We shouldn't teach kids in school the historical crimes of the white race because it hurts white people feelings

>we shouldn't teach kids in school the historical crimes of the white race because it hurts white people feelings

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>races have crimes


Yeah how dare white people spread a higher standard of living.

>links to an article that mentions how it’s involved with exposing ‘white privilege’
I wonder why people don’t like it faggot, maybe it has something to do with just how ‘progressive’ it is to say races have crimes. That’s like the school in New York that segregated kids and teaches them the white kids are all racists. Progressivism can go ahead and die.

That doesn't address my point. If we're going to start saying races have committed crimes, then what about African slave traders? Arab expansionist? Israel's Mossad shenanigans? African-American murders/rape/assault/burglary/robbery?

yeah, imagine if another race tell white people what to do and how to live.

tell me why is wrong to teach white kids of the historical crimes white people has done before?

They didn't start to conquer other races and try to replace their cultures with an european one.

>They didn't start to conquer other races and try to replace their cultures with an european one.
Arabs absolutely did that. African slave traders absolutely did that to tribes they defeated in warfare. Israel is arguably doing that right now.

islam expanded through comerce, there was very few islamic military conquest, it was mostly done by convenience by north african tribes.

wahabism only has 200 years, retard.

>yeah, imagine if another race tell white people what to do and how to live.
They dont, because our way of living is the best and they know it.

Actually, I should say Arabs still do this.

Look what arabs did to Levant you gigantic faggot

They destroyed all greco phonecian culture in the middle east

>making another thread because you got laughed at for posting something stupid
Typical jealous shitskin angry that their ancestors were lazy cunts

>through comerce
How the fuck do you think commerce worked back then? There was a fair amount of violence involved, you fucking idiot. Islam has ALWAYS been associated with violence. Also, I said Arab, not Muslim. While arguably closely related, they aren't exactly the same.

I don't think the problem is that "crimes" are taught as regards white people.

Its that those crimes alone are taught. Slavery for instance is taught as uniqely white. It most definitely wasn't. That conquering and colonizing was uniquely white. It most definitely was not. If you really want to pick it all apart then heres what you get.

Slavery, war, expansion... existed for a long time throughout the world. No race has had cross sections that were immune perpetrating this kind of injustice. Yet "white people" (who don't exist unless you need to chastise them) are dealt the complete blame for the crimes of humanity.

It doesn't bother me. I hate humanity. The fact it would operate in such a shallow and obvious manner to deflect its collective crimes on to one race/tribe doesn't surprise me at all. Neither does the theme of your shitty thread.

then why pol complains about kids being put on hormone therapies, multigender pronouns, soyboys, feminism, gay rights, women being whores, cuck shit, atheism, inmigration and other western shit?

Obama went to uganda to promote gay rights meanwhile chinese went to build schools.

You realize white people are literally being told what they’re allowed to do because they’re white at these ‘progressive’ rallies right? That all whites people are racist but it’s ‘not racist’ to be racist against white people? Progressivism is built upon double standards, self-gratifying logic and the idea that all the colored and gay people are inherently morally better than any white person. It glorifies victimization, instead of trying to move ahead and make loves and the quality of life better.

Yes, it’s stupid to teach anyone about something and classify it as ‘white crime.’ Does that make Rwanda ‘black crime?’ I don’t think things need to be classified on racialized terms like that. What are you, msm?

>Events that have formed our world today are now considered heinous crimes

europeans conquered all countries though.

>Landing in a place and coughing it's conquering now.

Because sjw fucktards tried to stir shit up, and they’re still going at it.

>we shouldn't teach kids about the crimes of communism because real communism has never been tried

which happened because of racial hatred and apartheid between tutsis and hutus because it keep them divided and was fostered by europeans during decades?

rwanda was because of white people.

>being aware of white people crimes somehow hurts my feelings.

why do whites complain about migration if they did the same before?

>everybody is equal, one race the human race
>white people conqured the world and forced everybody to trade, and enforced human rights and the abolishment of slavery
>white people are evil, and stole everything

Compare the number of wars done in the last century made by white people versus other races.


Did I say it was perfect? Its the best available. China has escalators that eat people so you can fuck off with using china as an example of a quality culture.

>Islam spread through commerce
>There were few Islamic conquests


I fucking lost it when the progressive snowflakes tried to say this was a racist sign

>did the same
No no no
Whites didnt migrate they invaded and conquered and laid claim to a land populated by Godless savages. And when we settled into OUR land other whites followed laws put in place by OUR people and came here on a boat, passed a health screening, and went to work to build the industrialized, mechanized world we live in now.
Without us you and your shit colored family would still be living in mudhuts and sucking the on the asshole of a cow

Is colombia white?

Asians commit less crime and asia is safer than white countries.

>but muh escalators videos
and yet US has thirld world rates of homicides.

>christianity didn't spread with violence in the americans
>muh double standarts

>genocide is ok because it was done by white people

look at uribe, santos, hames and our goalkeeper.

Maybe is using a proxy to hide or to prove that Latinos are against the white man.

>America has all the homicides
More than half of those are black people. Twelve percent of the population.

>Brings up Christianity
>For no reason other than to hide his absolute retardation


*Breaths in*


It’s not like other cultures haven’t destroyed areas they’re invading. That’s how you conquer something. Ever heard of Genghis Khan?

>We shouldn't teach kids that niggers couldn't even invent a fucking wheel or literature or agriculture.

Africa was better under Apartheid.

What happened? Oh, right: niggers.

How about the historical crimes of the Asian and black races - specifically toward Europe?

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see any of that history in public school textbooks. One sided as fuck.

>white man kills natives
>white man imports nigger slaves to do our work
>white man gets soft and gives rights to nigger slaves so they can attempt to be people too
>170 years later whitey is evil because they gave nigger opportunity to be our equals but still falls flat on their face everytime

Also your "US has third world rates of homicide" comment wouldnt even be close to factual if we werent busy pretending niggers are civilized people

>Asians commit less crime
Maybe according to their numbers
>asia is safer than white countries.
Oh thats complete horseshit and you know it

Let me guess who said it: A woman?

Who even needs those white farmers amirite

doesn't matter, american cities are as dangerous as south american cities or african ones.

So genocide of natives is ok?
then why do whites complain about it?

>never read a book on africa

China didn't conquered europeans.
nor japanese nuked white countries.

>20 black african nations have less crime than the US

japan has less than 400 homicides per year among a 120 million population.

the only genocide i was taught about was the holocaust. we didnt even do that one

Yep, me too.
Change 'white' for any other group and they would have been cheering it on.
The fact they couldn't see the glaring hypocrisy says it all.

>asians commit less crim
I take it mao zedong is an honorary white man according to you

Well we dont share the historical crimes of the commies for that reason it seems considering most young adult Americans get their mind blown about just how bad the ussr was.

Those 20 black african nations have less crime because they dont even have a police force that can record their rampant amounts of crime , because guess what NIGGERS ARE NOT CIVILIZED

OP is a faggot

>literally one post later he reverts from denying to "no u r violent 2"

>people starving because comunism is a dumb ideology is the same as ethnical replacement and destruction of natives race, genetics, demographics and culture

And your point is?
Top dog is top dog

Secondly there has been less wars in the last 100 years then there were before, in the WHOLE world.

If white people have to enforce peace by having a war or two, that doesn't make them evil. Even if it has to do with fucking up a region like the arab world.

Is it white people faults, that the either middle east can only functions under totalitarian regims? I dont see any democracies that function in the middle east, and those that tried got fucked over instaltly

How come Northen european countries can function with a socialist democracy, while middle-eastern cannot, and african struggle HARD.

Any argument that you may have againts white people and their "war like atitunde" only proves that white people are superior, or white people have the best intentions of keeping peace and keeps everybody in chains for their own good.

More crimes, wars, deaths were done at the hands of arabs, muslims as a whole, chinese, central asians then white people have done in the last 2000 years.

The problem isn't that people are made aware of the history of Colonialism. It's that:

1) It is the only history they are taught.
2) There is a strong far-left bias in the way it is taught.

^Both of these things lead to an unbalanced and inaccurate view of history, as well as to anti-White/anti-Western sentiment (which is probably the intention).

If you're really serious about teaching history, then teach all the good and bad things every race/empire/civilization has done, and not just Western civilization. Also, examine how and why Colonialism arose in the first place.

Idiot kids are coming out of Schools and Universities now believing white people are the only ones who have ever done anything morally questionable. "Noble Savage" writ large.

Pic related

I’m pretty sure the only ones who complain about it are progressives with hurt feelings. It’s part and parcel for taking over.


>3% of whites were slave holders
>all whites are guilty

This entire thread can be summed up by this post because we can literally smell the butthurt and jealousy of a cunt whose upset his ancestors didnt conquer the world like mine did

In simpler terms so a sub-human can understand
If i have to slap you to make you stop being a cunt, imma have to slap a couple of times.
Doesn't make me a evil person for slapping you, especially when i just want you to stop being a cunt and murdering people, enslaving people and just come "lets trade" its good for both of us

Genocides have never happened, they are physically impossible.

>he stills thinks this meme is legit when there's not evidence to back it up
I guess ghana has no police then.

why don't white people keep their politics in their shitty sharia states and feel forced to tell africans and muslims how to run things.

What if for some reason africans and muslims don't want democracy nor western values?

africans rather become like chinese than following european models.


Here's your (you), start citing sourcea

>majority of whites who did own slaves,bought them from african tribe leaders

Forgot this part too

Do you know what people think about your country, Columbia? Nothing. Maybe if you spent half as much time improving yourself as you do thinking about 'evil whitey' your biggest export wouldn't be cartel torture videos.

>japan has less than 400 homicides per year among a 120 million population.
Yeah and guess how many of those 120 million are black.

Muslims don’t, that’s true; they want to conquer the west you moron. Ever heard of Dabiq? Muslims views can’t co-exist with a western world.

>it's a meme because I can't prove him wrong
Also 20 African countries just turned into just Ghana in a single post so whew lad

Here in America I wasn’t taught anything about Columbia other than it exists and a lot of people have heard of the drug cartels.

t. butthurt mestizo it's a shame smallpox didn't wipe out 100% of you. You should be thankful to us for civilizing your people and giving you the blessing of improved genetics with superior moorish and castillian genes.

>What if for some reason africans and muslims don't want democracy nor western values?

Absolutely fine by me. Why are you assuming any of us here want to be involved in non-White/non-Western countries?

I mean you've come to perhaps the main place on the internet where intervention in the middle-east is roundly condemned as "Israeli foreign policy" to tell us we should keep out of the middle-east.

Most of us would love nothing more than to have absolutely no involvement with the ME or Africa at all.


europeans conquered every other nation though.

>being aware of white colonialism is somehow bad because it hurts my feelings
>but they're genociding us (which has not evidence)

white people will become 5% of world population in 20 years.
40% of white people are older than 45 years old.
Europe is 40% non white taking into account younger than 35 milenials.
America is 52% non white taking into account small kids.

Not retard, maybe other civilizations don't want to become western.

shocking, isn't?


we don't have a reason to be relevant nor we are at risk of being ethnically replaced by foreign cultures.

20 black african countries have less homicide rates than the US.

check ghana and madagascar and burkina fasso homicide rates.

and western faggots want to force their shitty culture to africa.
why do muslims want to belong to a civilization that promotes trasgender and gay garbage and women being whores and drug use and aids bugchasers?

ghana, burkina fasso, seycheles, madagascar have less homicides than the US.

your politicians go to africa to tell africans to accept gay people when 98% of ugandas want to kill gays.

hell, my shitty country is trying to copy europe progressive ideals.


Wew lad did you just claim Islam didnt spread through conquest? You are a historically illiterate retard

>ghana, burkina fasso, seycheles, madagascar have less homicides than the US.
>irrelevant small countries

Homicides per 100.000 people. Do it now and give data. If those countries even have 100k people
Otherwise you are a faggot for not proving your claims

>can only list 4
>le white people are gonna be outbred meme
See this is what happens when you argue with so many people at once
Everyone tells you your wrong and you keep saying things that keep proving your wrong and stupid

mad colonial rape babby

>The ‘peaceful’ spread of Islam
Guess we’ll ignore all the Muslim terror attacks on other Muslims who have different interpretations on holy text then eh? The ME has the most terror attacks in the world you know.

>The west is interfering
If it were up to me America would be back in isolationism. We have no reason to help ungrateful bigots who just call us the bad guy after we try and help them out with anything. God forbid you try and make your situations better on your own. I don’t give a damn about the ME except for the fact they’re bothering us.

>my shitty country is trying to copy europe progressive ideals.

Following your logic, this is your fault.

Because if the actions of Western politicians/governments are my fault, then the actions of your government are your fault.

Or perhaps we could both recognize we each don't like many of the things our governments do, and while we may try to push back against them in our own ways, we have limited power to stop them.

This so much, his Mediterranean, European and Moroccan ancestors are rolling in their graves.

not all of islam spread was through military conquest retard.

and muslims allowed christians and jews to live among them peacefully in their golden age.


read a book.


the US is a literal shithole compared to ghana.
and ghana is a 25 million black country.


There's 124 countries safer than the US.

>all muslims are wahabist
wew, I love being a retard.

latinoamerica is part of western civilization retard.

You still havent addressed that the US is only "unsafe" because niggers are more than half of our homicides
>13% of the population commits over half of our crimes

>US is a shithole compared to Ghana
>Ghana has more murder rates per 100k people than america

You fucked yourself over

I think he abandoned that argument as it was indefensible.

So much stupid in one post i can hardly take it. We know you're motivated in this thread only by your own projected envy of us superior westerners and it must bug you terribly that you are simply inferior due to your poor mayan genetics and your nation is on par with used toilet paper when it comes to its finer qualities.

Can't you simply be a bigger man than that? Wouldn't it improve your life to ignore such folly and petty emotions and instead look to improving your miserable place in life, perhaps one day you too can immigrate to nation of your betters, like Argentina or Chile and lead a prosperous life of contentment and wealth.

>europeans conquered every other nation though

Many of them, sure. But only because of the technological advantage of the industrial revolution in Europe.

Again, have a long look at all the empires on that time-map i posted.

Every single one of them would have conquered as much of the world as possible if they'd had the technology to do so.

Every single one of them engaged in warfare, conquest, slaughter and slavery.

It's human behavior, rather than specifically Western behavior. It just so happened that our empires came along at a time when the technology existed to expand into much of the globe.

I lost it

It would be real fortunate if the west met more peaceful muslims then. All the news coverage has us fooled into thinking they’re violent and their women aren’t even half a man. They can drive in Saudi Arabia now though if I remember right? Too bad they still aren’t supposed to leave the house without a man. Maybe that’s slated for their next victory.

Don't worry Colombian friend.

The whites are losing the fight, we shall teach our mixed race children what we like in the schools soon enough :)

>w-whites are the most viiolent!

>latinoamerica is part of western civilization retard

Nope. You're barely a civilization, let alone a Western one.

Stupidest faggot alive rh

dumb frogposter

Then your not punishing the crime. Your punishing success.

What you have to understand is that the kind of morality that society presently adheres too (which is only derivative of the conveniences of modern life) would have been completely foreign to humans as far back as these things took place. Even someone from say 40-50 years ago would scratch their head at current social morality.

What history was for its entirety was closer to (not to sound cheesy) what you see on the walking dead. Nobody really trusted anybody. Death was a very visible fact of life, out in the open and was everywhere. The world was extremely violent. Those who didn't become monsters would simply become the victim of other monsters.

Yet these lace curtain micro dicked liberals apply modern morality/sensibility to the interpretive teaching go history. Its easily reject-able by anyone with the slightest bit of critical thinking.

...and I'll let you in on another secret. When the left uses diversity and racism and white supremacy they are just using them as tools in the same war for control thats been going on forever. They instead fight the war of ideas and propaganda as opposed to the war of guns and bombs. Nothing has changed about war or the desire for control except that human communication has evolved rapidly and the war has moved onto a communication/information battlefield.

The fuck are you talking about? That's ALL they teach in school

Fine, tell them about what we have done but make sure to mention that if white people were never like they were then modern society would be a few centuries late.

This same congolombian was on int and posted a thread similar to this one. Reckon his ass is on fire due to being a non white

>no retard, maybe other civilizations want to abuse humans rights, be cunts and rape, murder and destory anything that makes us us.

Listen retard, nature is not fair.
If white people wanted to be like subhumans there wouldn't be any chinks or niggers in the world. As we would whipe everything that isn't white.

Lets put things in perspective
If you have a dog, you will beat it a couple times until it learns NOT TOO POOP IN THE HOUSE.

Similar how to white people, are beating the shit out of subhumans to teach them to CIVILIZED

this beaner is really starting to fucking annoy me

Someone here sure has an inferiority complex.