, it was Obama's doing before leaving the white house"
Trump truly is cleaning up Obama's act. Firstly he's getting rid of Obamacare, now he's taking care of business in the Middle East. #MyPresident
Russia wrecked ISIS, Trump did not mind
>SAA fighting isis for years
>Finally defeat the majority of their forces after russia starts bombing them.
>amerisharts think (((trump))) somehow helped this
>Russia and Syria basically defeated ISIS and liberated Iraq and Syria despite the US
0bama/ Hellary were behind the overthrow of Gaddafi & also Hosni Mubarak in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood. Lybia was 0bama's Iran-Contra, kinda. They were running weapons to the Syrian "resistance" (terrorists).
Even better. He got putin to do it for us.
Russia can't handle the 4-D chess
All true. All of it.
Fuck you kike, Qaddafi was a saint and you belong in a death camp.
>people like this exist